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Script error, "Brutal Trailblazer Patch II.pk3:decorate/debug/chaingunguy.txt" line 870:
Parent type 'TB_ChaingunGuy1' not found in TB_StealthChaingunGuy
I've noticed that upgrading weapons stops working properly after one level. If you have a weapon that's been tinkered with, but not upgraded, once you clear a level you can't tinker with it anymore. It says it's been upgraded already. I don't know if this happens to everyone, but it's been a problem for me.
Figured it out. Seems like sometimes the inventory token macheterangselected isn't being removed from the inventory. Sounds like an issue with the main mod. I'll take this over there.
small graphical glitch i noticed, when killing an SS with the sawed off shotguns, their death animation reverts to the normal zombieman as they collapse
edit: same for chrome justice secondary fire, and the nutcracker primary. bullets, machete and other explosions seem to be fine tho
Attention Trailblazers! I have updated the Brutal Trailblazer Patch to work with the latest versions of Trailblazer (v1.5e) and Brutal Doom - Monsters Only (v21).
Attempt to get invalid state See from actor ImpTorso.
Attempt to get invalid state See from actor DeadImp.
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/lostsoul.txt" line 52:
Bad hex number: no
Attempt to get invalid state Crouch from actor Nazi.
Script warning, "Trailblazer.pk3:decorate/props/barrels.txt" line 310:
Tried to define class 'BarrelParticle' more than once. Renaming class to 'BarrelParticle@Trailblazer.pk3@decorate/props/barrels.txt'
Script error, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 1215:
Parent type 'SMGGuy' not found in TB_SMGGuy
Script error, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 1215:
Replaced type 'SMGGuy' not found for TB_SMGGuy
Script error, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/hitboxes.txt" line 451:
Replaced type 'HeadshotTarget6b' not found for TB_HeadshotTarget6b
Script error, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/hitboxes.txt" line 467:
Replaced type 'HeadshotTarget10b' not found for TB_HeadshotTarget10b
Script error, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/hitboxes.txt" line 475:
Replaced type 'HeadshotTarget20b' not found for TB_HeadshotTarget20b
Script error, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/hitboxes.txt" line 483:
Replaced type 'HellNobleCrotchHitbox' not found for TB_HellNobleCrotchHitbox
Script error, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/hitboxes.txt" line 515:
Replaced type 'TankEngineWeakSpot' not found for TB_TankEngineWeakSpot
Script error, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/hitboxes.txt" line 758:
Replaced type 'LegTarget60' not found for TB_LegTarget60
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/fireworks.txt" line 161:
Unknown class name 'WhiteShockwaveBig' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/dead.txt" line 1350:
Unknown class name 'DeadImp1' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/explosives.txt" line 105:
Unknown class name 'WhiteShockwave' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/explosives.txt" line 131:
Unknown class name 'WhiteShockwaveBig' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/explosives.txt" line 146:
Unknown class name 'WhiteShockwaveBig' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/explosives.txt" line 159:
Unknown class name 'WhiteShockwaveBig' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/zombiemen.txt" line 501:
Unknown class name 'Ploft' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/zombiemen.txt" line 514:
Unknown class name 'Ploft' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/zombiemen.txt" line 595:
Unknown class name 'Ploft3' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/zombiemen.txt" line 611:
Unknown class name 'Ploft3' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/zombiemen.txt" line 1353:
Unknown class name 'Ploft' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/zombiemen.txt" line 1360:
Unknown class name 'Ploft' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/sergeants.txt" line 512:
Unknown class name 'Ploft3' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/sergeants.txt" line 534:
Unknown class name 'Ploft3' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/sergeants.txt" line 1139:
Unknown class name 'Ploft' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/sergeants.txt" line 1162:
Unknown class name 'Ploft' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/comando.txt" line 613:
Unknown class name 'Ploft' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/imps.txt" line 573:
Unknown class name 'Ploft3' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/imps.txt" line 594:
Unknown class name 'Ploft3' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/imps.txt" line 1069:
Unknown class name 'Ploft' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate/imps.txt" line 1097:
Unknown class name 'Ploft' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "bdmonsters20bqfix.pk3:decorate" line 397:
Unknown class name 'KillMe' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 83:
Unknown class name 'SMGGuy' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 100:
Unknown class name 'nonewenemies' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 258:
Unknown class name 'DistantFireSoundShotgun' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 380:
Unknown class name 'ExecuteDownedShotgunguy' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 476:
Unknown class name 'bdbodythud' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 492:
Unknown class name 'BodyCrash1' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 504:
Unknown class name 'bdbodythud' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 546:
Unknown class name 'Ploft3' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 566:
Unknown class name 'Ploft3' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 699:
Unknown class name 'HeavyAutomaticWeapon' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 714:
Unknown class name 'ArterialBloodSPray' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 738:
Unknown class name 'ArterialBloodSPray' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 751:
Unknown class name 'DeadShotgunguyNoHeadContinue' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 770:
Unknown class name 'ArterialBloodSPray' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 836:
Unknown class name 'Guts' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 846:
Unknown class name 'SergeantFallingHoleOnStomach' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 853:
Unknown class name 'Guts' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 864:
Unknown class name 'SergeantFallingSplattered' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 877:
Unknown class name 'Guts' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 894:
Unknown class name 'XDeathHalfSergeant2' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 971:
Unknown class name 'HealthPlusFatalityBonus' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 972:
Unknown class name 'ArmorShardFatalityBonus' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 990:
Unknown class name 'SergeantFatality4' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 993:
Unknown class name 'SergeantFatality5' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 1001:
Unknown class name 'GrabbedAShotgunguy' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 1056:
Unknown class name 'BodyRemovalThing' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 1165:
Unknown class name 'Ploft' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "BrutalTrailblazerPatch.pk3:decorate/debug/shotgunguy.txt" line 1180:
Unknown class name 'Ploft' of type 'Actor'