Tertiary ammo type?

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Tertiary ammo type?


I'm trying to make a weapon that uses as primary ammo Clips, as secundary it shoots rockets. BUT i wanna ALSO that when shooting the rockets, it uses 10 cells to do that too. So how would i do that? A_JumpIfInventory didn't work for me. Here's the code:

Code: Select all

		TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("Cell", 0, "NoAmmo")
		TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Cell", 10)
		HCGG A 3 A_PlaySound("terminator/hmissile")
		TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("PlayerHomingMissile")
		Goto Ready
(The weapon just go to the "No Ammo" state everytime, but i don't have 0 cells)
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Re: Tertiary ammo type?

Post by Ichor »

Code: Select all

      TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("Cell", 1, 1)
      Goto NoAmmo
      TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Cell", 10)
      HCGG A 3 A_PlaySound("terminator/hmissile")
      TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("PlayerHomingMissile")
      Goto Ready
It's jumping to NoAmmo all the time because JumpIfInventory checks for at least that amount. In this case, 0. This change here will skip across the Goto NoAmmo if you have at least one 1 cell.
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Re: Tertiary ammo type?


[quote=ichor]It's jumping to NoAmmo all the time because JumpIfInventory checks for at least that amount. In this case, 0. This change here will skip across the Goto NoAmmo if you have at least one 1 cell.[/quote]

So... How should i put it?

EDIT: Wait, i put 1? I remember putting 0! But even with 0, it still doens't work.

EDIT 2: Hold on i forgot to create the missile projectile. DUH

EDIT 3: Well it works, EXCEPT if i'm full of cells. Weird.
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Re: Tertiary ammo type?

Post by Arctangent »

A_JumpIfInventory with an amount of 0 jumps if you have the max amount of the item, not if you have 0.
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Re: Tertiary ammo type?


Arctangent wrote:A_JumpIfInventory with an amount of 0 jumps if you have the max amount of the item, not if you have 0.
Again, how should i put it then?
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Re: Tertiary ammo type?

Post by Arctangent »

Ichor has an example right there in his post, where instead of going to NoAmmo if you don't have ammo, you go to the rest of the AltFire state if you do have ammo.
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Re: Tertiary ammo type?


Arctangent wrote:Ichor has an example right there in his post, where instead of going to NoAmmo if you don't have ammo, you go to the rest of the AltFire state if you do have ammo.
yeah yeah... I already fixed it. Thanks!

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