La Tailor Girl v1.90 Plain Black [updated June 30 2024]

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Hege Cactus
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Re: La Tailor Girl v1.50 [Shopping Day]

Post by Hege Cactus »

Midnight_King wrote:This mod was good enough that I created an account to thank you for making it.
\o/ always makes me happy to hear this
This mod is awesome, having a blast with the different outfits. The upgraded default clothes with the dual pistols is a particular favorite of mine. For a soundtrack I went and made a file with a mix of Kill la Kill and Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt music. Both the climactic KLK ost and bumpin beats from the PSG ost work super well.
And I also made an account today just to say that this mod is awesome.
Oooh, now that must be fitting!
Now spoilerific comments, some are heavy so fair warning to any forum regulars.

@ending marine thing;
Its fixed for next version, it was annoying to find the proper sequence thingy to actually make it work.

@nudist beach mode:
I'll try tweak it a tiny bit however, that mode is mostly there as joke/filler for masochists, so I dont really take too high priority on it, I am gonna try see whats up with the kamui

@hard caps and the scraps: Working on this, Ive fixed the scraps issue atleast but the hardcaps and the like with armors is such a cluster fuck I am not sure what to do with em all, the armorbonus system really goes haywire easily.

I also do enjoy all the positive comments, Im glad this mod is proving to be fun.

and now, for whats up in the cooking pot?

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Re: La Tailor Girl v1.50 [Shopping Day]

Post by Captain J »

Looks very confy 4 her sleepy teeny tiny hehd-(If that's a pillow, literally)
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Re: La Tailor Girl v1.50 [Shopping Day]

Post by Sasha_The_Lynx »

Hege Cactus wrote:
Midnight_King wrote: and now, for whats up in the cooking pot?

Yay more outfits! ANd this one looks interesting. Could it be, tsundare outfit? My guess thats the upgrade for the school uniform since it seems fitting.
Diana: Icon of Senpai didnt notice me, i make him pay.

And much appriciation for more fixes for this amazing mod <3
Keep it up!
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Re: La Tailor Girl v1.50 [Shopping Day]

Post by PlayerLin »

This mod also suffers about "impossible to get 100% items"...

1.Start a new game, like DooM E1M1, on skill 4 (HBAT).

2.Check the automap info about item count, it shows 0/40, but DooMwiki said only 38 items in the E1M1.
(Skill 4/5(LRO) : 25 armor bonus and 13 health bonus, if you play lower skill 1(SPJ)/2(SS)/3(NNT), it should be 12 health bonus, total 37 items)
3.Bring out the console, use command "changemap e1m1" and reenter E1M1 like hit exit switch/pass exit line.

4.Check the item count again, now it reads 0/39.

I guess there're 2 things in the mod with +COUNTITEM flag added when the new game's level initialization, and at least one other thing still do this shit on next level, and they're unobtainable by player with any methods.

Only the new game will have one unobtainable "+COUNTITEM flag" item, sorry.

(Confirmed when I enter E1M2, it should be 44 items on the level but the item count display on HUD say 0/45.)

EDIT: Well, I'm not sure about this now as I can complete the E1M2 with 48/48 items, I needed some more test about this I guess..

Small problem but may caused annoying for those who want do 100% run with this mod. :P

Wow, built-in Chasecam and the ass ascii art inside the PK3...just wow... :P :P :P

EDIT 2 : I redo E1M1 with new game again, I got 40/41 and I can't found the last item so I guess the problem is true, but it may be fine again after next level(as I do "changemap e1m1" again, and completed it with 40/40 items, well sorry about being false on 3. & 4. ... :3:)
Last edited by PlayerLin on Mon Apr 02, 2018 8:55 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: La Tailor Girl v1.50 [Shopping Day]

Post by fakemai »

Sasha_The_Lynx wrote:Could it be, tsundare outfit?
Says so next to her. I expected it would be that, delinquent, or yandere (oh god now I want branch evolutions).
Captain J wrote:Looks very confy 4 her sleepy teeny tiny hehd-(If that's a pillow, literally)
I thought it was a towel but now you say that it could go either way.
Hege Cactus wrote:Not sure what you refer with the BTL, if its the BFG well, then its ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Your internal name for the BFG. Snooping is rewarding like that.
Hege Cactus wrote:Wine bottle best thing
For reference it was possible to outheal your black lost soul with upgraded nurse melee thanks to it. Not in future, but it was appreciated to brutalize that thing at least once. Hate 'em.
Hege Cactus wrote:the frozen part is intentional
It's good utility for the cool gun. Barrels don't matter so much if the weapon is nerfed.
Hege Cactus wrote:that bug is why I put the divorce function in.
Oh I didn't know you could do that.
Hege Cactus wrote:but the hardcaps and the like with armors is such a cluster fuck
Yeah I saw. Figuring it out though would probably entail reading GZDoom's sources and I'm probably not able to do that. It's certainly not as the wiki describes.
Hege Cactus wrote:that mode is mostly there as joke/filler for masochists
Certainly I don't expect serious devotion to it. The easy way out would be to prevent Kamui pick-ups in the same way as other clothes, she's still got some usable weapons after all.
PlayerLin wrote:Wow, built-in Chasecam and the ass ascii art inside the PK3...just wow... :P :P :P
Oh god, I missed that one.

EDIT: Why does this actually function with "that techdemo" instead of exploding, or doing something like "that techdemo" tries to do with Brutal Doom? There's the definition of missed opportunity.

