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I almost speechless, don't know what to say... This wad is so filled with love and dedication to a good girl Kate. Oh, the secret on the map02 is a thing too...
Sadly I can't make it past the arena on map03 Any hints?
PS Jimmy, stay strong and I hope it supports you to know that we all share this grief with you at least a little. This wad definetely made her "immortal" in out minds.
The idea is to leave them alive and get them to boost you up onto the nearby platforms with switches while your invulnerability is still active
Yes, I know the trick This part of the wad reminds me an old wad where you need to use some game engine "tricks" to progress. And yes, there was that trick too.
Again, awesome!
Probably going to lost some late bump, but when i choosing a difficulty in the difficulty section, i wondered why i can't select Nightmare one. And after thinking what happened so far... I realized why and brought tears in my eyes.
So yeah. Nice touch. And there are should be NO more nightmares.
I tend to visit zdoom every couple of months or so to see if anything cool or interesting happened, if there are any new mods or cool developments. But I saw this project on the board and I thought oh cool, this is going to be dope! Then I actually opened it and felt shitty all day. I've been lurking since 2006 and I've always looked up to Kate. She seemed really cool and she made a bunch of really cool stuff, she was one of the people here who the community really lent itself to. I'm cripplingly shy, I wanted to try to make friends with her but I never got the nerve. She will be sorely missed, and definitely won't be forgotten. I didn't know her but I really, really wish I did.
Jimmy, thank you for sharing this, although short, this is a great tribute. I hope this wasn't hard to put together and I hope you're doing alright.
I finally played through this a week or two ago and had a knot in my stomach by the end. Clearly this came from the heart and I wasn't sure how to comment for fear of anything I said feeling like empty words. I can only imagine where your head has been at this past few weeks, but if this is what you need to do to get through, keep at it.
I didn't know Kate personally, but I remember her being around (particularly during the hilarity surrounding Squishybrick's infamous Monster Bag project - seriously one of my favourite LP's of all time), and between her posts and YT videos she did come across as really charming and funny. I'm sure she'd have loved this. I know I do.
This is truly heartbreaking, I don't know what to say. I teared up when I saw the birthday cake and honestly I still have tears in my eyes. I'm lying, I'm crying. All I can do is make a video for you and Kate. I'm so sorry. I'd go back to find the secret message but it feels too personal like it's not for me to read.
*sniffs* Jimmy, you are to be commended. I never even had the chance to talk to her in being in and out of the community, but your tribute project here showed me all I needed know of how genuinely loving and caring a person she was... You managed to make a complete stranger in me cry who'd never even had a chance to talk with her. Don't worry Jimmy, she is with God now, safe in His loving Arms, and He's making up to her now all the opportunities this mean world withheld from her. She's somewhere now where there there is no more crying, no more pain, and no more tears, where all those have passed away and are no more. To join her, we just have to LOVE others as SHE LOVED, and CARE as SHE CARED, and we will surely be where SHE IS when our time comes as well to breathe our last. AMEN! HALLELUJAH!!
I hate to bump an old thread like this, but I played this map set and honestly, it was both heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. I can tell that each of these maps were lovingly created and that you put lots of effort into making them special and unique.
RIP Kate, I never knew her and I wasn't even part of the online doom community during the time that the events leading to her demise transpired, but judging from what I have read during the last few hours I can tell that she was an amazing person and that many people loved her. I also hope that those who were affected by her passing went on to recover emotionally and move on from this traumatizing event