ZScript Discussion

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Re: ZScript Discussion

Post by dpJudas »

Gez wrote:Ideally it'd ouput raw wikicode and then a wikibot could automatically put it.
Hmm, that's actually not a bad idea. I'll look into that next time I'm toying with that branch.
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Re: ZScript Discussion

Post by Graf Zahl »

Nash wrote:
Graf Zahl wrote:Yes, it is a menu. No, for the time being there won't be any more scriptification. Maybe later.
Ok understood. And what about the commented out Responder, MenuEvent, MouseEvent, Ticker and Drawer methods for ListMenu? Will they eventually be virtual?
They are virtual methods of Menu, so ListMenu shouldn't duplicate them on the script side as long as they are natively implemented. You can already use them.
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Re: ZScript Discussion

Post by Nash »

String.Format seems to read new lines (when you press Enter) instead of ignoring them... bug or intended feature?

Asking because in ACS, you can put as many new lines as you want and they will be ignored.
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Re: ZScript Discussion

Post by ZZYZX »

??? What do you mean read instead of ignoring and how is this related to String.Format?
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Re: ZScript Discussion

Post by Nash »

Code: Select all

String s = String.Format("Health: %d\nLevel: %d\nExperience: %d", health, level, experience);


Health: 100
Level: 1
Experience: 0

String s = String.Format("Health: %d
                            \nLevel: %d
                            \nExperience: %d",
                            health, level, experience);


Health: 100

Level: 1

Experience: 0
Like that.
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Re: ZScript Discussion

Post by ZZYZX »

That's not a problem with String.Format. That's a problem with ZScript's string literal parsing. Not sure if it's a problem anyway.
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Re: ZScript Discussion

Post by Nash »

Ah, okay. Well it doesn't do that in ACS, and I can't imagine shoving all this into 1 line, soooo...

Code: Select all

function void DebugText_Weather(void)

    s:"bumi.timeUpdateTics = ", d:bumi.timeUpdateTics,
    s:"bumi.timeUpdateInc = ", d:bumi.timeUpdateInc,
    s:"bumi.timeUpdateTicDelay = ", d:bumi.timeUpdateTicDelay,
    s:"bumi.timeTotalDays = ", d:T_GetTotalDays(),
    s:"bumi.timeDayOfWeek = ", d:1 + T_GetDayOfWeek(),
    s:"\n", s:"date (Short) = ", s:T_GetDateString(DATE_SHORT),
    s:"\n", s:"date (Long) = ", s:T_GetDateString(DATE_LONG),
    s:"TotalSecondOfDay = ", d:T_GetSecondOfDay(),
    s:"\n", s:"time (24hr) = ", s:T_GetTimeString(false, DATE_LONG),
    s:"\n", s:"time (12hr) = ", s:T_GetTimeString(true, DATE_LONG),
    s:"\n", s:"date + time (24hr) = ", s:T_GetDateString(DATE_LONG), s:" ", s:T_GetTimeString(false, DATE_LONG),
    s:"\n", s:"date + time (12hr) = ", s:T_GetDateString(DATE_LONG), s:" ", s:T_GetTimeString(true, DATE_LONG),
    s:"\n", s:"This month has ", d:bumi.monthDay[bumi.timeMonth - 1], s:" days",
    s:"clouds = ", d:ThingCountName("Z_Cloud1", 0) + ThingCountName("Z_Cloud2", 0),
    s:"bumi.overcast = ", d:W_GetOvercast(),
    s:"bumi.overcastLastHour = ", d:_W_GetOvercastLastHour(),
    s:"bumi.overcastTransitionCounter = ", d:_W_GetOvercastTransition(),
    s:"desat = ", d:bumi.desat,
    s:"bumi.raining = ", d:W_GetRaining(),
    s:"bumi.rainingTransitionCounter = ", d:_W_GetRainingTransition(),
    s:"raindrops = ", d:ThingCountName("Z_RainDrop", 0),
    s:"bumi.thunderstorm = ", d:W_GetThunderstorm(),
    s:"bumi.foggy = ", d:W_GetFoggy(),
    s:"bumi.foggyTransitionCounter = ", d:_W_GetFoggyTransition(),
    s:"fog alpha ", f:W_GetFogAlpha(),
    s:"bumi.snow = ", d:W_GetSnow(),
    s:"bumi.snowTransitionCounter = ", d:_W_GetSnowTransition(),
    s:"snow + mist = ", d:ThingCountName("Z_Snow", 0) + ThingCountName("Z_Mist", 0),
    s:"sun alpha counter = ", d:bumi.sunAlphaCounter, s:" / ", d:bumi.sunAlphaCounterMax, s:" = ", f:bumi.sunAlpha,
    s:"bumi.sunAngle = ", f:bumi.sunAngle,
    s:"moon alpha counter = ", d:bumi.moonAlphaCounter, s:" / ", d:bumi.moonAlphaCounterMax, s:" = ", f:bumi.moonAlpha,
    s:"bumi.moonAngle = ", f:bumi.moonAngle,
    s:"moon phase = ", d:bumi.moonPhase,
    s:"outside sectors = ", d:bumi.outsideSectorStart, s:" ~ ", d:bumi.outsideSectorEnd,
    s:"bumi.puddleCounter = ", d:bumi.puddleCounter,
    s:"day ", d:W_CheckDay(), s:" night ", d:W_CheckNight(),
    s:"skydome alpha ", f:bumi.skyDomeRandomAlpha, s:" target ", f:bumi.skyDomeRandomAlphaTarget,
    s:"stars alpha ", f:bumi.starsRandomAlpha, s:" target ", f:bumi.starsRandomAlphaTarget,
    s:"season = ", s:StrToLower(T_GetSeasonName())
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Re: ZScript Discussion

