Netronian Chaos V.3.57: The Final, Last, Concluding Update

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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.51: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Captain J »

Hey guys!! More fixes and updates are here. I recently watched one youtube vid of someone playing the mod with every available addon running, 'cept CQ one. With all respect, there were some oversights of his own(like skimming the weapon drop hotkey and not pressing F1 at all). But have to say, Bungle in the Jungle's really an overkill for novice players and the main mod itself still does not provides enough convenience. That changes today, and i genuinely appreciate him for giving me sucha valuable feedback.

I saw the whole video, checked what was wrong, and here are the changes and new things added:

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Main Mod:

- Noticed that GZDoom's Default key setting unbinds the mod's own Weapon Drop hotkey. So it's now binded to V key.

- Coil Carbine and the Primary Firemode of Tri-Desolator's damage slightly increased.

- One of Netronian Silencers' gib sprites had an overlapping name. It might've been troublesome visual-wise so i renamed it right.

- Kicking is slightly faster, also gives you a tiny dash.

- Netronian Visvio's plasma spheres no longer hurt their master.

Coup de Main:

- Netronian Nerubas' hitbox have been increased so i can debunk the fact that they really aren't ethereal.

- Netronian Ren Gahn's Beets now have DONTHURTSPECIES flag. Just in case.

Bungle in the Jungle

- You now get Soulsphere at fourth level, also corrected the text at the beginning.

- Megasphere, random Superweapon and a few Backpack spawn at the beginning of fifth level. Plus you get a clearer text when facing the final boss.

- Vicpaust's health slightly lowered, his attacking speed slightly slowed down, and the splash damage of them small explosive laser blasts are nerfed. Christ this was an overkill there.


- Reload on every single single weapon can be cancelled by pressing any weapon slot key. You get the time to cancel the animation as soon as it starts.
And that's about it! About the Reload canceling mechanism, please be sure to know if you happen to get a glitch that are severely crippling to the gameplay. I'll fix it up right. Be sure to check out the OP to redownload! Have fun now!

(yeah yeah i know i have to make monsters-only addon as well but it will happen sooner or later)
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.51: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Captain J »

Well people, today's your lucky day! I know that people suggested me multiple times to make an addon that only features enemies of the mod, so you can enjoy Netronian Chaos along with other gameplay mods and map packs. The wish came true. The enemies-only addon, Wave Attack! Has been released. Be sure to check out the OP for download. Be sure to inform me if you encounter any bug during the gameplay.

Oh, and i've updated both main mod and the coup de main. While working on Wave Attack!, things got rather ugly with vanilla doom's weaponry. Here are the changes:

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Main Mod:

- Buffed Service Pistol, Semi-Auto Rifle, Coil Carbine and Annihilator with a bit of damage.

But Coil Carbine now gets one condition: slightly slower rate of fire.

- Decreased Netronian Rhels health to 400.

- Slowed down the Netronian Calmels' fast bullet projectile.

- Recreated Netronian Sapper's Rocket sound effect. That tiny tic really got me

- Decreased Netronian Sentinel's health to 60.

- Lowered the chance of Netronian Riotmen drawing their shield upon getting hit.

Coup de Main:

- Alt-Kick codes on all of the addon weapons updated.

- Buffed Cryo Defender's alt-attack and Microgun Rifle with a bit of damage.

- Speaking of Cryo Defender, when it slips through your fingers and hit the watery surface, it disappears. Well not anymore.

Also the chance of it slipping through your fingers kinda decreased.

- Changed Tiny Vulture's HUD name into "Rapid Pistol". Sorry for those who loved its nickname but i kinda prefer the name of the guns organized.

- Fixed the typo on Netronian Hunter's shotgun magazine inventory.

- Decreased Netronian Aul's health to 70.

- Netronian Mechmedic now plays healing sound effect.

- Lowered the chance of Netronian Knights drawing their shield upon getting hit.


- Buffed Every single Superweapon with a bit of damage.

- Decreased every Boss Enemies' health. Weakest one being Netronian Calmel, 4000 health and Strongest one being Ren Gahn 2, 6000 health.

Also Reinforced Bosses' Crush death state.

- Made Hitscan puff to play metal impact sound effect when Robot enemies get hit.
Thanks as always!
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.51: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by ArchVain12 »

Ahh long ride.... At last we come to the final update thanks captain J more mods to come hehe.....
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.52: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Captain J »

Thankies! Anyways another update's is here! Hope none of the changes messed up anything... Just let me know if some of the changes did mess up in glitchy sense.

Here are the changes!:

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Main Mod:

- Increased the Frequency of Netronian Rhels' attack slightly. Made 'em into painfully-suitable Cacodemon replacement.

- Fixed Netronian Swidga explosion upon death, including its dive bomb attack. Also increased its units of doing it, so it can get hit.

- Removed needless extra DamageType on Netronian Champion's HeatRiflePuff.

- Netronian Visvio's Sphere now dies with its own master.

- The explosion of Visvio and Bravemen float upon explosion.

- Removed Cyro Grenade's easter egg counterpart. Honestly i don't get why did i even add this.

