=Project Ironclad= (It's not quite dead, it's sleeping)

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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.2 Update)

Post by Captain J »

Now they have full-alternative attack, hmm? Looks really good! Except the bouncing grenade sprite seems disappears in a short time, though!

And i see basilisk doesn't have alternative attack, perhaps make it as less-accurate but strong burst shot?
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.3 Update)

Post by KarolineDianne »

Version 0.3 is live. I think I've hit a bit of a roadblock at the moment, but then again I have been working on this nonstop for over a week now. I may take a break, see about coming back with some new ideas when more inspiration hits. For now, enjoy the new update!

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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.3 Update)

Post by Captain J »

Now these are some good and tons of updates! Except grenade is still flickering but i can live with that!
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.3 Update)

Post by SimonTheDigger »

Just wanted to say that I tried out the beta version of this when you posted it in the IRC and it seemed really neat then, and I can't wait to download the newest version and see the improvements.
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.3 Update)

Post by KarolineDianne »

Hey guys, things have slowed down but I'm still working, don't worry!

Right now I'm tinkering with some rebalancing to how ammo works and some of the weapons. Here's a little clip of some changes I'm working on.

The useless burst shot on the Gorgon is being replaced with something more SuperShotgun-esque, to better embrace its role and stop being a watered down jack-of-all.

The Basilisk is going back to its previous slower rate of fire, but is getting a new fire mode (finally) that turns it into a proper minigun.

It's still very much a work in progress, of course. And as always, the sprites are still placeholders. I'm /hoping/ to eventually replace everything on the HUD and all the weapon graphics, but that's mostly a pipe dream at this point. We'll see how things go.
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.3 Update)

Post by Captain J »

Hmm. They went better than i thought. Anyway about the sprites, what kind of sprites you want, actually? Some kind of arm gun?
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.3 Update)

Post by KarolineDianne »

Nah, the Ironclad Armor doesn't have a Samus Powersuit style arm cannon. They're guns. Just really big guns.

I just need a set of cohesive and thematic sprites for the weapons, along with the hand-sprites to hold them and punch and such. I've tried and failed miserably at doing any assets myself, I just plain can't draw anymore (Not that I could really ever draw well in the first place, at least not well enough to make doom sprites).

For what the Ironclad Armor actually looks like, just imagine a suit of T-60 or X-O1 Power Armor from Fallout 4. That's close enough to get an idea. As for the guns, well...

The Balor Handcannon is a giant fucking revolver who's cylinder chambers explosive autocannon shells. So just like, picture a gun a 40k Space Marine would use, except a revolver. It's a weapon specifically made for the Ironclad Armor, such that in-lore each suit has a dedicated built-in holster for the gun in one of its legs. Robocop style.

The Gorgon Flechette is an oversized experimental riotgun, and is heavily inspired by Unreal's Flak Cannon. So just picture something suitably bulky and unrefined.

The Wyvern Grenade Launcher is another weapon designed specifically for the Ironclad Armor. It would look similar to Quake1's grenade launcher, though with a clear 'built to be carried in one huge robot hand' design. This one might actually have a setup where the hand goes inside a socket sort of grip that makes it look sorta arm-cannon-ish.

The Basilisk Autocannon is a vehicle/turret mounted weapon that you lug around. The whole 'tear the minigun/heavy-bolter off the tripod' sort of thing you see in Halo, Fallout 4, Space Marine. So it'd have the typical minigun look. Though I want its mode-change between Autocannon and Minigun to have some kind of neat effect, like secondary barrels extending or whatnot, kinda like the Doom4 triple minigun thing.

The Chimera Plasma Caster is another big heavy weapon you lug around minigun-style, same as the Basilisk, or like the Gauss Cannon in Doom4. It's switch between Focused Bolt and Dispersion Blast should also visibly change the barrel, closing or expanding like Samus' armcannon in missile mode, maybe.

The Hydra Pulse Rifle is probably the closest thing to a 'normal' gun in the list, just being a big energy assault rifle. I'm not actually sure what I want it to look like yet.

And as for the HUD, well, I just want a sort of 'visor' view, with all the generic doom HUD elements replaced with something that looks like what you'd see in the helmet of the suit. Bars and blips and all that, like that Ultimate Doomvisor thing, or what Term has for The Booty Project.

But again, custom assets are kind of a pipe dream, and are for later on anyway. Gotta keep working on core gameplay stuff, worry about better sprites later. If ever.
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by KarolineDianne »

Well it's been almost half a year! But surprise, I'm not actually dead!

