shadstarn wrote:i dont think its racist and i don thtink its inappropriate i think its the same as having nazis but i thin its innaprorpiat to make current day beloved things of others in such a way that its used in vain...
like say if they used some word or someones beloved thing in wolfenstein that didnt have to do with hitler .. then i would be not okay with that.
you can do exactly what you want i just had to voice my opinion.
i think its wrong to take something that has nothing to do with something directly specially when there are people who love that thing and putt it so much out there .. because real muslims are victims themeslves of the terorirsts that is a fact they dont support them and when teorrorists missuse the name of their god which they do its not right towards the groups of people who do not support terrorists.
anyway you can do what you want its your freedom.
Alright. First of all, this entire mod is a remake of a very old DOS game, using resources pulled from said game, in addition to throwing in other Doom community resources, plus Impie making a few of his own to make it what it is.
Second, radical Muslims are a thing. They are technically no different from Nazis. And Nazis are really just radical Christians. Both groups praise their gods, whatever they may call him, when performing what they deem as "holy acts". Both groups are terrorists. Both groups are hateful and bigoted. Both groups kill you on sight for not being them. (Or would, if they thought they could get away with it)
So really, you're getting worked up over a non-issue here. You can choose to be offended or not offended but that does not change the historical significance of the game itself and what it portrays, which is more important than following some arbitrary code of conduct spawned out of a confusion over the usage of the word "Allah."
And for what it's worth, I know lots of both Muslims and Christians that are good decent people. Most people following either religion are just trying to live by the day and be happy. On the flip side, I would never call any radicalized version of either religion good people, I think they are utter shit human beings that need to re-evaluate their understanding of life before they kill themselves and millions of other people. All radicals use their God's name in vain, whether they understand it or not, because if you understand the common ancestry of both religions, you know that Allah/God wants you to love for your fellow people, and to not judge or execute them.