Coup de Main:

- Fixed Netronian Neruba explosion upon death.

- Increased the damage of Netronian Marauder's poison dart.

- Netronian Defenders no longer hurt themselves, since they had no DONTHURTSPECIES flag on 'em

- Netronian Ren Gahn 2's projectile is now consistent with the puffs.


- Reinforced the projectile of Netronian Marauders. Now it can damage anything including Robots.

Wave Attack!:

- Netronian Mechmedics and Netronian Gorgens now play their proper attack sound effect.

- Fixed the typo on Netronian Trempar Mk. 2s' DropItem code. Found out they drop a LIVE Rocket... Yeah.

- Boss enemies now drop BFG9000 at 50% of chance.

- Enemy's 12,7mm projectile no longer replaces CacodemonBall.


- Every enemy with explosive projectiles no longer hurt themselves by firing in point blank. Swapped both DONTHURTSHOOTER and DamageType into plain 0 on A_Explode.
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.52: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Ac!d »

Loaded CJs_BungleIJ.wad, CJs_Netronian_Chaos.pk3 (V 3.52) & CJs_NCCoupdeMain.pk3 and this happened...

damage in A_FireBullets() is an integer value, and not a float value that you use for angle
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.52: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Vostyok »

Has been a while since I played this. Going to boot this up with the new update and see how it runs with Augur:Zenith. Thank you, cap!
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.52: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Captain J »

My pleasure. Thanks so much for getting back on a good trek of Netronian Chaos. I saw Auger:Zenith and i say, that's one good looking retro cyberpunk themed level pack! Bet it certainly will blend well with the mod. Have fun!

And about Wave Attack!, it recently got updated. Nothing biggy, but here are the changes!

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- Fixed some sound errors of Netronian Silencers, Marauders and the bodies being crushed.

- Added Netronian Chaos style puff on every single hitscan enemy. Couldn't figure out how to add custom blood on it tho
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.52: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by openroadracer »

Question: Will loading "Wave Attack!" allow me to run the mapset "Bungle in the Jungle" with other weaponsets besides Netronian Chaos?
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.53: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Captain J »

That's really a good question. So i tried it. And you can't. It's a good idea tho so i'll keep that in mind.
Ac!d wrote:Loaded CJs_BungleIJ.wad, CJs_Netronian_Chaos.pk3 (V 3.52) & CJs_NCCoupdeMain.pk3 and this happened...
Now i'm seeing your reply and i'm sorry about that! But are you sure you're loading mod files in the right order? Using ZDL is highly recommended. If you already have it, try loading them in this order:


And well, Oversights are like a gift that keeps on giving. I really miss the glitch of bouncing Grenades suddenly disappear on watery surface. And found other minor issues. Here are the changes:

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Main Mod:

- Increased the Frequency of Netronian Rhels' attack MORE slightly.

- Netronian Silencer are now immune to Poison Bolts.

Coup de Main:

- Netronian Defenders’ Railgun warning sound is extra loud now.

- Netronian Marauders are now immune to Poison Bolts.

Wave Attack!:

- Removed custom ice fragment sprites.


- All kinds of Grenades no longer dissapear on watery surface.

- Certainly did my best to improve enemies not to hurt their own species. Adding DamageType, DamageFactor and DONTHURTSPECIES and etc…
EDIT: Main mod, Coup de Main and Wave Attack! got quick update for a good measure!! Sorry for your inconvenience. Please redownload again!
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.53: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Tesculpture »

Great to see you're still working on this. Since you are, I humbly suggest the addition of a couple of features:

-Change the Weapon Vacuum to have three settings: Off, Partial (behaves as it does now; vacuuming common weapons but not the rarer varieties), and Full (vacuums every weapon, including super weapons).

-Add an option to turn off self-damage from the super weapons, allowing them to be used at point-blank-range like the vanilla BFG

On another note: For everyone who tries to run this with GZDoom 4.8.0, but gets a black screen when you start it up, just open and close the F1 help screen. The title screen should immediately show correctly, but you will have to do this every time you run NC.
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.53: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Captain J »

Tesculpture wrote:-Change the Weapon Vacuum to have three settings: Off, Partial (behaves as it does now; vacuuming common weapons but not the rarer varieties), and Full (vacuums every weapon, including super weapons).
I know it's like a chore but you already can turn on or off the Vacuum option during gameplay. Simply you can turn it off if you don't want your Superweapons be wasted. The game even mentions this in Mod Stuff. But good idea.
-Add an option to turn off self-damage from the super weapons, allowing them to be used at point-blank-range like the vanilla BFG
Again, that's something mentioned in the game, the intro. Also that's why every Superweapon has underwhelming but self-destruct-free Primary Fire mode, to provide you some safety in some sticky situations while wielding such dangerous stuff. Heavy Vulcan on Alt-Fire and Tri-Desolator's 1st mode are the safest, and the cleansing-est.
On another note: For everyone who tries to run this with GZDoom 4.8.0, but gets a black screen when you start it up, just open and close the F1 help screen. The title screen should immediately show correctly, but you will have to do this every time you run NC.
Yeah... About that, that's real strange. Mods with both Hexen startup screen and the intro map seem to cause such an error. There's nothing else i can do about this because GZDoom itself is now stretching the startup screen by force. Otherwise you have to load the mod in Windowed mode.

