[wiki] Some standard visual warning that something is ACS

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[wiki] Some standard visual warning that something is ACS

Post by Matt »

...and not ZScript?

I just made the same mistake twice in a row on this article.

Something with a clearly distinct shape and colour would be really nice.
Blue Shadow
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Re: [wiki] Some standard visual warning that something is AC

Post by Blue Shadow »

At the bottom of the page of the function, there's a category: "ACS Actor functions". Yes, it's not a massive flashy sign, but it's good enough to tell from it that the function is ACS-related.

And by the way, I've hidden the shouty note you put there. It can be seen still, but only when editing the page.
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Re: [wiki] Some standard visual warning that something is AC

Post by Rachael »

Indeed, all-caps and bold is hugely inappropriate for a wiki article.

A far superior alternative is a Wikipedia-style info box on the right stating in what context the function can be used, along with other helpful stats such as argument count and return type, if any can be thought of.
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