The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 13 11/14/2021 Options

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Re: The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 3 16/9/2017 - Carbine Poll

Post by zimxpentagram »

I have a few things to ask about your mod (btw I tried it out, its pretty unique)

1.Will there be hud compatibility.

2. will there be weapon jam, for example, if I fire the mg for too long, the gun jams and you have to press the reload button to clean out the gun to keep firing.

3. instead of carrying 4-5 bulky health packs the size of a large energy cell, why not replace the sprites, like smaller med packs or turn them into adhesive bandages.

last question: will this be compatible with monster mods and nashgore, if not I can understand
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Re: The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 3 16/9/2017 - Carbine Poll

Post by Brohnesorge »

HUD compat is out unless the HUD is made specifically for this, because of the way the ammo and mag system are coded. I could try to patch select HUD mods to be usable. I know I've been thinking of doing just that with HXTRC's HUD.

I've thought about applying jam to the M249 or overheating or something like that. I'll experiment with some stuff and see how I like it.

Medipacks are that mostly because its what I had laying around. I may look around a bit for something else next update. At the same time, them being larger makes them easier to tell apart from stimpacks which is super important for player convenience sake.

This is already compatible with any monster, blood or gore mode of your choice! Monsters and blood are completely untouched to make sure of this. It's almost always a goal of mine to make mods that can be played with monster mods because I like Colorful Hell way too damn much.
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Re: The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 3 16/9/2017 - Carbine Poll

Post by zimxpentagram »

Brohnesorge wrote:HUD compat is out unless the HUD is made specifically for this, because of the way the ammo and mag system are coded. I could try to patch select HUD mods to be usable. I know I've been thinking of doing just that with HXTRC's HUD.

I've thought about applying jam to the M249 or overheating or something like that. I'll experiment with some stuff and see how I like it.

Medipacks are that mostly because its what I had laying around. I may look around a bit for something else next update. At the same time, them being larger makes them easier to tell apart from stimpacks which is super important for player convenience sake.

This is already compatible with any monster, blood or gore mode of your choice! Monsters and blood are completely untouched to make sure of this. It's almost always a goal of mine to make mods that can be played with monster mods because I like Colorful Hell way too damn much.

Oh OK, thanks for the response :D
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Re: The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 3 16/9/2017 - Carbine Poll

Post by Brohnesorge »

Don't have an update per say but I do have an announcement!

Soldier Z is now open source on GitLab, so if you want to help with development or create your own personal version, go nuts. You can find it here. I'll put it in the OP as well.
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Re: The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 3 16/9/2017 - Carbine Poll

Post by Brohnesorge »

Alright just pushed Update 4 to the Master branch on Git! Go and pick it up!

Code: Select all

-Baikal MP-133
--Fixed Zoom Factor not being reset when you run out of ammo in ADS

-Sorcerer Plasma Launcher
--Heat system redone to actually follow heat physics.
--Heat slowly dissapates over time now
--If heat goes above 75%, battery cell damage occurs, causing charge to drain until you drop below 75%.
--Plasma Utility upgrade changed. Now with it you automatically go into the cooldown state after firing.
--Can now interupt cooling down by shooting.

--Backpack rocket amount raised to 4.

--Weapon drops no longer give you ammo. 

--Dodge roll added! Double tap sprint to roll in the direction you are moving!
I decided to not touch the Carbine as per the poll results. Thank you for participating!

I also want to announce a bit of bad-ish news: I'm kinda out of ideas and energy for The Soldier Z. I'm not going to close it or retire it at all in case I get a burst of sweet realism energy, but I'm having a hard time working on it further. Other then polish stuff, it feel pretty complete to me. Except the BFG. It's been floating at 85% complete forever and I will finish it up soon. But it's like...I dunno. I really like where this is at. I'm not going to do the weight/stamina system because I feel like that would be a little too player hostile, and would take away from the fun, as well as make it where there is 0 reason to use the RL. Melee will get more added to it over time, and I'm always going to be doing ammo balance tweaks.

If you guys have any ideas, I'd love to hear them, because I have none.
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Re: The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 4 30/9/2017

Post by Kyotra »

There is no way to download from GitLab as a .pk3, you have to download as a .zip and rename the extension. If it's something you can't help, you might want to at least point it out in the OP so people don't come in here crying that they can't find it.

