Guncaster crashes upon starting a new game.

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Guncaster crashes upon starting a new game.

Post by Sky_Track »

Hi, i'm not new here, ( I guess I technically am, but... eh.) but let me get to the point. I keep having a problem with Guncaster, and whenever I start a new game, it will crash. Thus, I came here for help.

This is the error I have been experiencing. My friend told me his specs, I told him mine, his are similar, but I have a GTX GeForce 960, and he has a laptop that can run it finely, and its shit, trust me. If you have any info on how to solve this issue, please reply to this post. Thank you.

P.S.: The current version of Guncaster I have is v2.8a. You can see the version of GZDoom I have in the picture, at the top of the window.
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Re: Guncaster crashes upon starting a new game.

Post by _mental_ »

Hard to say something useful with so little information given.
It looks like an out of RAM case or even out of address space. Do you have 64-bit Windows? If so, you can run 64-bit GZDoom to do a quick check.
Did you change some settings before running Guncaster? Are you loading anything else along with it? Do you have something in autoload list?
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Re: Guncaster crashes upon starting a new game.

Post by Sky_Track »

_mental_ wrote:Hard to say something useful with so little information given.
It looks like an out of RAM case or even out of address space. Do you have 64-bit Windows? If so, you can run 64-bit GZDoom to do a quick check.
Did you change some settings before running Guncaster? Are you loading anything else along with it? Do you have something in autoload list?
First off, I don't have 64-bit windows. Second off, I only changed the controls, not the resolution, or anything visual. Third off, I am running Map's of Chaos v1.2.7. And lastly, I have no idea what auto-load is, but what I think you mean by that is ZDL.
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Re: Guncaster crashes upon starting a new game.

Post by _mental_ »

Guncaster with Maps of Chaos works fine for me using 2.4.0 32-bit.
Could you please copy whole text from fatal error window and post it here?
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Joined: Sun Apr 09, 2017 12:34 am

Re: Guncaster crashes upon starting a new game.

Post by Sky_Track »

_mental_ wrote:Guncaster with Maps of Chaos works fine for me using 2.4.0 32-bit.
Could you please copy whole text from fatal error window and post it here?
Yeah, about that... The picture is the only bit of clarification I have. Sorry.

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