[ZScript] DropItem Amount Changed To ReadOnly?

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[ZScript] DropItem Amount Changed To ReadOnly?

Post by Lycanite »

I currently use this class to map cvars to random monster spawners so that I can pick and choose what groups of monsters spawner via cvars.

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class CVARRandomSpawner : RandomSpawner
	override void BeginPlay()
		int cvarAmountMin = 15;
		int cvarAmountMax = 19;
		string cvarAmountMap[20];
		cvarAmountMap[15] = 'spawners_nephrite';
		cvarAmountMap[16] = 'spawners_doom';
		cvarAmountMap[17] = 'spawners_heretic';
		cvarAmountMap[18] = 'spawners_hexen';
		cvarAmountMap[19] = 'spawners_blood';
		DropItem dropIter = GetDropItems();
		string lastNonCvarDrop = "";
		while (dropIter != null)
			if (dropIter.Amount >= cvarAmountMin && dropIter.Amount <= cvarAmountMax)
				CVar amountCvar = CVar.FindCVar(cvarAmountMap[dropIter.Amount]);
				int amount = amountCvar.GetInt();
				dropIter.Amount = amount;
				lastNonCvarDrop = dropIter.Name;
			dropIter = dropIter.Next;
		Super.BeginPlay ();
But it seems that Amount is now read only in the latest builds so I can no longer change it on this line

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dropIter.Amount = amount;
What's the workaround for this or is there a better way to do this in general?
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Re: [ZScript] DropItem Amount Changed To ReadOnly?

Post by Lycanite »

So in the end I decided just to copy the BeginPlay from the RandomSpawner class and just modify it from there, seems to work well again.

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class CVARRandomSpawner : RandomSpawner
	override void BeginPlay()
		DropItem di;   // di will be our drop item list iterator
		DropItem drop; // while drop stays as the reference point.
		int n = 0;
		bool nomonsters = sv_nomonsters || level.nomonsters;

		drop = di = GetDropItems();
		if (di != null)
			while (di != null)
				if (di.Name != 'None')
					if (!nomonsters || !IsMonster(di))
						int amt = getCVARAmount (di.Amount);
						if (amt < 0) amt = 1; // default value is -1, we need a positive value.
						n += amt; // this is how we can weight the list.
					di = di.Next;
			if (n == 0)
			{ // Nothing left to spawn. They must have all been monsters, and monsters are disabled.
			// Then we reset the iterator to the start position...
			di = drop;
			// Take a random number...
			n = random[randomspawn](0, n-1);
			// And iterate in the array up to the random number chosen.
			while (n > -1 && di != null)
				if (di.Name != 'None' &&
					(!nomonsters || !IsMonster(di)))
					int amt = getCVARAmount (di.Amount);
					if (amt < 0) amt = 1;
					n -= amt;
					if ((di.Next != null) && (n > -1))
						di = di.Next;
						n = -1;
					di = di.Next;
			// So now we can spawn the dropped item.
			if (di == null || bouncecount >= MAX_RANDOMSPAWNERS_RECURSION)	// Prevents infinite recursions
				Spawn("Unknown", Pos, NO_REPLACE);		// Show that there's a problem.
			else if (random[randomspawn]() <= di.Probability)	// prob 255 = always spawn, prob 0 = almost never spawn.
				// Handle replacement here so as to get the proper speed and flags for missiles
				Class<Actor> cls = di.Name;
				if (cls != null)
					Class<Actor> rep = GetReplacement(cls);
					if (rep != null)
						cls = rep;
				if (cls != null)
					Species = Name(cls);
					readonly<Actor> defmobj = GetDefaultByType(cls);
					Speed = defmobj.Speed;
					bMissile |= defmobj.bMissile;
					bSeekerMissile |= defmobj.bSeekerMissile;
					bSpectral |= defmobj.bSpectral;
					A_Log(TEXTCOLOR_RED .. "Unknown item class ".. di.Name .." to drop from a cvar random spawner\n");
					Species = 'None';
	int getCVARAmount (int amt)
		int cvarAmountMin = 15;
		int cvarAmountMax = 19;
		string cvarAmountMap[20];
		cvarAmountMap[15] = 'spawners_nephrite';
		cvarAmountMap[16] = 'spawners_doom';
		cvarAmountMap[17] = 'spawners_heretic';
		cvarAmountMap[18] = 'spawners_hexen';
		cvarAmountMap[19] = 'spawners_blood';
		if (amt >= cvarAmountMin && amt <= cvarAmountMax)
			CVar amountCvar = CVar.FindCVar(cvarAmountMap[amt]);
			amt = amountCvar.GetInt();
		return amt;
I suppose I should look into adding my own struct or something which can hold more information rather than using the amount as a hack, but this works for now!

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