=Project Ironclad= (It's not quite dead, it's sleeping)

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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by KarolineDianne »

I'll be honest in that I've gone through three or four different alt-fire modes for the Pulse Rifle and still haven't found something good for it. I'm open for suggestions there.

As for the grenade launcher, I'll consider making the blast radius bigger. I kinda figured that since it uses shotgun ammo it shouldn't be too crazy, but I'll see about buffing it. As far as visuals go, I'm not sure what I'd do to change it. Like I said before, I considered the grenade launcher to be the most satisfying weapon in the arsenal, it's my favorite to default to. It's hard for me to wrap my head around it feeling weak.
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by Cryomundus »

I meant more in that it's visually weak, and doesn't really, er, "show" how far the blast reaches. I like the sprite, it just seems a bit too small. I actually had to find a spot where I could spawn a couple of pinkies where they couldn't move and use them as test dummies to determine how big the blast radius actually is. Since it does run off of shell ammo, and that being probably the most common ammo around, I wouldn't buff its radius.

Now the plasma caster? I've actually found myself using the dispersion mode over the focus not only because it's cheaper, but way easier to hit with. While I do like focus's shot, the delay and the fact that it costs 2 per shot means I tend to wiff on shots at long range. It's strong as heck if you can hit with it, but man is aiming with it kinda annoying. I've gone with just using the grenade launcher's bounce mode to trickshot-hit stuff at long range, since ammo for it is pretty common and missing is significantly less costly than with the Caster.

Also, the red flashing when you're low health/no armor tokens is constantly making me think I just got shot by a hitscanner every time it flashes. Sometimes I wind up running straight into an enemy thinking something just got the jump on me when it flashes. Maybe a red glow when you're out of armor tokens around the actual health numbers instead of a full screen pulse/flash?

For the pusle rifle I'd suggest some kind of utility thing, something that'd make you want to use it once you get the BFG, cuz otherwise it just runs into the problem old doom has, once you get the BFG, the plasmarifle gets left in the dust, since ya gotta save that precious ammo for BFG shots, rather than piddly plasma shots. This mod doesn't really have that, save for the pusle rifle/Annihilator. Heck even the pistol is still really handy since it's single shot and has a weak infinite ammo secondary.

Mind, I'm still loving the heck outta this, especially, the armor token system. It's nice having a reason to actually search out medkits/stimpacks instead of just leaving them/tiptoeing around them when I'm at 99% hp.

Edit: Ok I kinda take back about the Pulse Rifle/Annihilator thing. I didn't realize it costs 100 ammor for 1 annihilator shot. That seems a bit high for being able to only fire off 4 shots at max ammo w/ a backpack.
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by KarolineDianne »

All righty, I'll see about increasing the size of the grenade explosion sprite a little. AS for the plasma caster, that's kind of the point I was going for with it. Super powerful energy shotgun, or absurdly high damage sniper bolts that require timing and aim. I already brought the chargup time down to half what it used to be, and I really don't want to remove it entirely. That thing can potentially kill a cyberdemon in 4 shots.

I'm really not sure what sort of utility thing would work best for the pulse rifle, if I'm being honest, I may need to bounce ideas off you guys and brainstorm a lot before I can figure something out. Meanwhile, I figured the Pulse Annihilator was so absurdly OP that it had to consume that much ammo. A single shot of that thing will annihilate multiple cybies.

In any case, I should have a new version out soon, work's been on and off, and I'll probably release more incremental versions instead of waiting 6 months for big huge changes.
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by Cryomundus »

Honestly, I'd rather have the annihilator be more for dealing with multiple hordes of enemies rather than a few very strong enemies. You run outta ammo for it really quickly, and then you're kinda in for the long haul against large amounts of enemies. It's kinda like D4D's BFG, it's really, REALLY good, but you've got like 3 shots for it so you almost never use it unless you've already found BFG ammo for it or you've run into a huge horde of enemies.

It's also got the thing where I basically try and forget I have a pulse rifle so I don't use cell ammo, cuz it often comes to "do I want 2-3 annihilator shots and some ammo or do I want to save for getting 4 shots" and I wind up saving ammo for those 4 shots. In part becuase it's REALLY FREAKING STRONG and cuz it's also damn fun to just shoot and watch the chaos. The pulse rifle stays useful basically until I've got the annihilator, and then that's about all the use it'll see. I get the really high cost for it, it just kinda comes with the big negative of "yeah I'm just not gonna use this other weapon ever again cuz I'll feel guilty about wasting some ammo when I could clear a room almost instantly instead." I personally wouldn't object to a nerf to the damage it deals in return for a lowered ammo cost.

On a different note, would you mind making so that if you hold down the fire button, you'll just delay the shot till you release the button? Kinda like, holding down the button would take longer to actually fire off the shot than just tapping, but in return you can aim a bit better with it, with the downside being a way lower fire rate.

Apologies if this is really annoying, I just really like this and I'm just tossing some feedback to hopefully make it a bit better.

