Banhammer: A Moderator Simulator

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Re: Banhammer: A Moderator Simulator

Post by Accensus »

Update time!

- Added option to toggle Void hammer start.
- Moderator teammate death particles are now color-coded based on the moderator's color.
- Redesigned menu.
- Added disintegration particles! Probably not as good as Major Cooke's, but it's something. *shrug*
- Added "BAN!" sound on kill. Is toggle-able.
- Added nuke. Instructions in manual under Zoom II.
- Modified damage dealt by attacks and prevented them from killing fellow moderators.
- Fixed a sound bug with dash combo.
- Minor other fixes.

There may be some bugs left. Due to not having a lot of people who can aid with testing, it's kinda hard to catch 'em all.
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Re: Banhammer: A Moderator Simulator

Post by Accensus »

Whoops. Doubleposting to say I accidentally missed a line in SNDINFO that screwed up some sounds. Hotfix applied. Sorry for the inconvenience. This is why the semicolon is sacred.

EDIT: Ninja'd the "Bererk" typo. Hue.
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Re: Banhammer: A Moderator Simulator

Post by Accensus »

- Fixed bug where MAPINFO-set specials do not execute when enemies are disintegrated.
- Fixed issue where you could not have Void hammer, but hammer would still be lifted, even if slam is on cool-down.
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Re: Banhammer: A Moderator Simulator

Post by Voltcom9 »

This mod is absolutely hilarious! 5/5

I think this deserves a cacoward but what do I know.
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Re: Banhammer: A Moderator Simulator

Post by Captain J »

Moderately Smashing! We could get ourselves a promotion for this!
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Re: Banhammer: A Moderator Simulator

Post by Accensus »

Voltcom9 wrote:This mod is absolutely hilarious! 5/5

I think this deserves a cacoward but what do I know.
Thank you, Voltcom! It's already been mentioned in the mentionation thread, but the more the merrier I suppose, lol.
Captain J wrote:Moderately Smashing! We could get ourselves a promotion for this!

I've had some ideas for improvement, but they're still on the blackboard. I was thinking of having roughly 10% of banned enemies' ghosts becoming unrested, which would increase a counter. As long as the counter is a number above 0, you can summon all those vengeful spirits upon the rest of the enemies. In other words, summon the restless banned to haunt stuff.
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Re: Banhammer: A Moderator Simulator

Post by Accensus »

Finally got the time to implemented the idea above. Enjoy!

- Added new attack, bound to User1. Each enemy has a 25% chance to become a restless spirit that awaits to be summoned. Currently each spirit deals 80 damage. Maximum number of spirits is 50. No cool-down. Spirits can pass through walls and haunt distant enemies.
- Fixed boss map specials executing properly with Destroy(). No more hacks! Thanks to FishyClockwork for the heads-up.
- Moved keys from both sides of HUD to left side in order to free space for spirit counter.
- Slam time window increased to 7 tics after landing.
- Slam height window increased by 8 map units. Not sure if this would make much difference.
- Moderators' attack particles now respect that moderator's color.
- Fixed some missing menu graphic translations.
- Other under-the-hood fixes and improvements that do not affect gameplay.
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Re: Banhammer: A Moderator Simulator

Post by Accensus »

Video by leodoom85. Bless this guy.

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