Extra Update. Coup de Main is the one i almost forgot to mention in previous update notice. Wave Attack! one had this weird BFGBall replacement glitch and it's all fixed.

Here are the changes:

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Coup de Main:
- Netronian Gorgens no longer launch Homing Missiles.


- Added the long-forgotten kickback effect to Long Range Rifle. Plus slightly buffed the damage.

Wave Attack!:
- Tri-Desolator ball no longer replaces BFGBall. Plus fixed the graphic error.
Last edited by Captain J on Sat Jun 25, 2022 8:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.53: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by openroadracer »

Captain J wrote:That's really a good question. So i tried it. And you can't. It's a good idea tho so i'll keep that in mind.
Well, that's disappointing. Hopefully you can get in touch with Skelegant and work something out.
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.54: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Captain J »

Another Update's here! Oversights are still here and there, 9mm bullets doesn't do anything against weaker enemies and etc. Did my best to fix what i found so far.

Here are the changes!:

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Main Mod:

- Slightly nerfed the Anaika Daggers, as a trade for its quick attack speed. That did trivialize the Digitalblade.

- Slightly buffed the damage of the Burst Pistol.

- Increased the ammo value of the Extended 9mm magazine.


- Fixed the glitch on Machine Carbine that unzooms for a microsec if you try to fire it while zooming and has no ammo left.

- Fixed the reload animation of Riotgun go nuts if you constantly press fire button if the mag's empty. Also i found one exploitable aspect that you can fire fast so yeah.

Coup de Main:

- Slightly buffed the Auto Handgun's damage. Also the ricochet of it is FINALLY accurate! Bounces right off towards the baddies.

- Readjusted the units of Netronian Mechmedics so they won't get stuck in tiny places.


- Fixed the wonky zoom animation on Long-Range Rifle.

- Fixed Scattergun and Cryo Defender's glitch as same as Riotgun's.


- Shortened the delay of Long-Range Rifle after zoom-in fire. Also swapped the zoom-in fire delay of Long-Range Rifle and the Anti-Armor Rifle. Anti is now the slowest, and Long is the fastest.

- Fixed the exploitable glitch on every scoped weapon being able to fire as soon as the zoom-in animation starts.

- Fixed the glitch that happens if you drop your current weapon while zooming, and then picking it up again.
EDIT: Almost forgot but i accidentally deleted and replaced the previous 3.53 version into the current one right now and i didn't make any backup. If anyone still has it, give me a DM! That would be appreciated!
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.55: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Captain J »

Feels like i'm constantly bothering people with rather frequent updates... I blame myself in past 2 years for being super-dense over bugs that could actually happen in game. Albeit it feels so good fixing bugs especially the ones that deemed to be beyond repair.

Anyways here are the changes:

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Main Mod:

- Tonight: On Unsolved Mysteries... I freakin' solved it! Figured out why your own Sparkplug Bomb deals a lot of damage. I accidentally added two DamageTypes to the projectile instead of one. Also i forgot to define Coup de Main's Eilidh on KEYCONF as well so yeah. You'll likely survive from pressing enter key twice after starting the game.

Coup de Main:

- Significantly slowed down the Netronian Gorgens, including their attack speed. Also lowered their projectiles' offset to enhance their combat performance.

- Lowered down the projectile offset of the Netronian Druights. Again, to enhance their combat performance.

- Fixed the small sound glitch of Microgun Rifle when zoomed in.

- Mass Driver's primary projectiles no longer hurt you like thousands of angry bees.
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Re: Netronian Chaos V.3.56: The Final, Last, Concluding Upda

Post by Captain J »

Still picking up some errors within the mod. The new Weapon Vacuum update is kinda experimental albeit the code i imported are all the same. Be sure to report to me if you encounter any problem with it. Well, besides removing your favorite weapon by accident.

Y'know the drill! Here are the changes:

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Main Mod:

- Fixed the Anti-Armor Rifle dropped by Netronian Rhel also giving you 12.7mm ammo on both weapon and the inventory upon pickup

- Slightly buffed the damage of Heavy Pistol

Coup de Main:

- Now Netronian Reavers' Grenade projectile has the same units as yours

- Fixed the Bomb icons not changing in Automap


- Breakfast surprise happens much rarer now. It's supposed to be a rare stuff but it just happened to me very often.

- Every weapon are now affected on Weapon Vacuum option. Like Auto Handgun, Tiny Vulture, Assault Supporter, Annihilator, Coil Carbine, Anti-Armor Rifle, Full Auto and Long-Range Rifle.

Again if you face problems by picking up weapons by accident, be sure to turn it off un the menu. You can adjust it during gameplay.

Known Issue:

- Hand Sweeper's reloading animation shows two-shell sequence when you have only one shell available in your inventory. An inherent problem from Wildweasel's doom mod Accessories to Murder. If anyone know the fix, please do let me know!

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