1. the minigun will fire a group of rounds indefinitely if you expend ammo and let go of the trigger, but press fire again before the barrels stop rotating.
Just fixed that.
2. The pain sounds play constantly after player resurrection occurs.
Fixed it, also fixed a bug where dual wielded weapons don't work after player resurrection occurs (related to a player token indicating that the player is dead).
3. the grenade bounce sound plays as soon as a grenade is tossed, before it hits the ground
Also fixed that.
4. I got an assortment of console spams while loading this after Brutal Monsters only (how clichéd complaining a mod isn't compatible with Brutal Doom). This could be an internal problem with the ACS scripts or the fault of Brutal Doom itself - most likely the latter.
Can relate to that one, apparently my key bindings via ACS conflicts with BD Monsters for some reason. And I have no idea how to fix that.
After further testing, by using just "Kriegsland Enemies" and then just "Doom Incarnate" I've been able to confirm that it is indeed "Doom Incarnate" that is preventing the boss arena fight from triggering in the second episode of "The Ultimate Torment & Torture Supportive Edition". In the middle of the area is a mega armour pickup, but when not using "Doom Incarnate" there are also blue health potion pickups around the armour.
May it be because of the blue health potions (never played UTnT, just a guess)? Cause this mod has health/armor points which have 20% chance to spawn while they are 5 times more effective. I've changed them to spawn all the time, maybe it'll work next time.
Oh, and there's still no menu selector on the main menu page.
Damn, I totally forgot about that, thanks for reminding. Just added the selector.
I don't think that the China Lake and the Kel Tec shotguns are particularly useful, since their more automatic counterparts are straight up super upgraded versions of those guns. Why have them in the mod? I say try to make different guns have different uses in different situations. The auto shotty could be good at close range while the single shotty is good for accurate shots; the China Lake could have shrapnel explosions and a larger push back effect (while consuming more ammo), while the autocannon is best suited for spam explosions. The two BFGs could also use some small changes (black hole gun could be like the BFG10K while the other takes the role of the main BFG9K). But really this mod is excellent in presentation and goes well with colourful doom. Just needs those small tweaks to make this mod more practical with purposeful gameplay.
Thanks for the ideas, I'm thinking to add "switch firemode" to weapons to cycle between two firemodes. As a second firemode; I'm thinking to add bouncy grenades for China Lake, dark matter beam for Dark Matter Gun and smaller projectiles with higher fire rate (BFG10k-alike) for BFG-9000.