Unless it is me who is the fool for missing some hidden .pk3 download function....
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Re: The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 4 30/9/2017

Post by Brohnesorge »

There is no need to rename as .pk3. GZDoom can load ZIPs just fine.
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Re: The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 4 30/9/2017

Post by Kyotra »

Brohnesorge wrote:There is no need to rename as .pk3. GZDoom can load ZIPs just fine.
Ha, it was me who was the fool. Didn't know that was a function, thanks.
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Re: The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 4 30/9/2017

Post by LossForWords »

so we can play with the corey mask on now. cool.
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Re: The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 4 30/9/2017

Post by zimxpentagram »

I was reading through most of the weapons and I figured, why not add a sniper rifle to the mix.
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Re: The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 4 30/9/2017

Post by Brohnesorge »

At one point I was considering it, but decided to drop it for two reasons
1. AFAIK, a sniper rifle is not a field weapon at all. It's a very special purpose weapon that would be unlikely to be found around, realisticly.
2. I was unsure of what slot to put it in, and what weapon to have it spawn over.

However, I also said to myself that if someone requested/suggested it, I would give it another look. And you know what? Why not? I'm currently arm deep in another mod, but I'll take some time off of it this weekend to figure in a sniper rifle. It'll take some time, though for research and resource gathering.

Probably looking at Slot 5 with the RL and would have a chance to spawn over the RL.
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Re: The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 4 30/9/2017

Post by Brohnesorge »

Woah hey look at that, Update 5 just got pushed to the master branch on Git so go pick it up

Code: Select all

--New sprites with a reload animation!

-L115A1 Long Range Rifle
--L115A1 Long Range Rifle added!
--Slot 9, chance to spawn over the M249.
--Ammo chance to spawn over M249 ammo boxes.
--Very powerful but slow to handle sniper rifle!
--Shots can over penetrate if target HP is low enough.

-Sorcerer Plasma Launcher
--Dryfire added.

-M249 Light Machine Gun
--Power Upgrade changed to M995 rounds. Can overpenetrate.
I'll come back later to smooth out the new RL later; I'm juggling 3 mods and the main thing I wanted out this update was the sniper so the RL was kind of an afterthought.

Edit: ehhh I'm not a huge fan of the new RL. It clashes too much with the other weapons. Gonna revert it after I get home from work today...maybe. I'm suddenly sick and it hurts to look at my screen.
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Re: The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 5 8/10/2017

Post by Brohnesorge »

Whew, its been awhile. What can I say, RL got pretty busy and I had to take a hiatus from modding, but I'm back and I'm starting by bringing Soldier Z to the front burner.

I don't have an update ready today but I'm almost done with a SPAS remake (new sprites, uses unique ammo that are flecthettes, moved to own slot) and am going to start a SMG remake. I want to replace it with a UMP45 or a MP5K. I'm unsure which to do and my close friends base their decisions on a certain Chinese mobile game featuring girls who are also guns. So they are unhelpful.

But I also have a 3rd idea: both, making them the new starting classes but move the Carbine to slot 4, making it the main slot 4 weapon with the M249 as a secondary slot 4 weapon.

What do you guys think? I'm making a poll so vote now and post your thoughts below!
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Re: The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 5 8/10/2017

Post by Accensus »

UMP45. When there are lots of demons, you need good damage to take 'em down fast. 9mm is gonna take forever to kill an imp, for example. Use .45 ACP.

And remember:
(Inb4 some gun nut storms in like "ACKCHYUALLY". It's a joke, fam.)
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Re: The Soldier Z - WIP - Update 5 8/10/2017

Post by insightguy »

Brohnesorge wrote:I'm unsure which to do and my close friends base their decisions on a certain Chinese mobile game featuring girls who are also guns. So they are unhelpful.
What? I don't even...
Brohnesorge wrote:But I also have a 3rd idea: both, making them the new starting classes but move the Carbine to slot 4, making it the main slot 4 weapon with the M249 as a secondary slot 4 weapon.
Better yet, make the 2 classes separate in arsenal, makes for better replayability, 2 machine guns are not really appealing.
Lud wrote:(Inb4 some gun nut storms in like "ACKCHYUALLY". It's a joke, fam.)

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