FamiliarDoom [Beta13]

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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5]

Post by krokots »

kadu522 wrote:This is actualy not a bug. i got him around map 2-3 and he had 2-3 extra lvs with smart built in
Oh, that's OK then, lol. I thought that was a drop. How the heck did you level him so much? :shock:
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5]

Post by krokots »

krokots wrote:
kadu522 wrote:This is actualy not a bug. i got him around map 2-3 and he had 2-3 extra lvs with smart built in
Oh, that's OK then, lol. I thought that was a drop. How the heck did you level him so much? :shock:
Well never mind, I guess maybe the EXP curve should be steeper, I'll going to take a look at this at some point.
Ah fuck, I replied to myself. I meant an edit.
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5]

Post by kadu522 »

krokots wrote:
krokots wrote:
kadu522 wrote:This is actualy not a bug. i got him around map 2-3 and he had 2-3 extra lvs with smart built in
Oh, that's OK then, lol. I thought that was a drop. How the heck did you level him so much? :shock:
Well never mind, I guess maybe the EXP curve should be steeper, I'll going to take a look at this at some point.
Ah fuck, I replied to myself. I meant an edit.
With constant Training and love :wub:

After they get their first combat related trait the odds go pretty much their favor. also i had Defence at 20 but it does not = 100% Damage resist aparently?
Whatever. it takes so lite damage that is not even a problem lol.

But have you are considerd puting stat caps? Defence 20 is pretty much the max regarding how % works
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5]

Post by krokots »

kadu522 wrote:
With constant Training and love :wub:

After they get their first combat related trait the odds go pretty much their favor. also i had Defence at 20 but it does not = 100% Damage resist aparently?
Whatever. it takes so lite damage that is not even a problem lol.

But have you are considerd puting stat caps? Defence 20 is pretty much the max regarding how % works
I really did not expect anyone to get to Defense 20...so that's that. Well, that definitely is going to change now. Not sure how, but I got an idea (the higher the defense, the lower % it gives). And yes, right now, Defense 20 right now means invulnerability, at least, that what it should do.
BTW I already added new attribute : Accuracy, and I am thinking about adding Resistances as a separate thing, not trait related.
BTW 2 - trait related damage (eg. flames from infernal) dont give XP, this is intentional

Also, what are your thoughts on these traits your familiar had? I myself did not test traits too much, so they may be more and less useful ones.
And right now if you will play more, I suggest to set EXP gain to "Slow"
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5]

Post by kadu522 »

All of them where usefull. even infernal

Even if infernal does not give EXP it does hit stun the crap of your enemys.

Chilling and tounting is a Great combo. Tounting is good on its own and chilling requires that you familiar goes into the fight but with tounting the fight goes for you.

I picked fire resistance becuse it made sense and the other 2 traits where not interesting for me but it definaly did not get much use.

Supercharged and Quad damage are Really great traits expecialy when comboed.

Invisibility and ilusionist are good defencive traits

Poisunus however i don't see how much of a efect it does... its doing something. it has the visual efects but unless i put something like monster-scouter.pk3 on i can't realy tell what it is doing

Telekinetic IS usefull... if you familiar is not a "Killing machine" like this is. LOL
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5]

Post by krokots »

Thanks for the info. I actually thought that from of all of them, poisonous is the strongest. Probably I need to get the effect of poison to be a bit more visible. Poison just damages constantly enemies but without stunning, so it may not be so visible, but there are green skulls when poison is active. I think with DamNums you get to see the poison damage.
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5]

Post by Funky Gnoll »

Found a few more bugs and other issues

-Dropping familiar while Invulnerability is in effect will crash the game
-Tesla seems to be targeting corpses, Gassy clouds, and mirror images?
-You left some debug messages in, lol. Chilling and Tesla both display messages when they activate
-Punchy will force monsters away from Gassy clouds. Intentional?
-Despite your earlier posts to the contrary, I think Gassy clouds are giving experience for damage
-Teleporting trait is cool on paper but in practice leads to the familiar jumping to your side when you really just want them to stay and fight

not so much a bug as an annoyance, but holy moly getting Afrits to kill for you is an exercise in patience :P

I hope you don't add Accuracy as an attribute for familiars without ranged attacks! On a similar note, Aggression seems like it'd be useless for anything that has only melee attacks :P
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5]

