Incompatibility with other mods was not intended, it's a side effect of not knowing what i'm actually doing heheHexaDoken wrote:Yeah it is. You're already modifying the monsters anyway, so monster compatbility is out of the window, extra code is not really a concern, and the target way ensures you only get ammo for kills that are actually yours, + makes multiplayer work.

If there is other way of adding the line to specific Actors without replacing them i will for sure use it. Any guidance?
As for the two frames calling Jump and GiveToTarget:
Code: Select all
ACTOR AEttin : Ettin replaces Ettin
TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(100,2)
TNT1 A 0 A_GiveToTarget("FallenSoul", 1)
My concern is that if i have to copy all the monsters death state to add the lines i want, it'll be a lot of lines, big file, and in the end truly only for the sake of Multiplayer, since to Single Player i already limit the receiving actor with Inventory.RestrictedTo in the item spawner (only the player using my specific player class can receive Souls, and since using a modified player class is needed to substitute the Sapphire Wand...).
Why the flags? They're needed for the Inventory/Ammo check?HexaDoken wrote: Try the +WEAPON.AMMO_OPTIONAL or +WEAPON.ALT_AMMO_OPTIONAL flags, then at the beginning of Altfire state do A_JumpIfInventory for ammo, throwing the flow to true altfire state if ammo is found, and letting it fall to Goto Ready or Goto Fire otherwise.
Right now i'm using A_JumpIfNoAmmo in the first frame (tried TNT1 too) of AltFire state and it is not working at all, the engine is simply ignoring it. Is there a A_JumpIfNoAmmo2?
Before adding the A_jumpIfNoAmmo i tried the WEAPON.AMMO_OPTIONAL and it just made the weapon fire AltFire even if i had 0 ammo for it.
I'll try using the flag+A_JumpIfInventory instead of JumpIfNoAmmo and see what i get.
Edit: So, i've added the +WEAPON.ALT_AMMO_OPTIONAL and tested first with A_JumpIfNoAmmo("Ready"), and guess what, it worked...
So now i know that for the Jump to properly check for ammo and work i must use the flag too, nowhere in the wiki this is said at any given moment.

Well, now it's working and i'm doing some other touches around for it.
Edit2: Just updated the version to 0.3, removing the weapon switching when no ammo bug.