Complex DooM (UPDATED 10/01/22)

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Re: OFFICIAL Complex DooM Thread (Nov 26 Hotfix)

Post by Major Cooke »

Okay. I just did some extensive testing in terms of performance, using New Gothic Movement 2.

If you have the latest version of GZDoom (preferrably a devbuild), then start the map and wake up the monsters by shooting. Gameplay slows down quite a bit. But it gets far worse when you open one of the two doors on either side of the exit and wake them up.

Open the console and type "profilethinkers 7", close the console and re-open it. At the bottom, one of the biggest lag producers is none other than the flares.

The culprit is easy -- disable the ACS calls for toaster checking and play around in the map again. You'll notice immediately you have much more of your FPS back. Rather amusing that but if you want an explanation for it, see the spoilers.
Spoiler: How the hell does that even work!?
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Re: OFFICIAL Complex DooM Thread (Nov 26 Hotfix)

Post by boomerangbobi »

This is more like it! I've played this mod for years and years. v26 was great but v27 so far is going to step up its own game. I just found this out and I have played it with the likes of GZDOOM I don't have Zandronium, but these bugs keep killing my gameplay more than the monsters. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with the arsenal but every time I advance to a new level, the weapons I acquired suddenly disappear. Please fix this, Daedalus. Other than that, great mod! :D

P.S. Should I use older versions of GZDOOM or newer versions? I have no clue. Please reply.
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Re: OFFICIAL Complex DooM Thread (Nov 26 Hotfix)

Post by Rtma »

Hey there, I've recently came across your mod and I'm enjoying it so far, reminds me of Project Brutality when I tried it a few years back, the monster variations and tier system is interesting to, more difficult, not so much that it's unassailable (Tried with older version with LCA and couldn't pass the Legendary Zombie due to OP weapon) so that's fine, showing some appreciation on your mod, I would say the upgrades is a nice addition while giving diversity, I'd say if you add these for all weapons, you could at-least make it an option in the Mod Menu while keeping a more classic experience as default, would also like more options that can make it easier and harder adversely, like setting monster tiers, distribution ratios and even numbers? would be nice, could also make unarmed Silent? without alerting monsters to your presence, it's rather silly when you do a kick or punch the air, it alerts everyone nearby. >.-.>

it's not like this.

*Insert words of encouragement here*
Keep up the passion and expand this mod. :3
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Re: OFFICIAL Complex DooM Thread (Nov 26 Hotfix)

Post by vapidscum »

Yo, I've had a feedback .txt on my desktop for a month or two so I figured I'd finally make an account and post it. Dunno how feasible some of 'em are to add.
So far this is my favorite mod I've played, I wouldn't bother to think about or write down suggestions if I didn't really give a shit.

Upgrade Ideas:
Double Barrel Upgrade: Self-Loading like Quake Champions [Unrealistic, but neat]
Quad Barrel Upgrade: Speed Loader or moon clip that loads all 4 at once
Pump action: Full Choke, Mag-fed, potentially keeping it relevant after you pick up another shot gun.
Assault Rifle Upgrade: less full auto spread, 120% to 150% RPM increase, visually longer barrel or muzzle brake [M203 isn't that worth it with dedicated GL, RL, and hand grenades]
D-Tech Rifle Upgrade: Toxin Grenade or toxin flamethrower
Pistol: Bigger mag, higher fire rate

Pre-upgrade Auto Shotgun: +1 on empty like pump
Faster Railgun reload
Different boot sprite when you have berserk?
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Re: OFFICIAL Complex DooM Thread (Nov 26 Hotfix)

Post by elCreyo »

Gotta love the quad boomstick. Really fun mod overall.
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Re: OFFICIAL Complex DooM Thread (Nov 26 Hotfix)

Post by TheGreaterG8r »

Awesome mod!! I made a video on it! I'm a 15 year old doom youtuber!
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Re: Complex DooM (updated 19th Nov)

Post by Daedalus »

Minor update, link in first post.

@Major Cooke Thanks for the heads up on WADs inside PK3s memory issues, I'll get around to sorting out the toaster stuff out eventually. I've kept the D2 liquid textures in for the animdefs lump though they probably aren't really necessary, I've just had them in for that long I never bothered to remove them.

@m8f Late reply but awesome stuff! Naw, the nade and mine weapons aren't selectable unless you cheat and they never will be.
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Re: Complex DooM (updated 19th Nov)

Post by dudecool1 »

When I pick up a keycard it is still on the ground I think it's a bug.
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Re: Complex DooM (updated 19th Nov)

Post by Beezle »

Glad to see your still working on this Daedalus. Can't wait to try this new version :D
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Re: Complex DooM (updated 19th Nov)

Post by banjiepixel »

dudecool1 wrote:When I pick up a keycard it is still on the ground I think it's a bug.
Not a bug. It's the intended behaviour. But here's a fix for it that I made because I am not really fan of it in single player: ... x.wad/file
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Re: Complex DooM (updated 19th Nov)

Post by worldendDominator »

Or just open the console and set cd_sharedkeys to 1.
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Re: Complex DooM (updated 19th Nov)

Post by NullWire »

Bullet holes on liquid surfaces..?
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Re: Complex DooM (updated 19th Nov)

Post by Daedalus »

It is intended behaviour from the way I did the shared keys cvar way back when, never thought it was that big of a deal though.

@NullWire Yes, I'm well aware of that and it will be fixed in due time alongside some of the blood models which still randomly spawn on liquids. Been busy with other games since the last big update on this and didn't thoroughly bug check when I released it.
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Re: Complex DooM (updated 19th Nov)

Post by user5124 »

I've enjoyed this mod for years, but didn't know where I could ask these questions, so it's nice to see a thread here. :D

Is there any way to have seperate keys for reload and special attack? :?:
Why does the pistol shoot slower, the faster I click? :?:
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Re: Complex DooM (updated 19th Nov)

Post by Toberone »

The pistol has like a 4tic fire rate hardcap on it so thats probably why. Not every frame has A_weaponready
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