[Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge [Released]

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[Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge [Released]

Post by Rachael »

Officially released

So this is an idea I came up with, and I pitched it in Discord and it seemed people were interested.

Basically, the idea is taken from the original 20 Monsters Challenge and translated to Heretic.

Project Managers:
Rachael, Gutawer, Lud

Zero X. Diamond
Elm Yin
Crazy Toni
President People
Marisa Kirisame
- Slots are available, sign up now!

Beta Testers:
- I will be asking for those, as well, soon!

Raven Software
Captain Toenail
Evil Space Tomato

Other Credits:
Menu Title graphic: Lud
New HUD graphics and coding: Lud
Decoration compilation: Zero X. Diamond

  • Only 20 monsters per map. Period.
  • Max 1 boss monster of any type (i.e. Lich, Maulator) and only one of these may be used. Because of all the special setup required for him to work properly, D'Sparil is not allowed.
  • A maximum of 5 of your 20 monsters may be higher tier (i.e. fireball imps, ghost revenants, ghost and/or "leader" golems). If you include a boss this goes down to 4.
  • (UPDATE: The above rule was changed) Your map needs to be beatable without cheats. If you pit the player against tough monsters, give them tough weapons to match.
  • Stealth monsters are not allowed. Ghost monsters are.
  • Any monsters that spawn in later, or are respawned in any way, also count towards the 20. So if you place a revenant, and it respawns, that counts as 2.
  • No custom monsters are allowed
  • Custom music and custom textures are fair game, as long as they fit into a fantasy/sorcery/Heretic theme.
  • Custom decorations are allowed, as long as there's not many of them that need to be included. (Probably a max of one or two custom decoration definitions per map, but once they're in they can be used as much as you like) They must also fit the fantasy/sorcery/Heretic theme, and may include sounds of their own.
  • The maps must be compatible with GZDoom. They can be in any format that GZDoom runs (Heretic, Hexen, or UDMF).
  • ACS scripts are permitted
  • No instant-death traps unless they are obvious (preferably marked) and easily avoidable.
  • Maps will follow a Doom2-episodic format, and will be named MAP##. However you can name your map whatever you want while editing (like E1M1) it will be renamed when the official map slot order is decided (which will be when I have an idea of what everyone's map themes will be).
  • More to be determined, as people find ways to abuse the system. ;)
All maps must be submitted and completed by December 28, 2017 at 23:59 UTC. Anyone who is late will forfeit their slot. (This gives 3 weeks)

How to claim a slot:
Simply sign up in this thread. We like in-progress works. We're not going to limit the number of people who can join, however depending on how many do we may limit the number of maps per person as needed to keep the project manageable.

Any questions?
Ask here, or ask in the Discord chat!

Additional resources:
  • Decorations: https://www.mediafire.com/file/d5l3530p ... _props.pk3

    Zero X. Diamond compiled these from multiple sources:
    Zero X. Diamond wrote:It's a semi-official prop pack for the project and I went way the hell overboard on its contents. Pretty much everything backported from Hexen, as well as most things from Shadowcaster, some applicable props from Blood, Necrodome, MARS 3D and Quarantine 2, and some add-on props from Mor'ladim. Good lord. Everyone download this goddamned thing.
  • Textures: https://mega.nz/#!wN9FUCDK!b3Pb_j7szNcd ... EjwVB1nEh0

    Uses the following texture packs from Realm667:
    • Heretic II
    • Hexen II
    • Medieval Textures
    • Shadowcaster Textures
    • Baker's Legacy
    Hopefully I'll be able to figure out which textures no one uses and prune them out in the final release, but for now this should hopefully make it so no one will actually NEED additional custom textures (they're still allowed though).
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Re: [Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge

Post by Zero X. Diamond »

Damn you, Rachael! You know I can't resist a 20 Monsters Community Project!!
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Re: [Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge

Post by Mor'Ladim »

I'm in. I've always wanted to make a public release map for Heretic! Especially since my first id/Raven Software game was Heretic rather than Doom.
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Re: [Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge

Post by lwks »

Oh boy here we go...I'm in dude
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Re: [Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge

Post by Rachael »

Neat! Got you all up on the first post. :)
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Re: [Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge

Post by lwks »

Ask here, or ask in the Discord chat!
I was about to ask where do we need to deliver the stuff and then I had a sudden revalation. DO WE HAVE A OFFICIAL DISCORD CHAT?
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Re: [Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge

Post by Rachael »

I'm using ZDoom's for now, don't see much reason/point to make my own. If you post or PM me your Discord ID I can send you a server invite.
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Re: [Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge

Post by Accensus »

Ya bunch of heretics. :P

Just stopping by to say it's real good to see more community projects. I support this. Best of luck to all of you!

Also gg on doing it in the last moment if you plan on releasing it for Xmas - I can clearly see the inspiration from 20MCP, and, well, you're doing it right! :D

Again, wishing you all the best.
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Re: [Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge

Post by lil'devil »

I'm in. I took part in the original 20 Monsters Challenge and really liked it, so I definitely want to participate in this one. I've also never mapped for Heretic before, so this is going to be something new to me.

Honestly, I new someone would eventually create a CP similar to 20 Monsters, and it happened!

Rachael wrote: Any questions?
Ask here, or ask in the Discord chat!
If only there was a link to the Discord chat..
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Re: [Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge

Post by Mikk- »

Rachael wrote:I'm using ZDoom's for now, don't see much reason/point to make my own. If you post or PM me your Discord ID I can send you a server invite.
Never hurts to read a little more :wink:
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Re: [Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge

Post by isaacpop23 »

I liked the original 20 monsters project, so I'll opt in for this one as well. Hopefully my map won't be quite as dull this time around. Heretic mapping can't be that much harder than Doom mapping right?
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Re: [Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge

Post by lwks »

isaacpop23 wrote:Heretic mapping can't be that much harder than Doom mapping right?
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Re: [Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge

Post by RUNSABER »

YES!! I've been waiting for an inviting community project! The last time I remember mapping for GZ was back in '09 and I was only 16! I can't wait to see what I can do with all the features that have been streamlined since long ago - sign me up as Elm Yin please! I might request a global username change to suit
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Re: [Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge

Post by Rachael »

RUNSABER wrote:as Elm Yin please! I might request a global username change to suit
Just say the word and that can easily happen.
(I can take care of it on the 3DGE forums too, if you need)
Community Guidelines wrote:Before you ask, though, please be absolutely certain that you really want your name changed, and that you won't want to switch back in a week. It is worth noting that people can find your old name by finding any old posts of yours that other users have quoted. Also, don't assume that changing your name is going to clear you of any bad reputation or embarrassing events in your past.
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Re: [Community Project] The 20 Heretics Challenge

Post by Rachael »

Got y'all in the first post! Thanks! Keep em coming! :D

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