Post by ZZYZX »

I'd advise you to just remove the \n since regular newline works (in ZScript).
Or even using AppendFormat().
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Re: ZScript Discussion

Post by Nash »

Assuming one day it won't be "fixed" and suddenly regular newlines get discarded and therefore breaking the text layout...

I'll take a look at AppendFormat, thanks.
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Re: ZScript Discussion

Post by ZZYZX »

dpJudas wrote:
Gez wrote:Ideally it'd ouput raw wikicode and then a wikibot could automatically put it.
Hmm, that's actually not a bad idea. I'll look into that next time I'm toying with that branch.
Please JSON or XML, not some already done format. It's fairly straightforward to output raw wikicode using a Python/PHP/JS/Perl/whatever script and XML/JSON.
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Re: ZScript Discussion

Post by arookas »

Nash wrote:Ah, okay. Well it doesn't do that in ACS, and I can't imagine shoving all this into 1 line, soooo...
ACS != zscript

This should probably be guarded against in the grammar. How that even works in ACS is amazing, though. I would follow the advice and use AppendFormat for now. Maybe some form of compile-time string concatenation could be a possibility in the future? Would be cleaner than this for longer string literals.
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Re: ZScript Discussion

Post by Matt »

Nowhere else anywhere in DECORATE, ZScript or ACS (or, for that matter, HTML) have I ever seen regular carriage returns parsed like this. This is really off-puttingly and confusingly inconsistent. If there's a vote I vote this gets "fixed".
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Re: ZScript Discussion

Post by Ryan Cordell »

ZZYZX wrote:That's not a problem with String.Format. That's a problem with ZScript's string literal parsing. Not sure if it's a problem anyway.
I'd consider it a problem especially if you're used to.. just about any known language not doing that. :shrug:
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Re: ZScript Discussion

Post by Xaser »

This is a tricky situation to handle, but not for the reasons folks are pointing out.

Suppose I write the following block of code:

Code: Select all

class Something : Actor
    action void PrintSomeStuff() {
        String s = String.Format("This is a long piece of exposition. It's longer
                                  than a sentence, so I'm splitting it across
                                  multiple lines in order to preserve my sanity.");
[This is technically a poor use case for String.Format since we don't have any parameters, but I digress.]

Now, we've discussed newlines, but a bigger problem becomes obvious when we take a look at how the engine views the string 's' (where '\n' represents a newline.):

Code: Select all

"This is a long piece of exposition. It's longer\n                                  than a sentence, so I'm splitting it across\n                                  multiple lines in order to preserve my sanity."
Whoops! We've got spaces in the string too because of our indentation. Even if we "fix" the newline issue, we've got to also collapse the extra space, which blocks other use cases (e.g. trying to align stuff with a monospace font on screen). That's a no-go.

Fortunately, we've got a string concatenation operator, so let's instead write:

Code: Select all

class Something : Actor
    action void PrintSomeStuff() {
        String s = String.Format("This is a long piece of exposition. It's longer\n"
                              .. "than a sentence, so I'm splitting it across\n"
                              .. "multiple lines in order to preserve my sanity.");
Voila! Desired behavior achieved.

[This is the part where the StringBuilder proponents chime in; I dunno if ZScript has an equivalent, so I'll leave it to those folks to weigh the pros and cons.]

P.S. though HTML (in)famously condenses consecutive whitespace into a single space, the problem still leaks through on occasion. Read this page if you're overdue for some eye-bulge therapy. :P
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Re: ZScript Discussion

Post by Nash »

Actually that's what I already resorted to doing earlier, in fact you don't even need the .., just put the new quotes on the next line. Stumbled on this solution while having a look at GZDoom's very own MAPINFO LANGUAGE lump.

And just as a BTW - WRT to the "spaces" - the parser seems to happily ignore Tabs (but not newlines????????) so that just seems wildly inconsistent to me.

EDIT: sorry not MAPINFO, I mean the intermission strings inside GZDoom's LANGUAGE lump
Last edited by Nash on Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:40 am, edited 4 times in total.

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