Netronian Chaos V.3.57: The Final, Last, Concluding Update

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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Void Warrior »

By the way, I'm currently playing version 3.55 and noticed when I assigned the Drop Weapon Button in the GZDOOM settings (Not the same button from the mod!). When playing, the mod will assume that the weapon is not dropped, although the gun is on the ground. That is, it is necessary to assign a button from the mod.

Question: "Was it impossible to combine similar GZDOOM and mod commands?" It's just that sometimes I get confused when the actions are the same, and assigning to individual buttons is quite strange in my opinion. Or is there another reason?
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Captain J »

During the development... I mean frankly even to this day, i have no idea how to make a custom state that replaces existing weapon drop key. The default GZDoom one just drops weapon, not with the weapon token THAT does a crucial inventory managing job. Know that i'm not an expert when it comes to doom modding so i kept leaving it there. I'm sorry for this inconvenience since i did see people being confused over between default drop key and a custom one.

I would ask for a quick solution, if it's somewhat possible? And btw, you may redownload again since i freshly updated the mod! Thanks for the informative reply.
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Void Warrior »

Captain J wrote:During the development... I mean frankly even to this day, i have no idea how to make a custom state that replaces existing weapon drop key. The default GZDoom one just drops weapon, not with the weapon token THAT does a crucial inventory managing job. Know that i'm not an expert when it comes to doom modding so i kept leaving it there. I'm sorry for this inconvenience since i did see people being confused over between default drop key and a custom one.

I would ask for a quick solution, if it's somewhat possible? And btw, you may redownload again since i freshly updated the mod! Thanks for the informative reply.
Yeah, I see! Well, thanks for the answer. We can always reassign the keys - it's not a problem.

And yes, I checked in the new version: nothing has changed. Maybe over time you will learn how to do it after all.

The mod is still great!
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Captain J »

Void Warrior wrote:Yeah, I see! Well, thanks for the answer. We can always reassign the keys - it's not a problem.
Nothing's indeed impossible, but it's about how familiar you are with doom modding and stuff. Sadly i'm still not used to it albeit i did make the mod with my awesome friends' and peoples' help.
And yes, I checked in the new version: nothing has changed. Maybe over time you will learn how to do it after all.
Please be sure to check out the changelog of the update notice below. I find bugs that might be unheard from players.
The mod is still great!
Thank you!
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Matt »

Captain J wrote:During the development... I mean frankly even to this day, i have no idea how to make a custom state that replaces existing weapon drop key. The default GZDoom one just drops weapon, not with the weapon token THAT does a crucial inventory managing job. Know that i'm not an expert when it comes to doom modding so i kept leaving it there. I'm sorry for this inconvenience since i did see people being confused over between default drop key and a custom one.
Would [wiki]OnDrop[/wiki] help?
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Captain J »

Is that for ZScript or ACS? Glad we've got a solution but i prefer the decorate way to solve it. Perhaps the name of GZDoom's weapon drop state itself?
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Tesculpture »

Captain J wrote:- Every weapon are now affected on Weapon Vacuum option. Like Auto Handgun, Tiny Vulture, Assault Supporter, Annihilator, Coil Carbine, Anti-Armor Rifle, Full Auto and Long-Range Rifle.
Thank you for this. This makes the Heavy Pistol much more useful, since you can pick up stray Tiny Vultures to get more ammo for it.
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Update

Post by Gorec »

on the topic of weaponless ammo - are u going to implement this mechanic where ammo replacer only spawns ammo for weapons you are currently holding?i also think it would be great if enemies would drop ammo itself if u have their weapon on u, some mod had that feature already but i dont remember which one...
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Update

Post by Captain J »

Well, i think i know which mod you're referring to that has such feature. That'd be interesting to add but considering my mod already having too many ammo types, plus frequent weapon layout change is one of the aspects, it would be rather difficult to add. But thanks for your suggestion, tho
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Update

Post by Tesculpture »

A small bug I've noticed:

It is possible on occasion to make Riotmen and Knights re-enter their pain state when they already have their guard up; it mainly affects Wave Attack when run with gameplay mods that have weapons that always cause pain, but it can occur in normal NC as well. When this happens, they never get the change to call A_UnsetReflectiveInvulnerable, meaning they become permanently invulnerable even when moving and attacking.
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Update

Post by Captain J »

Much appreciated for noticing the bug that i couldn't find(and sorry for the late reply haha)! However, i hope the new fix works like a charm and never to cause another problem. So the main mod, Coup de Main and Wave Attack have been updated! A very few, but are the changes:

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Wave Attack:

- Netronian Riotmen now play proper custom swing and hit sounds.


- Both Netronian Riotmen and Knights got their invulnerable activator updated.

- Slightly decreased guard-up chance and the melee damage of Netronian Riotmen. In narrow places like Tricks and Traps they can be rather unfair, i've finally noticed.

- Removed the tick noise of BIGBOOT1 sound.
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Update

Post by PatCatz2004 »

Well holy goddam, I really liked this mod

I am curious tho, is there a possibility you could make a monster pack out of this? You know, Netronian Chaos Enemies as their separate mod? Im only saying this because I really wanna try out and test them out against some of the newest Weapon Mods. And also because I really love their designs and kinda wished they arent limited to only this mod. Its okay if you wouldn't do it, but, I am still eager to see the challenge when playing as a different protagonist, actually
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Update

Post by Captain J »

Then my friend you might need to check out the addon, Wave Attack! Already made this to only replace vanilla doom enemies with NC ones including from the Expansion!
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Update

Post by Tesculpture »

Sorry but I've found another bug: in GZD 4.10, when Swidga and Neruba drones are destroyed, their engine noise keeps playing forever at the point in space they last occupied. This occurs in both Net Chaos and Wave Attack.
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Update

Post by Captain J »

Huh... You're right. Swear this did not happen in previous version of GZDoom but i appreciate ya for noticing this glitch. I've fixed it right in all three mods! No version numbering is increased btw cuz the update's very tiny and whatnot(also cuz of my secondary disc being full for some reason)

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Wave Attack:

- Netronian Swidga spawns explosion effect properly post charging


- Both Netronian Swidga and Neruba playing hovering sound still upon death fixed

- Decreased Netronian Swidga's charging chance to 70

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