zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

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zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

Post by An_Unknown_Player »

zSRB2 is my recreation of Sonic Robo Blast 2 on the Zandronum engine, the goal for v1 was to recreate the Multiplayer portion of the game, It currently features 3 New Game Modes, Match, a new type CTF and Race, Check out the list below for key features of the game:

DOWNLOAD LINK : http://www.mediafire.com/file/t6cp3ybzv8t6tb3/zSRB2.zip (Requires Zandronum v3.0, OpenGL Mode Recommended but not necessary)

  • New Type of Capture the Flag.
  • New Race mode, ready to be played, finish 3 Laps and try to get the highest score.
  • Breakable Monitors with Proper bouncing physics, Jump on them or spin into them to Break.
  • New SRB2-ish Chasecam based on "TheArmyGuy's code" (Great thanks to him for allowing me to use it), Which will be enabled if Coop or Survival modes are on.
  • Added additional options under options menu to let you configure it the way you want.
  • 3 Playable Characters, Sonic, Knuckles and Tails, Sonic can perform a fast and Strong Jump dash ability, making him hard to hunt down, Knuckles can Glide and Climb, and Tails can fly and reach places that Sonic and Knuckles can't reach by Normal Means.
  • Extended Player class states with New Spring, Gasp and Running animations.
  • Spindash, Press your Alt fire key to spin.
  • 4 Shield Powerups, Force Shield, Elemental Shield, WhirlWind Shield and Armageddon Shield, each with their unique abilities, Press Spindash in air to activate their abilities.
  • Underwater system with low gravity, Elemental Shield allows you to breath Underwater, alternatively you can breath from air bubbles (don't drown !)
  • Elemental Shield will protect you from Fire damagetype.
  • All new SRB2 weapon rings recreated in DECORATE, complete with their features and ammo style.
  • New ammo system, you need at least 1 Ring to fire a projectile from your current weapon, a shot costs 1 ring and bit of that weapon ammo type.
  • Over 15 Maps fully ported to Doom in Hexen Format, complete with their gimmicks.
  • over 50 Thing types recreated in DECORATE Format, with their original DoomedNums to make porting other SRB2 maps easier in the future.
  • New Score system, you get 50 Points for damaging an opponent and 100 for killing him.
  • New Health system, you need at least 1 Ring to not die, you get a thrust after getting hit and you lose control of your character and rings until you land again (though you will still be able to fire projectiles), If you have a shield you don't lose or drop rings.
  • Player acceleration.
I Need Help
  • There is no way to change player height via ACS currently, making Spindash ability useless, Implementing a feature that allows changing player height using APROP_Height would be very helpful, and Since ZDoom will no longer receive updates i don't think there's an excuse to not Implement it, Hopefully such thing is going to be possible in future Zandronum version. (won't make to ZDoom or GZDoom anytime soon AFAIK).
  • I Need help with Acceleration script, for a control feel similar to SRB2, Let me know if you're interested. (Done :), will be uploaded with next version).
How do I host this ?
Load the included Batch file, If you would like to use TSPG Painkiller to host it, start it with the megagame.wad, You can also change Maximum points before round ends using the next console command via RCON :
  • RCON Maxpoints "VALUE"
Once you're ingame, Head to Customize Controls and Bind keys for :
  • Spindash.
  • Scoreboard.
  • Ability (very bottom of controls list).
  • Third Persone Mode (Coop only).
Kind regards
- LordOZ_98
Last edited by An_Unknown_Player on Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:26 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

Post by Tormentor667 »

This looks very promising :)
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Re: zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

Post by An_Unknown_Player »

I Have finally finished Race system, It is easy to Implement for future maps, You just copy/paste scripts from existing race maps and apply necessary changes, And also Ported every 2.0 Race map, making total of maps +20 :wub: :
  • 2.0 Race Maps Ported, complete with their gimmicks.
  • New Race system, 3 Checkpoints must be passed to complete a Lap, 3 Laps to Finish Race.
  • New Scoreboard and Proper score sorting.
  • Race Ranking, if "israce = 1" on 3 laps finished, Players will be rewarded points based on their place.
  • Increased Jump height, Apparently it was incorrect, noticed this while testing the Race maps.
  • Sonic Thok speed gain Improved, on player landed, Player speed will be reduced back to normal.
  • 60 Seconds cooldown after first place is taken, before race ends and progress to next level.
  • Random Monitors.
Link Updated in the OP.