EDIT2: Very minor thing, Daina's flaming death sprites aren't full brightness.
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Re: La Tailor Girl v1.50 [Shopping Day]

Post by Sasha_The_Lynx »

Im currently playing this amazing map pack Ancient Aliens with La Tailor Girl and i gotta say, the funky music at one of the episodes fitts really nicely. On the current episode im on, i did find a very, paticular item (I wont spoil it for those who hasnt found it), and i suspect that one is for this godly outfit. Im so excited to see if i can get more of those to make this new outfit happen OuO

Oh, i also really love how the barrel outfit hides alongside with the other explosive barrels, instead of a typical powerup. Makes it fun to explore to find it.

EDIT: A little edit, as i read a previous post regarding a ascii ass art, i thought it was a joke, but a cute little ascii art of Diana's butt is visible, with the text ''Here's a schematic for ya, my ass.'' written. That have to be a TF2 reference considering the context haha, but i love it. OuO (I admire that dedication for both teh cutie butt art and the Ascii art alone since making art with just letters is crazy.).

Some little things in the spoiler tag that i noticed with this mod and combination of other mods (Put in spoiler tag for less cluttery)
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Re: La Tailor Girl v1.50 [Shopping Day]

Post by AvzinElkein »

Unfortunately, I tried it with Kinsie's DOOMTEST.wad, and you forgot to replace the pistol!
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Re: La Tailor Girl v1.50 [Shopping Day]

Post by Cryomundus »

So? The pistol is never actually picked up in normal doom play, so there's no real reason for the pickup actor/sprite to be replaced.
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Re: La Tailor Girl v1.50 [Shopping Day]

Post by Apteral10 »

I guess there is quite big update coming or mod creator is very busy.
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Re: La Tailor Girl v1.50 [Shopping Day]

Post by Captain J »

Ouch! Just mistaken word busy as lazy... Anyway! I guess so. There's still more new features to add!
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Re: La Tailor Girl v1.50 [Shopping Day]

Post by AvzinElkein » looks like the mod doesn't work w/ Hexen...
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Re: La Tailor Girl v1.50 [Shopping Day]

Post by wildweasel »

AvzinElkein looks like the mod doesn't work w/ Hexen...
I wouldn't expect it to, considering all the screenshots are of Doom and there is no indication of support for any other games anywhere in the original post.
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Re: La Tailor Girl v1.50 [Shopping Day]

Post by fakemai »

First, don't let any of this delay the next release. Desire to see new things > this.

Anyway I threw a few diagnostics into the BasicArmorBonus class to see how it all works, and, ugh. Unfortunately while I can read code I definitely don't know how to write ZScript so I'm just going to point out what's wrong, and ask whether it's safe to define a separate BasicArmorBonus class with different pick-up checks, since the base armor pick-up behaviour is not at all suited to your mod. Even an slightly altered one without the additive cap thing would make a world of difference. The relevant code is in gzdoom.pk3 zscript/inventory/armor.txt

- Force-stripping only takes 999 armor away. If you're over that cap you end up with armor, but naked, and if it's over 100 it prevents certain scrap pick-up. The highest armor I've seen is 1599 so doing the removal twice should suffice.
- I now know the large dictator of the hard cap. There's other stuff muddying it but assuming certain checks pass, you end up having it defined as the pick-up's MaxSaveAmount + your current armor's MaxBonus and this is especially bad when upgrading outfits with both high, since it can easily surpass 999.
- Additionally, your character's MaxBonus is only overwritten with higher values, topping out when you acquire a nurse costume, which then allows any outfit to surpass 999 via those 3 items I mentioned earlier. I wouldn't know how to remove it.
- As far as nurse goes, I had some luck with the 3 999 caps reduced by 200 (the standard pick-ups make up the difference). It seemed to work fairly well, though the medikits have a very strange kludge that has nurse and the two bunnies take the same branch "Scrapper2" which subtracts HP from the nurse to make up for that being the "easy repair" branch. With a working 999 cap it results in losing health when close to it. Still, it was already pointed out that the nurses need their own conditional for 999 so that's probably been fixed. It won't fix breaching 999 when upgrading the nurse, but I think that's a lost cause.
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Re: La Tailor Girl v1.50 [Shopping Day]

Post by Hege Cactus »

Man, there's many things I'd reply to but currently bit tired so;

@Armor Scrap thing;
It has been worked on, hopefully somewhat better than it was
I am not really sure on how to approach this, and if it even a big issue
@hexen support:
This is only for doom series, no support for other games I'm afraid

Version 1.52

Whats new?

Two new outfits have been added: The Towel and The Plain Black Bikini
One upgrade option has opened; Schoolgirl outfit

These outfits oughta give you a nice little extra variety once more, and shake things up a bit
There is also a lot of other small fixes and tweaks

Full changelog:
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Re: La Tailor Girl v1.52 [Hot Springs]

Post by Sasha_The_Lynx »

Oh my OuO
New update with new outfits and tweaks and stuff? Im all game! Time to give these a go and have a blast <3

EDIT: Alright, i gave it a go, and im really impressed by the update. Love the fact that the unarmed slap really is a slap now with a appropriate sound, making it hilarious.
The upgrade on the school uniform is epic, and gives the already fun weapons an even more fun effect from its un-upgraded form. The Tsundare outfit's damage state where having its thighs look super adorbs ouo

I was lucky enough to find the towel from one of the shopping bags, but i havent tested it out much, but i find the towel melee to be hilarious, and its convinient that you can carry it as a reserve outfit when the situation demands it. And the plain black bikini seems to be a pretty common outfit (Unless i got really lucky), and it had some really cool effects on the weapons that i enjoyed a bit to much lol.
Like with the K800Rod's secondary. Instead of pushing away enemies and entities, it sucks them in like a blackhole, and i really like the reversed sound effect that comes with it. Kodus for that creativity.

Oh, i also saw you added a new level end screen with the succubus outift. Its so cute hehe. Poor Doomguy, dont know how to handle a cute succubi.

Overall it is an amazing update and im enjoing it alot.

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