[v3.1.1] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

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Should I nerf fire based weapons like Dragon's Breath and Napalmkraftwerk?

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Re: [v1.2] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by erni945 »

D3athStalker wrote:Yay, update: https://mega.nz/#!Jh5gwbDI!tj35BeOwzMQl ... V5Y7wY9i7A
Alternate: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rckslf1af ... e-v1.2.pk3

- Added an upgrade system, all weapons have up to 3 upgradable parts (ammunition, internals and magazine) with the exceprion of BFG, DMG and Gatling. Upgrade kits rarely spawn in place of ammo packs.
- Revamped Autocannon; now it's called NapalmKraftWerk, uses napalm instead of slugs, it's more fire-based and has a new fire sound.
- Reaper is changed with Grimmhammer, which is pretty much the big brother of Schockhammer X from TNC.
- Reskinned Assault Rifle, it now has a scope.
- The mod is now compatible with BD Monsters.
- Laser Rifle's primary firemode now shoots projectile-based rounds instead of hitscan.
- Changed SMG's nail mode; it shoots slower, but nails are stronger, and they look more like the ones in TNC.
- Laser Rifle's secondary firemode is slightly nerfed.
- Changed DMG's secondary firemode, now it shoots an inactive vortex that activates upon impact. 100 units per shot.
- Changed KelTec's secondary firemode to slug rounds.
- Nerfed Autocannon's secondary firemode.
- SSG's reload animation is now more realistic (and slower as a result).
- SSG now doesn't fire both barrels when only one is full.
- Buffed SSG, it shoots more pellets.
- New reload sounds for SSG.
- Fixed the perfectly accurate Gatling bug.
- Fixed a bug where spinning right Gatling's barrel right after spinning left Gatling's barrel causes left Gatling's barrel to stop.
- Smoothened China Lake's sprites.
- Scythe now has an alternative reload when it's empty.
- Smoothened lower/raise animations for some weapons.
- SMG draw animation is shorter.
- Left and right SMG sprites are symmetrical.
- Fixed a bug where the idle weapon switches firemode twice while the other weapon is not.
- KelTec now has a pumping animation after the reload while it was empty.
- Added dynamic lights to various bright effects.
- Brightmaps for anything with lights.
- Unique vision for Battle Suit.
- The story of Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, TNT Evilution, Plutonia Experiment and No Rest For The Living are read by Blazkowicz's perspective.
- Changed the way Railgun works, now it fires slower, but the slugs go through enemies.
- HEV Shield and Infrared Goggles pickups now give 1 instead of max amount.

By the way, I've started doing the new sprites for Blazkowicz, I've finished the first two rotations:
Very nice update, in particular, I like the grimhammer, the system of improvements and realistic reloading of SSG and thanks for using my idea with blazkowicz's story on screens between episodes :wink:

EDIT:Blazkowicz's sprites look promising :)
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Re: [v1.2] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by D3athStalker »

*Sniff* I already miss that Auto shotgun. maybe you can increase the Pumps Fire Rate and give it A 20 round mag to make function similarly. Also Grimhammer makes the Super shotty completely pointless. but Whatever I guess..
I thought about increasing KelTec's magazine capacity, making it magazine-based instead of inserting shells one-by-one would be a nice addition.

SSG is between KelTec an Grimmhammer, but it's still pretty strong, it can one shot a Hell Knight when upgraded. But I guess you're right, fully upgraded Grimmhammer is a different story...
Very nice update, in particular, I like the grimhammer, the system of improvements and realistic reloading of SSG and thanks for using my idea with blazkowicz's story on screens between episodes :wink:

EDIT:Blazkowicz's sprites look promising :)
Thanks. I'm looking forward to finish his sprites until the next update (I said this last time but at least there's some progress).
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Re: [v1.2] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by -Ghost- »

You could make the Grimhammer more rare so you're more likely to have the shotgun and super shotgun first. I like all the weapons in this, I just think it could use a smoother progression curve to hide some of the really powerful variants till later levels.
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Re: [v1.2] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by sturmtruppen141 »