Post by krokots »

Funky Gnoll wrote:Found a few more bugs and other issues

-Dropping familiar while Invulnerability is in effect will crash the game
-Tesla seems to be targeting corpses, Gassy clouds, and mirror images?
-You left some debug messages in, lol. Chilling and Tesla both display messages when they activate
-Punchy will force monsters away from Gassy clouds. Intentional?
-Despite your earlier posts to the contrary, I think Gassy clouds are giving experience for damage
-Teleporting trait is cool on paper but in practice leads to the familiar jumping to your side when you really just want them to stay and fight

not so much a bug as an annoyance, but holy moly getting Afrits to kill for you is an exercise in patience :P

I hope you don't add Accuracy as an attribute for familiars without ranged attacks! On a similar note, Aggression seems like it'd be useless for anything that has only melee attacks :P
Thanks for info, I'll look into it as soon as I finish the new resistance system. Accuracy will, for melee only monsters, increase their melee range. For others, it will decrease hitscan spread and speed up projectiles.
And as for Afrits, unfortunately these use some weird AI, this is possible the only monster I've ever seen that don't use A_Chase, instead, got his own function. Fortunately, I already planned to changed Afrit's AI so he will be behaving as "good" as other monsters.
I may add some additions for Melee only monsters from Aggression.
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5]

Post by kadu522 »

I noticed something that i think is a bug.

Maps that include pistol starts that are not the usual Kill player will make so that you lose all of your inventory even the permanent Halfrevive and you don't get to roll a starter summon again.

Try Joy of maping 4,Dump 3 & 2 and Alfonzone for exemples
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5 / 6a]

Post by krokots »

You mean, maps when you are scripted to die?

I updated to version 6a, but I had no time to test, so I did not remove previous version. 6a adds Accuracy, Resistances (similar to traits - you gain a point for 5 levels), changes to Aggresiveness on melee monsters, and more fixes (see changelog).
Next update I'll do something with Defense, Afrits & I'm thinking about adding a little XP penalty for wounded familiars - so they gain a little less XP.

As for "Teleporting" trait, it is not for more independent familiars. If you want them to go and clear map by themselves, you should not pick this trait. It is for people that want their familiars to be close to them all the time.

Edit. And I forgot to put a cap on resistance points, but that does not matter, you still can't get higher resistances than 100.
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5 / 6a]

Post by kadu522 »

The one that you die still work fine. the ones that inforce pistol start is what is causing the problem.
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5 / 6a]

Post by -Ghost- »

Would there be a way to add a random setting for amount of familiar drops? It'd be nice to have it go between 1 and some higher number so on the longer maps you might still get some sort of drop.

Kind of feels like melee only familiars are at a big disadvantage as well. They tend to have not much more HP/defense than the ranged ones, except they can't fight back on a lot of maps well unless they're basic without a lot of gorges, weird platforms, etc. Would them getting a little XP from player kills help? They tend to either level quickly or not at all. Afrits and wizards seem a little bugged too, since I've seen them just float in place doing nothing. It's really hard to hit the flying familiars with the healing potions as well, maybe a bigger AOE for them or something?
Last edited by -Ghost- on Sun Jan 07, 2018 2:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5 / 6a]

Post by Funky Gnoll »

I tried placing the "move here" point on the sky and the game crashed
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5 / 6a]

Post by krokots »

Haha, holy crap. OK that will be fixed too.

Ghost - not sure what you mean with the drop setting. There is already an option to change between 1 and 4 familiar drops per level (not guaranteed though, just a hard cap not to have too many familiars per level)
Familiars are just monsters, I haven't changed their stats so they are "vanilla" style, I may buff some monsters if they are acting shitty. But still some monsters will be worse than others, and you just might want to change familiar to some other. I may lower the XP bar for some melee ones, but I need to play with them first. Afrits have bugged AI, but Wizards are fine, I actually played with a wizard and he acted normally. And for the potions, I am planning to make them AOE, I agree, they are a bit too hard to hit sometimes.

Next time I'll play with a Golem or Ettin, see how they're behavin in the field :wink:
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5 / 6a]

Post by Funky Gnoll »

Golems are pretty sad for something that's supposed to be a living statue. Maybe they should get upgraded to Nitrogolems after gaining enough levels, or something.

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