Kind regards.
- LordOZ_98
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Re: zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

Post by Xane123 »

I agree with Tormentor667, interesting and promising! If this gets developed enough, it'll be good for people like me who prefer ZDoom (well, Zandronum) over the strange ways things are done with their version of Doom's engine)!

One question, though...I haven't played it but I read you implemented underwater, Sonic-style; ZDoom forces swimming on in every mod (though it should be optional). How did you make Sonic-styled underwater behavior without editing the source code to remove forced swimming?
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Re: zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

Post by Shadow Hog »

Xane123 wrote:One question, though...I haven't played it but I read you implemented underwater, Sonic-style; ZDoom forces swimming on in every mod (though it should be optional). How did you make Sonic-styled underwater behavior without editing the source code to remove forced swimming?
I'm rather curious about that too, since that stymied an attempt at porting Greenflower Zone Act 1 I was starting a while back (couldn't spring out of the water pit at the end, because the swimming code nullified all the vertical momentum it gave you before you even broke the surface).
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Re: zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

Post by An_Unknown_Player »

Haha, Dsogaming decided to be kind and wrote an article about my crappy Remake lol : http://www.dsogaming.com/videotrailer-n ... ly-videos/
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Re: zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

Post by Death Egg »

I've been waiting for something like this. I'll have to check this out at some point. Any way you'd consider making a separate mod that's just the characters, playable in regular Doom wad's? It would be difficult to figure out the logistics of how that'd translate to Doom but I've wanted it for a looooong time now.
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Re: zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

Post by An_Unknown_Player »

I'd have to set each monster health to 1, Not sure how it will turn out but I can try.
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Re: zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

Post by Danfun64 »

If I were doing it (which i'm not, and am incapable of doing atm) I would have had two different sections. zSRB2-SP (SP/Coop and Deathmatch, based off a forked version of ((G)/(Q))ZDoom to add compatibility for any exclusive rendering features from SRB2's engine. Once the needed features are added (support for stuff like SOC and LUA is not happening, but the goal would be to be compatible with SRB2 2.1.x custom levels that didn't require those features) I would attempt to merge with the official versions of ((G)/(Q))ZDoom. Would probably use ZScript) and zSRB2-MP (Multiplayer only. Levels would be simplified to Zandronum 3.0 standards (meaning DM levels would probably be different between the two versions), and DECORATE would be used for obvious reasons. As Zandronum eventually upgrades its codebase to newer major revisions of ((G)/(Q))ZDoom, zSRB2-MP would resemble zSRB2-SP more and more. Once a major Zandronum version gets the features from the merged version of ((G)/(Q))ZDoom with the needed features, zSRB2-MP in its original form would be depreciated and instead include only Zandronum-exclusive features while running zSRB2-SP's code otherwise, meaning that it would only be then that stuff like Invasion would exist.

...If that kind of project was completed, it would probably kill the SRB2 engine, as the SRB2 devs might prefer working with a version of the game that uses standardized Doom stuff.
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Re: zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

Post by An_Unknown_Player »

Not within the limits the engines are currently at, No way to simulate SRB2's water physics accurately, no way to change Height during Spindash, no Walkable Polyobjects, eh...