Also also also just as a small request, would you ever consider adding (non-damaging)tracers to the Balor and the Basilisk? Perhaps as a toggle-able thing?
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by KarolineDianne »

I actually was considering making it so that you can 'hold' the charge on the Basilisk so that you can release it more accurately, though that may take some tinkering to get right. I'll see about doing some tweaks to the Annihilator, too. If I'm being honest, it was really rushed and cobbled together at the last minute just so I could finally have /something/ spawn in the BFG slot. For the longest time BFG spawns would just drop like, Megaspheres and crap.

As for the tracer thing, that's something I definitely /WANT/ to do, but don't actually know HOW to do. There's a lot of super fancy stuff seen in the more established mods out there like Project Brutality and Guncaster and such that are just a tad out of my reach at the moment. Heck, I still don't even have a changed title screen or HUD yet. At the very least, though, I've already been at work replacing more of the vanilla doom sounds with cooler stuff.
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by TFP »

Been playing through this on hellbound recently and i gotta say a few things.

1. Good to see this get updated again, came across it last year in the fall, and fell in love with it. Good on ya for making a nice mod

2. The new changes to the weapons feel nice, had to get used to the new basilisk fire rate but the minigun mode makes up for it. The Jormungander/BFG is rather nice. Tried it when I got it and damn... such power. Though still trying to get used to the switch in the Wyvern's and Gorgon's weapon switch priority but I'm sure I'll get used to it.

3. The new vile replacements feel a bit op in their attacks imo, mostly in damage and speed, like current damage would be fine if the projectiles were easier to dodge but with the current speed they go at it's a bit hard to do so, especially when you get potshotted by one offscreen and lose a token in the process. so either a tweak or so to them would nice, but that might be just me.

That's all I got to say atm, keep up the good work
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by Mister_Y_675 »

I'd give the balor's altmode a stun effect to make it useful and also give a visual cue to the weapons to show that the altmode's active.
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by Cryomundus »

Did some modifications to the Plasma Caster, Pulse Rifle, and the Jormungandr, and it requires the main file to work.

http://www.mediafire.com/file/yg8pdr9vq ... __mods.pk3

It basically reworks them a bit to be a bit more fun to actually use. Might be a wee bit overpowered, but then you're also in powered mech suit sooooooooo yeah, not that bothered by it.

Edit: I'd post a proper changelog, but I'm gonna have to do that later, as I'm heading to work pretty soon.
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by MasoGuy »

So far I'm really liking the meatiness of the weapons. My main issue with any weapons would be the plasma caster, I can't quite put my finger on it might be the delay in the shot, or the speed of the projectile, or the projectile itself being seemingly small, or all of those. I do like the alt fire though.
I really enjoy the health/lives system.
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by Gideon020 »

I've never had a problem with the plasma caster.
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by Cryomundus »

Okay so I went back and redid and added a whole buttload of stuff, including adding tracers, adding the ability to choose whether or not shotgunners & chaingunners drop ammo or their weapon, as well as the ability to turn off the bonus plasmacharge and fissioncell drops from the alt enemies, and rebalanced the alt-fires as well. It also contains a credits file for the tracers, as well as a changelog for all of my changes, at least the ones I can remember.

Oh, and there's an included ReadMe that tells you how to properly assemble it into a single file in the .pk3 since GZDoom is being weird with how things get replaced.

Anywho, here ya go!


Btw, if anyone wants the file with the patch already applied just shoot me a pm and I'll toss a link to the full version. I'd rather not publicly distribute it, as I don't want this to be confused with the original.

Oh, and KarolineDianne you are free to nick whatever assets you want from this if you want to add anything to the main file.
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by MintyFeet »

Would it be possible for me to get a .pk3 with the patch applied? I just registered and can't send a PM yet.
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by Cryomundus »

Once you've got access to your pms I've sent you one with a 1 time use download. Apologies for this, as I don't really want to spread the full version around publicly.

Welcome to the forums btw!
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by MintyFeet »

Thanks for the welcome...been lurking for a long time but figured I might as well make an account :D
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by DarkkOne »

How tied to the gameplay are the monsters? This really feels like a pack that could be split into a "Weapons+Items" and "Monsters (or Full)" version, for use with mapsets and packs that define their own monsters. Also, sometimes you run into map packs that really expect a specific monsters to be in a specific location, and the randomizer hits it, throwing in something else that really throws off the balance. An early-game Mancubus that's supposed to be scary gets replaced with one of those gray ones with green fire, and it's game-over.

I'll admit, I'm not the best Doom player, but the random monsters seem to make difficulty REALLY spiky depending on how the random selection feels. An idea might be to weight the monster spawns by how many armor tokens you have. The more you have, the tougher monsters are allowed to show up, and if you get past a certain number, the weakest monsters stop spawning altogether. This would give it a sort of "dynamic difficulty" in a sense, as well as making it less dependent on whether a map designer went armor-heavy or health-heavy (which can have a dramatic impact on how quickly you acquire tokens).
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