Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?

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Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?


I haven't making decorate for some GOOD time. I just dowloaded slade again and it looks different, more organized. Anyways i tried to use A_CustomMissile, but the monster doens't turn at me like it used to do. So i checked to see if i did anything wrong, and APPARENTLY they are now using A_SpawnProjectile instead of custom missile. The problem IS because "A_SpawnProjectile" Doens't have the color orange on Slade which means it's not a function. Can someone explains me WHY they changed it, why on MY slade it's ins't showing orange, and why A_CustomMissile is not making my monster turns at me. Thank you!
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Re: Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?

Post by wildweasel »

Are you forgetting to A_FaceTarget?
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Re: Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?


wildweasel wrote:Are you forgetting to A_FaceTarget?
No. the attack i made is a continous ray. Here is the script for it:

Code: Select all

	ZUNM E 6 A_PlaySound("grunt/sight")
	TNT1 A 0 A_Playsound("zombie/beamattack")
	ZUNM F 1 A_FaceTarget
    ZUNM A 15 A_FaceTarget
	Goto See
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Re: Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?

Post by Gutawer »

XASSASSINX wrote:and APPARENTLY they are now using A_SpawnProjectile instead of custom missile. The problem IS because "A_SpawnProjectile" Doens't have the color orange on Slade which means it's not a function.
That's not true at all. SLADE's list of functions is nowhere near extensive and it's missing a lot of them from the syntax highlighting. You can still use the function, you just won't get a handy list of arguments.
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Re: Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?


Ohhhh... I get it now. Also just fixed the bug, i have to put "A_FaceTarget" TO ALL the frames. That add ALOT of lines. But i do remember that A_CustoMissile ALready made the monster face it target. Or i'm just crazy.
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Re: Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?

Post by Nevander »

Something else sounds wrong here. It should still stay facing the target until the state completes correct?
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Re: Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?

Post by Matt »

I just remember A_CustomMissile would shoot at the target, but I don't remember if it made the actor face the target too.
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Re: Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?

Post by Graf Zahl »

Why should it? Its name is A_CustomMissile, not A_CustomMissileAndFaceTarget.
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Re: Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?


Graf Zahl wrote:Why should it? Its name is A_CustomMissile, not A_CustomMissileAndFaceTarget.
So i guess it faced the target because i put the "A_FaceTarget" One line before. But in this continous lines, i have to put "A_FaceTarget" for all of them.
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Re: Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?

Post by Graf Zahl »


In ZScript you can just define your own function for such a combined action - there's no need to add it on the engine side.
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Re: Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?

Post by Kinsie »

You don't even need to use ZScript, thanks to the magic and wonder of Anonymous Functions.

Code: Select all

	ZUNM E 6 A_PlaySound("grunt/sight")
	TNT1 A 0 A_Playsound("zombie/beamattack")
	ZUNM F 1 A_FaceTarget
	ZUNM FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 2 { A_FaceTarget(); A_CustomMissile("SoulBeam", 32, -7); }
	ZUNM A 15 A_FaceTarget
	Goto See
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Re: Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?


Kinsie wrote:You don't even need to use ZScript, thanks to the magic and wonder of Anonymous Functions.

Code: Select all

	ZUNM E 6 A_PlaySound("grunt/sight")
	TNT1 A 0 A_Playsound("zombie/beamattack")
	ZUNM F 1 A_FaceTarget
	ZUNM FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 2 { A_FaceTarget(); A_CustomMissile("SoulBeam", 32, -7); }
	ZUNM A 15 A_FaceTarget
	Goto See
Ohhhh... Didn't know about that! Thanks!
EDIT: No Wait! Hold on, i tried using the {A_FaceTarget} But now it's giving me an error!

Code: Select all

"Unexpected Token: ')' 
EDIT 2: I thought that it was that i'm using a unpdated version. And i was kinda right. Except that now GZDOOM Doens't open! It just keep on that "Not Respoding" Error! Any help?

EDIT 3: (Woah that's alot of edits) Nope. Tried to play my mod now with this version. Still getting the same error.
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Re: Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?

Post by Matt »

Impossible to see what went wrong without seeing the entire project.
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Re: Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?

Post by Apeirogon »

XASSASSINX wrote: i tried using the {A_FaceTarget}
You need and must must use semicolon ";" after last symbol of function inside anonimous function, regardless what it, letter of the name or bracket which close line of argument function.
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Re: Uhhh... What happened to A_CustomMissile?

Post by Major Cooke »

He has a semicolon. The real problem is, it's in DECORATE which doesn't know how to handle () properly.

In ZScript you use this

Code: Select all

In DECORATE however, you must use this:

Code: Select all


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