I'm not sure if this is a bug or gzdoom engine problem when i fire the plasma rifle and bfg their shots will leave huge black circular holes on the walls
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Re: [v1.2] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by Captain J »

That's intentional, i guess. Such big decals shows that these weapons are powerful enough to gib the enemies.
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Re: [v1.2] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by Mister Neauxbauxdeay »

After obtaining the magazine upgrade for the china lake, the dual wielded CLs only reload only up to 4 shots, instead of the correct 8. Reloading the single CL works fine, though.
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Re: [v1.2] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by D3athStalker »

You could make the Grimhammer more rare so you're more likely to have the shotgun and super shotgun first. I like all the weapons in this, I just think it could use a smoother progression curve to hide some of the really powerful variants till later levels.
Good idea, might make the spawn ratio 33-67 instead of 50-50 for Grimm and SSG.
I'm not sure if this is a bug or gzdoom engine problem when i fire the plasma rifle and bfg their shots will leave huge black circular holes on the walls
That's intentional, like Cap said. They leave huge decals since they are the top brass weapons in BJ's arsenal.
After obtaining the magazine upgrade for the china lake, the dual wielded CLs only reload only up to 4 shots, instead of the correct 8. Reloading the single CL works fine, though.
Thanks for notifying, will fix it.
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Re: [v1.2] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by Ts879 »

At this point I Think you should Replace the Pump and the super shotty with that double barrel semi auto shotgun from Old Blood. Fire modes are Buckshot and Slugs. Upgrades can be Dragonsbreath and Full auto along with extended ammo mag.
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Re: [v1.2] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by D3athStalker »

Ts879 wrote:At this point I Think you should Replace the Pump and the super shotty with that double barrel semi auto shotgun from Old Blood. Fire modes are Buckshot and Slugs. Upgrades can be Dragonsbreath and Full auto along with extended ammo mag.
Wouldn't make that weapon almost identical to Grimmhammer, though?
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Re: [v1.2] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by mutator »

did you remove the sling shot from auto shotgun? the one that has 24 shells per mag
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Re: [v1.2] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by Ts879 »

D3athStalker wrote:
Ts879 wrote:At this point I Think you should Replace the Pump and the super shotty with that double barrel semi auto shotgun from Old Blood. Fire modes are Buckshot and Slugs. Upgrades can be Dragonsbreath and Full auto along with extended ammo mag.
Wouldn't make that weapon almost identical to Grimmhammer, though?
Not really... More like a combination of the Super shotgun and the reaper shotgun that you removed. at this point it loses the ability to shoot one barrel and instead uses slugs. So you have to give up more shells with this weapon.
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Re: [v1.2] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by D3athStalker »

Ts879 wrote:Not really... More like a combination of the Super shotgun and the reaper shotgun that you removed. at this point it loses the ability to shoot one barrel and instead uses slugs. So you have to give up more shells with this weapon.
Hmm, I might make Schockhammer (the shotty you've mentioned from TOB) replace KelTec in future, but sprites for it might be a pain in the ass.
mutator wrote:did you remove the sling shot from auto shotgun? the one that has 24 shells per mag
Yeah, now it shoots three barrels as a secondary fire mode. I gave the slug mode to KelTec instead (which I'm happy about since shrapnel effects looked like ass).
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Re: [v1.2] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by mutator »

D3athStalker wrote:
mutator wrote:did you remove the sling shot from auto shotgun? the one that has 24 shells per mag
Yeah, now it shoots three barrels as a secondary fire mode. I gave the slug mode to KelTec instead (which I'm happy about since shrapnel effects looked like ass).
are you planning to give scope to keltec shotgun?
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Re: [v1.2] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by D3athStalker »

mutator wrote:are you planning to give scope to keltec shotgun?
Not really, but it would make sense since it now has a slug mode. And good news, the original sprite work for KelTec had some kinda holographic sight.
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Re: [v1.2] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by Captain J »

Now that sounds Technological Tacticool!

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