GAA1992 wrote:LossForWords wrote:looks perfect in my opinion. btw do you have plans on adding a quick melee button/kick button?
Not gonna lie, i thought about a quick machete and a quick TNT button, probably with the user keys. Wouldn't it be too outta place?
TheEternalStruggler wrote:GAA1992 wrote:i was thinking on something like this:
But those Cage sprites are pure gold too.
I think it looks nice. Either one looks nice. Ultimately, it's your decision; but I think that if you're to choose a pump-action shotgun sprite set... choose the one that has the most OOMPH to it. You know? Like the one that has a nice weighty feel to it when you fire it and it looks satisfying as well.
I don't know. I'm not really a weapons modder or anything like that. I'm just a gamer who likes to play Doom with mods.

With so many shotgun sprites, i think this one made by jazzmaster9 and zrrion the insect has the best balance around. It's a old trench gun, it looks clean and beautiful, and fits caleb vintage taste. Let's try it as an add-on and see what happens!
Thematically it looks like it fits.
I think it'll be a kickass addon!

Definitely looking forward to it!
Oh and a future idea sort of, I was thinking... what if there was an Ebony & Ivory type weapon? Like as a replacement for the Berettas, you had two 1911s, one is silver-coloured, and the other is black-coloured?
No? Just an idea I suppose. I was just thinking since Caleb reminds me of Alucard, it'd be pretty neat.