After a (too long) hiatus I finally picked Ironclad up again and got to work. I think I've done enough tinkering to warrant a new version release now! So huzzah! New download link in the main post! (Still no new trailer though, I'm bad at that)

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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by 777Doomer777 »

This mod is pretty amazing!!! :-)
It just remind me of Russian Overkill, Guncaster, and sorta remind me of Demonsteele. :-)

Let me review the weapon and thing in this mod:

- The chainsaw replacement using sword are good overkill, and i'm enjoyed to use this to gib some monster on the way.

- The pistol replacement using revolver magnum, i use this and the result is overkill for typical from zombie, imp, lost soul, pinky. i felt become a dirty harry while using this, or because i'm using sword as good melee weapon i become more like Dante in DMC.

- The shotgun replacement using flechette cannon (this more much remind me using flak cannon in Unreal) and the result is good weapon choice to against the horde and very useful to against some typical midweight monster like Doom 2 monster.

- The super shotgun replacement using a wyvern grenade launcher, well I make this one keeping handy to against horde.

- The chaingun replacement is absolutely good to face some more horde.

- The rocket launcher replacement is weapon like gauss cannon in DOOM (2016), this weapon is absolutely amazing helpful to against some monster to heavyweight type class like baron and sorta cyberdemon and mastermind.

- The plasma rifle replacement is absolutely great, and i approved it.

- The BFG replacement using sprites look like crossbow thing or remind me some like powerful staff thing in Heretic or Hexen, but when i used it, the weapon remind when he shoot just like when i play Samsara when i use Blazkowicz weapon, Spear of Destiny.
in case this weapon is great, and i use in map08 to face some horde baron and cyberdemon and just killed in 10 second. one absolutely weapon ever I see.

- The monster variety is amazing, remind me of Project Brutality monster, and the pinky various there is jumping hell knight. it's amazing.

- Using armor token it's feel like playing arcade and you need gain extra live by taking armor shard. awesome! :-)

The mod is amazing, and outstanding!!! :-)
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by Deii »

Hey, that's pretty good! Excuse me while I proceed to write a big list of feedback and suggestions:
And that's all! Really good stuff, works with slaughter maps like a charm.
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by Gabbuz85 »

I found this in aeod lite. maybe is perfect for the player.
SUT1A1.png (1.98 KiB) Viewed 1837 times
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by KarolineDianne »

