And naturally it is harmless. Especially since we have to pick apart the stuff ourselves...
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override void Draw (int state, double TicFrac)
1) MAPINFO's gameinfo section - check the repo.ZZYZX wrote:How do I point the statusbar to a ZScript class?
Will it completely replace all statusbars or like SBARINFO did it (separate for fullscreen, separate for regular, and althud disables any custom statusbars)?
How do I make something draw over statusbar hudmessage-style that'd work with any statusbar even the internal ones? I made RenderOverlay for that, but then Graf said it's going to be in the statusbar.
If it's of any comfort, I'm holding off until it's actually done this time. I learned my lesson previously.Graf Zahl wrote:I'm not even done with the status bar and some people still use it... Be careful that stuff doesn't break, right now I do not care about breaking changes and if something isn't good it gets changed.
DTA_Clip...something.Nash wrote:
First!!!Compass written in ZScript as a custom status bar.
Just gotta wait for the clipping rectangle and I can dump my ACS for good. >8D
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class SpecialSbar : Element
override void OnCreate()
mRect = Rect.FromXYWH(0, 0, Screen.GetWidth(), Screen.GetHeight()); // these are coordinates in parent element's coordinates. for root element = screen coordinates
mScale = 1; // this is a float, change if you need to scale to some resolution, e.g. if you want to have virtual 1024x768, do mScale = double(Screen.GetHeight())/768.0;
// you can add other init stuff here
override void Draw()
Drawer d = GetDrawer();
// use Drawer methods here
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SpecialSbar sbd = new('SpecialSbar').Init();
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Can't call play function DrawFullScreenStuffCustom from ui context
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class CustomDoomStatusBar : DoomStatusBar
override void Draw (int state, double TicFrac)
BaseStatusBar.Draw (state, TicFrac);
//Super.Draw (state, TicFrac);
if (state == HUD_StatusBar)
BeginStatusBar(320, 200, 32);
DrawMainBar (TicFrac);
else if (state == HUD_Fullscreen)
BeginHUD(320, 200, 1., false);
DrawFullScreenStuffCustom ();
protected void DrawFullScreenStuffCustom ()
Vector2 iconbox = (40, 20);
// Draw health
let berserk = CPlayer.mo.FindInventory("PowerStrength");
DrawImage(berserk? "PSTRA0" : "MEDIA0", (20, -2));
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.health, 3), (44, -20));
let armor = CPlayer.mo.FindInventory("BasicArmor");
if (armor != null)
DrawInventoryIcon(armor, (20, -22));
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(armor.Amount, 3), (44, -40));
Inventory ammotype1, ammotype2;
[ammotype1, ammotype2] = GetCurrentAmmo();
int invY = -20;
if (ammotype1 != null)
DrawInventoryIcon(ammotype1, (-14, -4));
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(ammotype1.Amount, 3), (-30, -20), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
invY -= 20;
if (ammotype2 != null && ammotype2 != ammotype1)
DrawInventoryIcon(ammotype2, (-14, invY + 17));
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(ammotype2.Amount, 3), (-30, invY), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
invY -= 20;
if (CPlayer.inventorytics == 0 && CPlayer.mo.InvSel != null && !level.NoInventoryBar)
DrawInventoryIcon(CPlayer.mo.InvSel, (-14, invY + 17));
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.mo.InvSel.Amount, 3), (-30, invY), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
if (deathmatch)
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.FragCount, 3), (-3, 1), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, Font.CR_GOLD);
// Draw the keys. This does not use a special draw function like SBARINFO because the specifics will be different for each mod
// so it's easier to copy or reimplement the following piece of code instead of trying to write a complicated all-encompassing solution.
Vector2 keypos = (-10, 2);
int rowc = 0;
double roww = 0;
for(let i = CPlayer.mo.Inv; i != null; i = i.Inv)
if (i is "Key" && i.Icon.IsValid())
DrawTexture(i.Icon, keypos, DI_SCREEN_RIGHT_TOP|DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
Vector2 size = TexMan.GetScaledSize(i.Icon);
keypos.Y += size.Y + 2;
roww = max(roww, size.X);
if (++rowc == 3)
keypos.Y = 2;
keypos.X -= roww + 2;
roww = 0;
rowc = 0;
if (CPlayer.inventorytics != 0 && !level.NoInventoryBar)
DrawInventoryBar(diparms, (0, 0), 7, DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM, HX_SHADOW);
With that done, I get this:ZZYZX wrote:Anyway, this particular issue can be fixed by explicitly marking your draw function as ui (e.g. protected ui void DrawFullScreenStuffCustom).
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Script error, "sbar_testing.pk3:zscript.txt" line 20:
Unexpected identifier
Expecting ';' or ','