Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

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Re: Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

Post by ImpieTwo »

If you wanna be surprised, don't watch the video and wait for Episode 1 to come out.

Posted in the wip thread moments before the next post started a new page, effectively burying the video. So here is a preview of the badass Midgard Outlaw train sequence, taking a different approach than the one in Project Einherjar.
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Re: Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

Post by ImpieTwo »

Just so everyone knows, I am indeed still working on this. In fact, here's my current progress:

Map 1/7 = 100%
Map 2/7 = 100%
Map 3/7 = 100%
Map 4/7 = 95%
Map 5/7 = 100%
Map 6/7 = 20%
Map 7/7 = 100%
Secret Map = 100%

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Re: Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

Post by mekanchest »

hey nice sequel of your mod its cool :D
Image a stuff that i made becaue the kicks animation its nice and well the attack to
Image here is the sprite that i made.
great work
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Re: Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

Post by ImpieTwo »

lol nice. Guess that's technically fan art.
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Re: Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

Post by ImpieTwo »

First episode is up and available for testing. Please tell me what you think so's I know what to tweak.
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Re: Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

Post by Bofubutt »

I really like this, and I was a fan of Einherjar, too. My only quibble is the Gauss being so powerful yet silent, and it seems like there isn't enough health to go around on higher difficulties.

That train level was a stroke of genius.
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Re: Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

Post by twinkieman93 »

I didn't really have a problem with health when I played through it on the UV equivalent? Health was fine for me personally, but honestly if anything I feel like ammo was the opposite, and there was in fact too much of it. Maybe I'm just overly conservative with my ammo but I was never in any danger of running out and I never felt like I needed to take steps to conserve anything. Juno's a fugitive(slight spoilers I guess?), and a scarcity of ammo would fit well with that kind of mood.

Beyond health/ammo balance, I liked the new enemies, fresh faces to shoot is always nice. The dynamic music is a super cool touch, not to mention useful; there's a lot of times where it kicked in before I realized a fight was happening so it was kinda like spider sense, lol. The boss fight at the end was tough, but fair. I had to reload a handful of times but once I got the general gist of what to do it was a fun and challenging enough fight. The death animation was great, hehe. I kinda wish there were some new weapons, although I have no idea what you'd add at this point. Flamethrower maybe...? We eventually got a gauss weapon after it was an enemy exclusive thing for a while, so I can hold out hope!

Can't wait to see more, especially since the episode ended on a cliffhanger. I hope that isn't a recurring thing for MO because I really liked that PE had nice definitive ends to every episode so the wait for the next one was more bearable. x.x
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Re: Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

Post by ImpieTwo »

twinkieman93 wrote:Juno's a fugitive(slight spoilers I guess?), and a scarcity of ammo would fit well with that kind of mood.
That's a good point. I haven't fully balanced the ammo yet so I might get around to that if I finish a second episode.
twinkieman93 wrote:there's a lot of times where it kicked in before I realized a fight was happening so it was kinda like spider sense, lol.
She kinda does have a sixth sense for trouble in the books a lot of the time. Usually if she has a sudden PTSD episode it tends to be a warning that something is wrong.
twinkieman93 wrote:Can't wait to see more, especially since the episode ended on a cliffhanger. I hope that isn't a recurring thing for MO because I really liked that PE had nice definitive ends to every episode so the wait for the next one was more bearable. x.x
lol that's good to know. I have a vague idea for the second episode already, just not the levels yet. I wasn't sure if this was going to be a one-off thing or if I could stretch out the "hunt for Drogo" thing to another megawad like with the first one.
Bofubutt wrote:That train level was a stroke of genius.
Thanks! I wasn't sure about it initially, since there was a train level in Einherjar too, but Juno tends to get into trouble on trains a lot in the books so I guess it fits, and I at least tried to take a different approach the second time around.
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Re: Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

Post by ImpieTwo »

New preview video out featuring Level 2.

I kinda get fucked up at the end.
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Re: Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

Post by Gideon020 »

Will there be any changes to the arsenal? I wouldn't mind seeing the AA-12 again, loaded with explosive ammo, as the new shotgun.
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Re: Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

Post by ImpieTwo »

I might add a new gun or two.

I thought about the Thunderhammer being as fast as the AA-12 but I'm worried it would be too OP for this set of mods.
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Re: Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

Post by MetroidJunkie »

"The requested URL /MO1.zip was not found on this server" when clicking on the download link.
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Re: Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

Post by ImpieTwo »

MetroidJunkie wrote:"The requested URL /MO1.zip was not found on this server" when clicking on the download link.
It should be working now. The link should lead to the file MO1.6.zip.
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Re: Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

Post by Gideon020 »

ImpieTwo wrote:I might add a new gun or two.

I thought about the Thunderhammer being as fast as the AA-12 but I'm worried it would be too OP for this set of mods.
How about slowing down the Thunderhammer but giving it explosive rounds to show perhaps a modification to the design in this new set of locales?

And perhaps arm the Shitcreek with Dragonsbreath Shells that cause brief lingering damage? Just to make it a bit more distinct from the Thunderhammer?

Ooh, maybe we can finally pull a chaingun off a Einherjar or upgrade the Gauss Pistol to a Gauss Rifle?
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Re: Midgard Outlaw - Sequel to Project Einherjar

Post by Zen3001 »

ImpieTwo wrote:
MetroidJunkie wrote:"The requested URL /MO1.zip was not found on this server" when clicking on the download link.
It should be working now. The link should lead to the file MO1.6.zip.
nope still having the same issue

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