Deli wrote:-Slot 1 is empty at the moment, have you considered moving all the weapons down a slot (handcannon goes in slot 1, flechette cannon/grenade launcher goes in slot 3, etc). Alternatively, some sort of niche and mostly melee-range weapon could be nice - maybe a gun that needs to be charged up but shoots a gravity wave or something.
Moving everything down a slot is definitely something I should do, I just never thought about it! I'll be sure to get that fixed ASAP, thanks for pointing it out!
Deli wrote:-Occasionally, firing the burst mode of the flechette cannon would make the game lag really hard but I couldn't figure out if that was due to something on the gun itself or hardware-related (I do have an ooooold laptop). Otherwise, it's pretty good.
This is probably because the Flechette Cannon fires +RIPPER projectiles that pierce through enemies and spawn lots of blood particles as they pass through, to say nothing of the extra gore and gibs that spawn when they kill enemies up close. So it's probably just a hardware issue due to just how visceral the weapon is, sorry!
Deli wrote:-Have you considered doing some sort of upgrade system for the power sword, perhaps as a way to reduce its swing and cooldown time? It would be pretty good and give some purpose to any subsequent chainsaw spawns in a playthrough.
I have actually considered doing a tiered upgrade system, yeah. Maybe adding in things like a 'Power Axe' or 'Thunder Hammer' style thing, though I'm not sure just how far I'd want to go with that. It's on the list of possibilities already, anyway.
Deli wrote:-While I am aware that assets are are, as you said, a pipedream for a version to be released in the future, I can't help but think that a more easily seen display of what fire mode the weapons are in would be a litle better. Things can get pretty hectic at times and regularly, I'd start using the wrong fire mode for the job because I couldn't keep track of what fire mode was previously selected on a gun before I had to switch to another one. I'd say just a a minor but static change to the sprite of the gun currently held or on-screen text pointing out the current fire mode for the weapon held would be really helpful.
This is another feature that's already on the list, I just haven't gotten around to it because of laziness mostly. I'll see if I can get something thrown together for the next version, though!
Deli wrote:-I personally think that the bonus health items would look a little more fitting as cans of nanobots or some sort of repair fluid, to imply that what is being damaged is your suit instead of your flesh. I'd also suggest to make it so strong health bonuses give 5 instead of 1 point. That would certainly make them a little more desirable, and fit in with the nature of the armor shards. Same goes with the shield bonuses.
I actually had plans to make all the health bonus drops into floating Metroid-style health orbs that gravitate towards the player when you get close, but coding that is a lovecraftian nightmare beyond my current ability. Also, the blue health bonuses heal 2 while the reds heal 5 already. Should I really make them all heal 5 and just decrease the spawn number?
Deli wrote:-Making the invulnerability sphere be replaced by very strong armor is good, but I got buttfucked in Doom 2's map 08 due to not having complete invulnerability for a little while in the room full of barons and a cyberdemon at the end. I think a balanced spawn where it can spawn both the armor and the powerup would be good.
Ah yes, good ol' Tricks & Traps. I'll see about tweaking the MegaShield to either last longer or give you proper invulnerability in addition. The main idea behind going 100% armor rather than timed invincibility was so that it isn't wasted if you grab it when no enemies are around, which is always lame.
Deli wrote:-The usage of Doom 64 and Quake sound effects just make this mod a whole bit better to me - everything fits really well - and it seems to sort of suit what the gameplay is going for. One gripe that I have with the footsteps of the suit is that occasionally, one of its footstep sounds played sounds eerily familiar to a door opening or closing off in the distance just when it's about to end. Pretty minor thing, not even worth fixing but I thought I would point that out.
Haha, I grew up with Final Doom on PS1 and a bit of Doom64, and didn't even get to see the originals til the Xbox Live Arcade released them, so the sound effects they used are the de-facto Doom Sounds to me. Also Quake had amazing sound design, so I just had to. Sorry about the foot sound, though, the faint wirring of servos or whatnot is just part of the sound files they came with.
Deli wrote:-Seeing the flechette zombies kinda got me thinking about a quad barrel shotgun for the player as well, perhaps as a sort of hybrid between the flechette cannon and grenade launcher. Would be a pretty fun weapon to use. :)
I have been considering adding a more traditional shotgun and giving it an explosive hitscan alternate mode akin to Turok's explosive shotgun shells, but that's a bit maybe. I don't want there to be too much redundancy between weapons.
Gabbuz85 wrote:I found this in aeod lite. maybe is perfect for the player.
That's neat looking, but I already have a sprite I plan on using when I get around to replacing the player sprite. It's just not a high priority since this isn't a multiplayer mod.

Thank you kindly for all the input! I really do appreciate it!
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by Cryomundus »

Been playing this a good bit, and I gotta say, I REALLY love these guns. Almost all of the are pretty amazing, honestly.

It's just that the explosive weapons are all kind've... visually wimpy? I think they could do with a bit bigger blast radius too, honestly. Oh, and the weird firing delay with the Plasma Caster's primary throws off my shots all the time.

Also would you mind added a list of all the ammo we have somewhere on the hud?
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by KarolineDianne »

Visually wimpy, huh? You're talking about the grenade launcher mostly, right? That's kinda odd because it's one of my favorite weapons to use, personally. Lemme know what specifically you think should change! Also last I checked it has roughly the same blast radius as a vanilla rocket. I'd prefer not to make huge AOEs to avoid excessive self-damage, I like when you can reliably use explosive weapons at mid-range.

Also yeah, I'll see if I can work all 4 ammo types into the HUD.
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Re: =Project Ironclad= (Version 0.4 Update) (It's Back!)

Post by Cryomundus »

I suppose it comes from always expecting to have a weapon that's somewhat decent at crowd control? That, and basically every other weapon beats its vanilla counterpart by a mile except for the explosive weapons. It's also that 2 of the explosive weapons are basically vanilla rockets with a different skin and the Plasma Caster's primary having waaay better damage on direct hits rather than splash.

I really suppose it comes down to the pulse rifle's secondary fire being kinda unnecessary, you've already got 2 explosives, why a third one that uses cell ammo and deals less damage than the rocket ammo? Not entirely sure what you could do with that tho, maybe bounce shots that aren't hindered by gravity? I never really feel like using the secondary mode when I've got loads of shells/rockets to work with anyway.

The thing I have with the grenades is that its a lil fart of fire when you hit something. It's not quite as crazy as the flechettes, or the dispersion beam(s) for the caster (Or the crazy-ness generated from that giant TechCrossbow thing, it's ridiculous and I love it). Granted I still use it a lot since bouncy nades means you can nail enemies that are waaay outta view.
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