Shades of Doom v4.1 (07-09-23)

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Re: [WIP/BETA] 12,5 Quadrillion Shades of Doom v0.1

Post by Cyanide »

wildweasel wrote:This is good fun!
Glad you like it. :)
Doctrine Gamer wrote: Quadrillion Shades of Doom is very good, variety skins of monsters without modifying their behavior. Nice.
Thank you! :)

Small what's-update:

I'm currently trying to find more monsters to cram into the mod. I'm having a hard time finding interesting variants of Arachnotrons, Arch-viles and Spider Masterminds though. Suggestions are very much welcome from anyone! I've tried to not stray too far from the look of the original doom monsters. I can't quite put my finger on what makes a variant look "doomy" to me, but I know it when I see it (if that makes any sense). I'll make a list of all the monsters present in the mod some time during the following days to make cross-checking a breeze.

Any other suggestions and bug reports are also welcome!

EDIT: Avoided double-post and cleared up formating.
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Re: [WIP/BETA] 12,5 Quadrillion Shades of Doom v0.1

Post by Doctrine Gamer »

I tried to use the Scripted spawner but it did not work :( it still has the same A_BossDeath bug, would it be something with my version of GZDoom 3.1?
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Re: [WIP/BETA] 12,5 Quadrillion Shades of Doom v0.2

Post by Cyanide »

0.2 is up and download link has been updated.

Keen and Nazi variants have been seperated from the main randomizer and A_BossDeath stuff has been pseudo-fixed until I have the time to properly fix it.
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Re: [WIP/BETA] 12,5 Quadrillion Shades of Doom v0.2

Post by Spaceman333 »

I'm still running v0.1, but I ran into two bugs that I'm not fully sure if its the fault of the mod or due to other mods I have loaded.

1. Hectebus monster is invisible. I got blasted by rockers and machineguns out of nowhere.
2. When vanilla doomimps are killed, they will dissapear without a death animation, then either vanish out of existence or spawn a darker brown imp in their place.

Can you confirm if this happens in v0.2?
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Re: [WIP/BETA] 12,5 Quadrillion Shades of Doom v0.2

Post by wildweasel »

I haven't been able to test again since 0.2 came out, but there was one type of chaingunner enemy that, when killed, would go past his death frames into his gib frames, leaving him stuck in the middle of them. I wasn't able to pick up which one it was, though, since Linetarget doesn't target dead monsters.
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Re: [WIP/BETA] 12,5 Quadrillion Shades of Doom v0.2

Post by NeuralStunner »

The [wiki=CCMDs:Informational#info]info ccmd[/wiki] should still work. (Just remember to aim low, since corpses are 1/4 of the live actor's height by default.)
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Re: [WIP/BETA] 12,5 Quadrillion Shades of Doom v0.2

Post by Cyanide »

Spaceman333 wrote:I'm still running v0.1, but I ran into two bugs that I'm not fully sure if its the fault of the mod or due to other mods I have loaded.

1. Hectebus monster is invisible. I got blasted by rockers and machineguns out of nowhere.
2. When vanilla doomimps are killed, they will dissapear without a death animation, then either vanish out of existence or spawn a darker brown imp in their place.

Can you confirm if this happens in v0.2?
Non of this happens for me. Not in 0.1 or 0.2. Could you try running the mod without other mods and se if it still happens on your end? You can just type "summon hectebus" or "summon imp" in the console to spawn the two monsters.
wildweasel wrote:I haven't been able to test again since 0.2 came out, but there was one type of chaingunner enemy that, when killed, would go past his death frames into his gib frames, leaving him stuck in the middle of them. I wasn't able to pick up which one it was, though, since Linetarget doesn't target dead monsters.
Found and fixed for next release. Thanks!
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Re: [WIP/BETA] 12,5 Quadrillion Shades of Doom v0.2

Post by wildweasel »

NeuralStunner wrote:The [wiki=CCMDs:Informational#info]info ccmd[/wiki] should still work. (Just remember to aim low, since corpses are 1/4 of the live actor's height by default.)
Unrelatedly, I just tried this a bit ago and it does not work on dead monsters, because death sets +NOBLOCKMAP, IIRC.
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Re: [WIP/BETA] 12,5 Quadrillion Shades of Doom v0.2

Post by Rachael »

Works just fine for me. You have to aim really down on the monster, sometimes even underneath them. There is no +NOBLOCKMAP on dead monsters that I can see.
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Re: [WIP/BETA] 12,5 Quadrillion Shades of Doom v0.2

Post by dljosef »

Or use that Monster Scouter mod that strangely detects health on objects as well to see which ones are blocking the path, such as the one undead caco variant whose corpse blocks you.
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Re: [WIP/BETA] 12,5 Quadrillion Shades of Doom v0.2

Post by Cyanide »

dljosef wrote:Or use that Monster Scouter mod that strangely detects health on objects as well to see which ones are blocking the path, such as the one undead caco variant whose corpse blocks you.
Whoops... I'll fix that right away. Thanks.
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Re: [WIP/BETA] 12,5 Quadrillion Shades of Doom v0.2

Post by dljosef »

In terms of compatability with other mods, this doesn't work with Legendoom, due to the way the spawners in this mod work.

The weapon mods still work fine, though. The ones that don't change up the monsters anyway.

Edit: The one chaingunner replacement I found the gib frame issue on is the blue armored chaingunner replacement with the beard. Also, the caco ghoul (gray undead cacodemon), I found, is the only one that blocks you.
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Re: [WIP/BETA] 12,5 Quadrillion Shades of Doom v0.2

Post by Cyanide »

dljosef wrote:In terms of compatability with other mods, this doesn't work with Legendoom, due to the way the spawners in this mod work.

The weapon mods still work fine, though. The ones that don't change up the monsters anyway.
Yes. I've been playing with Trailblazer and Argent, which both work fine as far as I can tell.
dljosef wrote:Edit: The one chaingunner replacement I found the gib frame issue on is the blue armored chaingunner replacement with the beard. Also, the caco ghoul (gray undead cacodemon), I found, is the only one that blocks you.
Already fixed it for the next version. Thanks, though. :)
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Re: [WIP/BETA] 18,2 Quadrillion Shades of Doom v0.4

Post by Cyanide »

Just updated to 0.4. Some monsters have been added, and some bugs have been fixed. Also, I've updated the name, since the number of combinations is now higher. I also added a little more to the description of the mod, to point out some stuff which may have gone unnoticed in earlier versions.
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Re: [WIP] 30,9 Quadrillion Shades of Doom v0.6

Post by Cyanide »

Quick update.

Added some more monsters, and tweaked some stuff.

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