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Re: [3.4!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by Randomguy7 »

I'd love to see more! Perhaps a Sunlust one!
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Re: [3.4!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by Nobody2 »

Nice. Can't wait to try this with Plutonia!
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Re: [3.4!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by rotts »

Registered here to say that this weapon mod is fantastic.

I have been using FinalDoomer with the Bloodstain (*edit* corrected name) megawad which has the exact type of level design i love, it's nice and fighty. Large amounts of strong monsters; I don't think it counts as a slaughter-wad but things can get pretty hairy. The extra oomph (SO MANY SHOTGUNS) is *chefskiss*. This mod, playing Bloodstain, w/ Pistol Start is my new favorite way to play classic Doom.
For me this gameplay mod really hits that sweet spot where the weapons feel minimalist, like in the classic game, but now there's a huge variety! Well done!
Every couple of maps I swap classes, by starting a new game then warping to the level I just reached. Not missing anything, because Pistol Start. :)

I'll join the many others in the C4 fan club, that is one goddamn fantastic weapon. The mini-missile launcher is also very, very, very nice and the beefier regular melee attacks are a ton of fun. There are a *lot* of (early-map) Berserk pickups in Bloodstain so you can imagine how a lot of levels start out. One-punch-manning demons, yes.

Have been trying this with some other megawads as well, results have been invariably FUN. Congrats dudes, you made something special here! Hope to see more, but either way it's great stuff!
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Re: [3.4!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by YasuoProjectX »

Compatible with DRLA (Monsters), yes?
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Re: [3.4!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by Cheater87 »

Is this only for Ultimate Doom? Doom 2 and Final Doom say E1M1 not found when trying to load it.
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Re: [3.4!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by Delfino Furioso »

Cheater87 wrote:Is this only for Ultimate Doom? Doom 2 and Final Doom say E1M1 not found when trying to load it.
final doomer should work with any Doom IWAD

you are probably loading some other mod which requires the (ultimate) Doom IWAD
check your launcher settings and/or your gzdoom autoload sequence
Last edited by Delfino Furioso on Mon Feb 14, 2022 5:37 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [3.4!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by RastaManGames »

Um... I think that "The Vendetta Machine" kinda broken for me?
I mean, it sends a beam in a way of many bulletpoofs (that also leads targets to bleed w/o any HP loss) and then it just do nothing instead of firing a bunch of dead beams or something...
Which addon may cause this?(
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Re: [3.4!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by JohnnyTheWolf »

Kind of late and probably obvious to most, but I have been replaying Serious Sam 3: BFE lately and it just occurred to me that the Hellbound arsenal is heavily inspired by the former's arsenal! :o
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Re: [3.4!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by Panzermann11 »

So I found out a bug:

Alien Vendetta's phased tachyon cannon doesn't aim properly with smart autoaim when freelook is turned off in the gameplay options.
It aimed fine when I enabled autoaim from the player options.

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Re: [3.4!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by flamming_python »

Any chance of configuring Final Doomer + so that I can automatically activate a certain weapon set upon loading it with a given .wad?

Like say a config option I can set for a default weapon set and disabling the weapon set selection prompt.
Or maybe editing the .pk3 file somehow so that only a single weapon set exists?
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Re: [3.4!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by flamming_python »

Nevermind, figured it out quickly, even as a non-entity in any sort of Doom modding.
I'll post the instructions here for anyone who might be interested for either this mod or any other that offers a selection of player classes that you want to limit when combined with a given map .wad

The first route I tried was by running the playerclasses command in the console to see how they're all named, and then use the +playerclass class startup argument to specify the class desired
Now, when paired with the -skill x startup arg, this worked. The trouble was however that:
1). The intro/title screen is skipped
2). The player doesn't get the choice of what difficulty level to choose, it's down to whatever is specified as a startup arg
3). The player can start a new game from the menu whereupon he would get the choice of weapon set as normal, which is what I want to avoid

The second route was through editing the .pk3, and required me to get a little acquainted with playerclasses in the Doom engine (https://zdoom.org/wiki/Creating_new_player_classes), but it was no biggie, took 5 minutes of reading and then another 5 minutes of using Notepad++ to search the parameters I was interested in within FinalDoomer_v3.4.pk3 (I found renaming it to a zip and then editing internal files directly through WinRar was a better idea than extracting the archive, which can lead to replaced/lost folders)
Anyhow it was pretty much a case of editing MAPINFO and deleting all the entries in the PlayerClasses section apart from the one I was interested in
Now, if only there was a way to get rid of all the now unused graphics/sound/etc.. by the classes I disabled, that would be great. But nevermind.
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Re: [3.4!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by Delfino Furioso »

hey people, I've added FD compatibility to a custom HUD initially posted on DW

I should have correctly implemented support for all weapons of each player class, but bugs might have slipped through - so feedback is appreciated

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Re: [3.4!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by Delinquent »

So, I've found a bug: apparently the Hellbound set's burst shotgun has a sprite clash with MK's Critical Shots (current version 1.7.2) where the sprite goes invisible when selected and is replaced by the small red round flash in the top left corner, then the shotgun sprite only flashes on screen when firing. Not sure why this is happening, it's not fatal or anything, just a minor annoyance since I tend to use MK's Critical Shots A LOT. (Really helps even the odds when used with LegenDoomLite and MK's Champions, as well as monster mods sometimes)
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Re: [3.4!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by greenknight9000 »

So how would one go about removing the strange physics change added to the mod? I try and edit them in Slade, but then I get a "Duplicate File Name" error and can't save changes. Any help on that would be greatly appreciated! Another thing I wanna ask is if there'd be any plans to add an alternate version of Final Doomer where all weapons from all classes can be found, including the vanilla Doom weapon lineup since I'd love them to generate when using the Obsidian Map Generator as I love me some variety and randomization
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Re: [3.4!] FINAL DOOMER +

Post by Unregret »

Hello, my only suggestion to this great mod is separated player skin for each class, instead of only Doomguy.

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