[WIP][Horror] Divine Frequency (Demo Updated)

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Re: [WIP][Experimental Horror] Divine Frequency

Post by Ghost Prototype »

Yeah I'm gonna address that soon. I know it's probably easy to get the impression that it's a silent hill clone type mod. But if anything, this mod is more of a dark, weird adventure game.
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Re: [WIP][Experimental Horror] Divine Frequency

Post by chronoteeth »

Honestly theres not an issue with either style, but just how its presented just feels far too clashing rather than cooperative. the dark feeling is more than even most horror mods and it feels really weird to see each of them try to work together

a good example would be like unloved. those are essentially slaughter maps with a heavy sh feel but they're designed in a way where the enemies and visuals/sounds work in tandem rather than against. what we see honestly is two great looking and feeling mods that shouldnt be together. even if its fun theres just that little feeling that its gonna just be a smidge off if that makes sense. thats just our 2c tho
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Re: [Slow Gradual WIP] Divine Frequency

Post by TheRailgunner »

YukesVonFaust wrote:when are you going to release this, i mean seriously man

i'm eager to playtest
Seconded - this project is absolutely beautiful, and all sorts of terrifying. The immersion really seems on-point, and, in the words of the great Eric Andre, "Let me in! Let me IIIIIIINNNNN!"
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Re: [WIP][Experimental Horror] Divine Frequency

Post by Ghost Prototype »

Please folks, :mrgreen: the last thing I want to happen is for anyone to go in expecting one thing and not getting what they were anticipating.
So here's another gameplay. This is it, this is what the gameplay loop is like, in terms of how it feels to the type of environment you'll be roaming.

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Re: [WIP][Experimental Horror] Divine Frequency

Post by chronoteeth »

its not that we dont get what the gameplay loop is, we can see it clearly! we're saying they dont meld well together. looking at it more tho you could probably fix a lottt of the issues by changing some sound effects and letting there be some option choices for like having no numbers, super minimal hud, disabling power slides, ect. that way you can still have the feel you want but also provide what a lot of us see when we look at the gameplay, and it wont take a long or hard time to do it!
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Re: [WIP][Experimental Horror] Divine Frequency

Post by Ghost Prototype »

You're going to have to be more specific than that. It seems like you're suggesting changes that'll fit what you want out of the mod. There's an option to disable damage number and shaders. I don't know what power slides are supposed to be. Either way, if this isn't your cup of tea, that's completely understandable. Some will like it, others won't :)
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Re: [WIP][Experimental Horror] Divine Frequency

Post by skdursh »

I think it looks great.
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Re: [WIP][Experimental Horror] Divine Frequency

Post by XLightningStormL »

An easy way to advertise it would be "a GZDoom action horror total conversion for Doom 2 heavily inspired by Dark Souls, System Shock 2, Blood, Silent Hill, etc"

As for "Power Slides" I think the term Chronoteef was looking for was Dashing.

I think the big issue is that a lot of people are expecting this to be slow, moody, and survival horror, despite it not really being any of that, more fast, grating/intense/forgot the word and action horror.
Ghost Prototype wrote:Either way, if this isn't your cup of tea, that's completely understandable. Some will like it, others won't :)
Biggest problem is to keep hubris in check, statements like that tend to get your project shot in the foot, because people read it and probably think (on an subconscious level at least) "fuck this guy, I'm not playing his total conversion!" (sorry for the brutal honesty) Always list what the mod strives to accomplish, and the general experience of projects, negatives are generally check outs for most people. Lessons I've already learnt in GZDoom modding.
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Re: [WIP][Experimental Horror] Divine Frequency

Post by Ghost Prototype »

This conversation isn't gonna lead anywhere.
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Re: [WIP][Experimental Horror] Divine Frequency

Post by skdursh »

XLightningStormL wrote:
I think the big issue is that a lot of people are expecting this to be slow, moody, and survival horror, despite it not really being any of that, more fast, grating/intense/forgot the word and action horror.
If by "a lot of people" you mean maybe just that other guy and you. I mean come on, just let the man make the mod that he wants to make. This guy is making a mod to share with the community. There are hundreds if not thousands of other mods out there. If you don't like this one, then yeah you can go play something else. It isn't hubris, it's just a simple fact. Not everyone is going to like every thing and I think it's really pretty shitty of you and the other to try and dictate what the author *should* be doing with their own creation. The entitlement in this community concerning FREE mods really just blows my mind sometimes
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Re: [WIP][Experimental Horror] Divine Frequency

Post by Jayrassic Park »

Just gonna say that I really love the meaty lo-fi aesthetic (pun not intended), and I personally don't mind the horror trappings (The Suffering did that really well while still being action-packed). Looking forward to Halloween.
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Re: [WIP][Experimental Horror] Divine Frequency

Post by XLightningStormL »

skdursh wrote:
XLightningStormL wrote:
I think the big issue is that a lot of people are expecting this to be slow, moody, and survival horror, despite it not really being any of that, more fast, grating/intense/forgot the word and action horror.
If by "a lot of people" you mean maybe just that other guy and you. I mean come on, just let the man make the mod that he wants to make. This guy is making a mod to share with the community. There are hundreds if not thousands of other mods out there. If you don't like this one, then yeah you can go play something else. It isn't hubris, it's just a simple fact. Not everyone is going to like every thing and I think it's really pretty shitty of you and the other to try and dictate what the author *should* be doing with their own creation. The entitlement in this community concerning FREE mods really just blows my mind sometimes
That's a big reach to ASSume I told him to change anything in his mod.

So how about we stop MASS DEBATING over trivial crap, and wait for the mod? 8-)
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Re: [Demo][Spooky Mod] Divine Frequency

Post by Ghost Prototype »

demo released. have fun and happy halloween. Lol
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Re: [Demo][Spooky Mod] Divine Frequency

Post by Jabronii-chan »

Just finished up Chapter 1. Really really good stuff. 100% worth the wait. I guess if I had any real complaints it would be how fast lantern oil drains/how scarce it is in Ch1. I don’t mind the darkness since it really adds to the atmosphere but also I’d like to see where I’m going or where that crate is that I’m trying to smash.
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Re: [Demo][Spooky Mod] Divine Frequency

Post by Ghost Prototype »

Yeah. I noticed that's been the main criticism with the first map. I attempted to solve that particular issue and streamlined some features in the latest version I just added (v0.5e).

Some of the changes are

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