I'd still continue working on this, but i'm only going to implement all i can.
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Re: zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

Post by Danfun64 »

An_Unknown_Player wrote:Not within the limits the engines are currently at, No way to simulate SRB2's water physics accurately, no way to change Height during Spindash, no Walkable Polyobjects, eh...
Hence the idea of forking of ((G)/(Q))ZDoom to include features like those and most everything else needed in order to accurately run SRB2 (again, minus LUA and SOC support.)
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Re: zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

Post by An_Unknown_Player »

Ya umm, Zandronum combines ZDoom and GZDoom so that's where I am, I still don't see the benefits of moving to ZDoom or GZDoom while Zandronum 3.0 offers everything I need, I Already considered the idea of separate versions exclusively for ZDoom and GZDoom but I just couldn't find anything worth that effort.

EDIT : Welp, decided to pick it up again, will be throwing few updates occasionally :

Gameplay Improvements
  • Gradually Increasing player speed.
  • Spindash charging, longer Alt fire Holding = Stronger Spindash.
  • Added Knuckles, Complete with abilities, No Forced angle due to limitations, again (sigh).
  • Bouncing on Monitor and Badniks, For Some reason doesn't work if more than 1 Player are ingame, gotta fix this later.
Map-related changes
  • Ported 10 CTF Maps, along with an incomplete test version of Twisted Terminal (Still working on Reversed Gravity), This version showcases the early version of Zoom Tubes, which will thrust the player depending on the direction they're facing, If Ambush Flag is checked, they will thrust player up, Stand Still Flag will thrust Down.
  • Even more Thing types recreated, Decoration and Hazards such as Spinning Mace and Flame Jets.
  • Blue Crawla, Robo Hood, Sharp and FaceStabber recreated.
Also CTF Support
  • Scoreboard will show captures of each team on top if CTF Mode is on.
  • Flag carrier cannot use ability.
  • Team-specific Rings and Monitors.
  • Fired Ring color changes depending on your team.
Knuckles Climbing is horribly untested online mind you, Link updated in the OP.
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Re: zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

Post by Shadow Hog »

An_Unknown_Player wrote:Ya umm, Zandronum combines ZDoom and GZDoom so that's where I am, I still don't see the benefits of moving to ZDoom or GZDoom while Zandronum 3.0 offers everything I need, I Already considered the idea of separate versions exclusively for ZDoom and GZDoom but I just couldn't find anything worth that effort.
Maybe I'm misreading this, but are you treating GZDoom and ZDoom as separate entities? Cuz GZDoom basically is ZDoom, feature-for-feature, except with the addition of an OpenGL renderer. (Well, at least when ZDoom itself wasn't discontinued.) In fact, you can basically it turn back into ZDoom if you ran it with +vid_renderer 0. You're already gonna be messing with that particular dichotomy anyway by supporting Zandronum, since it features both renderers just as GZDoom does, so that's sort of a moot point.

As for ZDoom vs Zandronum... well, granted, Zandronum's multiplayer support is generally easier to set up for a quick session than ZDoom's is (I imagine the latter's is more stable than TerminusEst13's old video made it out to be, but it's still got more hurdles to jump over), but Zandronum's also significantly further behind ZDoom's featureset in terms of mapping convenience. Like, when I was making DUMP maps, I kept running into the issue where I could specify multiple tags per sector in UDMF and it'd work fine for ZDoom, but Zandronum would only accept the very first tag provided. That's not even getting into DECORATE and ACS features supported by ZDoom but not Zandronum, let alone ZScript. That said, I'm not suggesting you shift gears at this time; make the mod for what you want. Zandronum's almost certainly the choice I'd make if I were doing a multiplayer-centric mod! Just understand each port's strengths and weaknesses, y'know?
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Re: zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

Post by An_Unknown_Player »

Yea I already know Zandronum is far behind, and I already checked some of the most recent ZDoom and GZDoom DECORATE and ACS Features but couldn't find anything really necessary, I'm not saying I won't update it for ZDoom or GZDoom, I Just don't need any of those features yet.
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Re: zSRB2 - Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Zandronum.

Post by Arctangent »

[wiki]A_SetSize[/wiki] disagrees with you mighty well.

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