Custom HUD not animating in Widescreen

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Custom HUD not animating in Widescreen

Post by LanHikariDS »

I'm attempting to add a custom HUD to a project I've been working on, and I've made two duplicates of the same HUD with different horizontal offsets: Normal for 4:3 screens, and Fullscreen for 16:9 screens, and the 4:3 HUD works perfectly fine, but for whatever reason, in the 16:9 HUD if the player has less than 100 health, the health bar completely disappears, until the player reachieves 100 health, disappearing again when hurt.

Code: Select all

statusbar fullscreen, forcescaled
	// basic layout
	DrawImage "Thermom", -45, 50;	
	DrawMugshot 5, -53, 167;
	// health and armor bars
	DrawBar "ThermFW", "ThermEW", Health, vertical, interpolate(8), 8, 51;
	DrawNumber 3, DIGIFONT_SMALL, DoomNukemStatusBarGreen, Health, Alignment(left), fillzeros, -30, 154;
	//DrawBar "ArmorFul", "ArmorEmp", Armor, horizontal, interpolate(8), 102, 44;
	DrawNumber 3, DIGIFONT_SMALL, DoomNukemStatusBarGreen, Armor, Alignment(left), fillzeros, -30, 160;
statusbar normal, forcescaled
	// basic layout
	DrawImage "Thermom", 8, 50;	
	DrawMugshot 5, 0, 167;
	// health and armor bars
	DrawBar "ThermFu", "ThermEm", Health, vertical, interpolate(8), 8, 51;
	DrawNumber 3, DIGIFONT_SMALL, DoomNukemStatusBarGreen, Health, Alignment(left), fillzeros, 23, 154;
	//DrawBar "ArmorFul", "ArmorEmp", Armor, horizontal, interpolate(8), 102, 44;
	DrawNumber 3, DIGIFONT_SMALL, DoomNukemStatusBarGreen, Armor, Alignment(left), fillzeros, 23, 160;
Before, I had the same graphics as 4:3 and different offsets in the SBARINFO, but now I'm using different copies of the same graphics, and the "W" copies are offset within the graphics themselves. Both methods produced the same results. Four screenshots are present here, of the two states of both HUDs
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Re: Custom HUD not animating in Widescreen

Post by LanHikariDS »

Nothing? Nobody?
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Re: Custom HUD not animating in Widescreen

Post by AFADoomer »

You'll probably need to post at least the HUD portion of your mod. Otherwise people are going to just be guessing at what's wrong... The tiny snippet of SBARINFO that you posted isn't really enough to tell anything.
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Re: Custom HUD not animating in Widescreen

Post by LanHikariDS »

Well, that's the entire SBARINFO, but I'll cut it and upload it
EDIT: ... =wwhud.pk3 The HUD in question
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Re: Custom HUD not animating in Widescreen

Post by LanHikariDS »

Huh, odd. I just tested this in ZDoom, and both modes operate fine, but in Zandronum, the 16:9 mode still doesn't work...

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