I saw the whole video, checked what was wrong, and here are the changes and new things added:
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Main Mod:
- Noticed that GZDoom's Default key setting unbinds the mod's own Weapon Drop hotkey. So it's now binded to V key.
- Coil Carbine and the Primary Firemode of Tri-Desolator's damage slightly increased.
- One of Netronian Silencers' gib sprites had an overlapping name. It might've been troublesome visual-wise so i renamed it right.
- Kicking is slightly faster, also gives you a tiny dash.
- Netronian Visvio's plasma spheres no longer hurt their master.
Coup de Main:
- Netronian Nerubas' hitbox have been increased so i can debunk the fact that they really aren't ethereal.
- Netronian Ren Gahn's Beets now have DONTHURTSPECIES flag. Just in case.
Bungle in the Jungle
- You now get Soulsphere at fourth level, also corrected the text at the beginning.
- Megasphere, random Superweapon and a few Backpack spawn at the beginning of fifth level. Plus you get a clearer text when facing the final boss.
- Vicpaust's health slightly lowered, his attacking speed slightly slowed down, and the splash damage of them small explosive laser blasts are nerfed. Christ this was an overkill there.
- Reload on every single single weapon can be cancelled by pressing any weapon slot key. You get the time to cancel the animation as soon as it starts.
(yeah yeah i know i have to make monsters-only addon as well but it will happen sooner or later)