Bass.dll instead of FMod.dll?

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Bass.dll instead of FMod.dll?

Post by insertwackynamehere »

I am making a mappack for Skulltag and for one of the maps, I wanted to use music created by Skaven ( I emailed him, and he replied granting me permission. I emailed him back thanking him, and we ended up sending a few emails back and forth. In one email he recommended bass.dll instead of fmod.dll saying that it was better at playing mods than fmod.dll He did point out that it may use more CPU power also, however. I am not familiar with the code of the ZDoom engine, but I told him I'd post something about it. I have had occasional problems playing tracker mods in ZDoom, where they go really out of sync, and loop in really weird patterns, not like they are meant to. Anyway here's his quote:
I would like to recommend BASS.DLL, which is also free for noncommercial productions.

Why? Because it plays most tracker songs more correctly than FMod. On the other hand, FMod probably uses less CPU.

One advantage of BASS.DLL is that it allows you to play MO3 songs - which are tracker songs whose samples have been MP3/OGG packed. This can shrink the song size down to 10% of the original, especially if CD quality stereo samples have been used.
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

Randy already said No the last time this was suggested.
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Post by randi »

If you have a MOD that plays incorrectly with FMOD, the best thing to do is to e-mail with the module and what is wrong with it. They can't fix what they don't know about.

And my problems with BASS: It's DirectSound only, so it sucks for NT 4 (though most people have probably upgraded from that by now). It's also Windows-only, so there is zero cross-platform portability. FMOD may be closed binary, but at least it isn't Windows-only.

MO3 is also a proprietary format that can only be used with BASS. FMOD has a tool that can compress the samples in an XM using Ogg Vorbis, and unlike MO3, it's a standard XM file with compressed samples. I was able to add support for it to MikMod 3.something (the version on SourceForge, not the version on the MikMod homepage) with little trouble.
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Post by Xaser »

IIRC, the music for Cyb's Void used that special compressed XM trick, so it works fine.

On another note, that's pretty cool that you were actually able to talk to Skaven. His songs rule so much it's almost dangerous. :P
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Post by insertwackynamehere »

yeah I know, I was excited too :D Skaven is awesome ;D

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