Fill Spectre v3.1

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Re: Fill Spectre v3.1

Post by Pixel Eater »

I think if the engine could report the actor positions between ticks then everything you've done would be working beautifully by now. You're too advanced Neo!

I could probably figure out a colour to use based on what's in the palette but then that ignores nonpaletted PNGs which could still potentially clash. I'm wondering if I should make a feature request for any sprite to be rendered to an otherwise darkened sample texture. It would solve everything but it is a big ask :oops:

Also woot! I finally have internet at my new house :D
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Re: Fill Spectre v3.1

Post by Apeirogon »

Engine interpolate JUST actors sprite/model between tick. Actor itself instantly warp from previous position to the next.

And now I know, gzoom cant say, without adding such function, is it draw something with some color or no. Shader can iterate through all screen pixels, but it cant return "there are exist/not exist something of green-blue-yellow color on screen"
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Re: Fill Spectre v3.1

Post by Pixel Eater »

Apeirogon wrote:Engine interpolate JUST actors sprite/model between tick. Actor itself instantly warp from previous position to the next.
Oh that totally makes sense now. I guess there's no way around that little conundrum :x

I'll write that feature request in a couple of days. Things are bouncing between hectic and thumb-twiddling these days...
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Re: Fill Spectre v3.1

Post by Rex705 »

Am I doing something wrong? Do I need some special settings? I just get a pink spectre until I touch it then it's normal

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Re: Fill Spectre v3.1

Post by Pixel Eater »

I'm not sure what's happening there- my copy has gone bonkers too but in a different way. Setting 'Mix' to Zero cured it for me, maybe it'll help in your case?
Let me know how it turns out so I can find the cause(s) :thumb:
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Re: Fill Spectre v3.1

Post by Rex705 »

Hmm mix to zero didn't change anything :shrug:
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Re: Fill Spectre v3.1

Post by Apeirogon »

What map, mods, gzdoom version and what version of fill_spectre you use?
Give more info.
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Re: Fill Spectre v3.1

Post by Rex705 »

The map is Griefless mod Project Brutality 3.0 and GZ is 3.5.0

EDIT: Ah ok I guess it doesn't like Project Brutality it works fine on normal Doom just wish it didn't have a pink outline.

Also whoa screen tolerance
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Re: Fill Spectre v3.1

Post by Pixel Eater »

With minimal GZDoom graphics settings it's possible to eradicate the outline, it's a bit finicky with any sort of smoothing or upscaling (except FXAA).
Also whoa screen tolerance
I call it SpectreVision tm :wink:
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Re: Fill Spectre v3.1

Post by Apeirogon »

Well, your suggestion was rejected and you archenemy g buffer show its face again.
Looks like it is a good time to sink into deeps of zscript once more time.
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Re: Fill Spectre v3.1

Post by Pixel Eater »

Sure seems like I need to learn programming if I want to vanquish my foe :mono:
And then understand how everything interacts within GZDoom too.
Looks like it is a good time to sink into deeps of zscript once more time.
I'll bring an umbrella... and a periscope.
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Re: Fill Spectre v3.1

Post by Player701 »

Sorry for the bump, but the reflective liquid on the very first screenshot in this thread looks awesome. Is it a mod that can apply this effect to any map? If so, is it available for download anywhere?
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Re: Fill Spectre v3.1

Post by Pixel Eater »

Like Fill Spectre it's only experimental, but here it is anyway: Mirror Mire
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Re: Fill Spectre v3.1

Post by Player701 »

Ah, thank you very much.
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Re: Fill Spectre v3.1

Post by CUBEKid04 »

Just a request, could you create a shader for heatwave distortions, say like when an explosion occurs or the after effect seen with fire and stuff, it would be nice to see heatwave distortion effects for like when an explosion occurs.

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