[GZDoom] Wobbly shader

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Re: [GZDoom] Wobbly shader

Post by SoulCircle »

Nevander wrote:Gonna play this next time I'm drunk.
Good! Make it so you hurl twice as fast and blackout 3 times faster! But the hangover may feel worse. :P

EDIT: Well... I was fine until I looked at the sky. OH MY GOD the sky. That's what hurt the most. I think my eyes have diarrhea. Oh and I accidentally loaded ROOL with this... I went straight to the Tower of Babel. You do not know MY PAIN.
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Re: [GZDoom] Wobbly shader

Post by nakkemake »

Doomguy on aminata muscaria shrooms? :mrgreen:

That would be nice addon in high profile story wad (doomguy gets drugged)
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Re: [GZDoom] Wobbly shader

Post by DeXiaZ »

A team which one made a "DooD" mod approve this. We're amazed. Damn, we thought that WE DID A MINDF*CK MOD. NO, SIR, WITHOUT YOUR (and other mods from list) MOD IT'S NOT SO MINDF*CK.
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Re: [GZDoom] Wobbly shader

Post by DarkNem »

Co-author of DooD here. Oh. My. God. Sir, you deserve a medal, this shader is really awesome! :D
Btw, thanks for assembling "recomended list", and thank you again for putting DooD there.
Those 4 mods in a bundle is something really NUTS. (i dont mean .wad with that name, but i wonder what if you launch it with all of those o_O)
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Re: [GZDoom] Wobbly shader

Post by SiFi270 »

I like how the "frag" section of the hud is trying to pop out for attention, like "guys, is this a deathmatch game, are there other players, because i can keep track of how many you've killed, you don't need to know what weapons you have or don't have right, come on let me count your frags"
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Re: [GZDoom] Wobbly shader

Post by Ozymandias81 »

Darsycho wrote:You asked for it.

:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

BTW dudes, don't forget to download latest builds of RooL, added ROTATING SHADERS FOR FLATS... Simply download the zip, rename it as .pk3 then add all other mods... 8-)
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Re: [GZDoom] Wobbly shader

Post by Xeotroid »

So, I combined this with Guncaster (because it increases the pace of the gameplay a lot) and added some ReShade effects (mainly chromatic abberation for extra juiciness). Watch at 60 FPS and enjoy (vomiting).
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Re: [GZDoom] Wobbly shader

Post by Major Cooke »

I gotta learn how to do this shit. Where'd you learn to do this, Beed?
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Re: [GZDoom] Wobbly shader

Post by JimmyJ »

My stomach doesn't agree with me after this.
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Re: [GZDoom] Wobbly shader

Post by unRyker »

I'm getting an extreme Hotline Miami vibe from the fonts. It looks so cool- disregarding whatever drugs you gave Doomguy!
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Re: [GZDoom] Wobbly shader

Post by Beed28 »

Major Cooke wrote:Where'd you learn to do this, Beed?
With trial and error, mostly. Also lots of experimentation. Fun fact; other than that, I have little knowledge on how to write an actual GLSL shader. :P
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Re: [GZDoom] Wobbly shader

Post by Shadow Hog »

The only thing that could make this better is if the shader wobbled the vertex positions as well, and not just the UV maps. I don't know if that's even possible, though.

Actually, looking at the GIF at the start, it appears it does some sort of movement of them, given the walls in E1M1 are curving as they go up - though it appears to be static?
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Re: [GZDoom] Wobbly shader

Post by Caligari87 »

It's just a screen-space lens distortion, so the actual level geometry isn't being warped.

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Re: [GZDoom] Wobbly shader

Post by Beed28 »

Shadow Hog wrote:The only thing that could make this better is if the shader wobbled the vertex positions as well, and not just the UV maps. I don't know if that's even possible, though.

Actually, looking at the GIF at the start, it appears it does some sort of movement of them, given the walls in E1M1 are curving as they go up - though it appears to be static?
The curving is the result of a modified lensdistortion.fp shader (hence why I suggested turning on "gl_lens" for the full effect). I tried to get it to move, but it didn't seem to work with the "float timer" uniform.

And yes, I would love to make it so that it distorts the vertex positions, but as I stated earlier in the thread, that's currently not possible like you could do with Minecraft's shaders mod.
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Re: [GZDoom] Wobbly shader

Post by RaveYard »

Even if you could do vertex shaders, wouldn't you require more vertexes in order to add proper curve to rooms?

Actually, here's what I would do:

The deeper the fragment's depth is, the more you shift the xy from which color is taken from...

Code: Select all

void main()
	vec2 position = (TexCoord);
	vec2 p = vec2(position.x * Aspect, position.y);
	vec2 xy = vec2(p.x + (gl_FragCoord.w * 0.5), p.y + (gl_FragCoord.w * 0.5));
	FragColor = vec4(texture(InputTexture, xy), 1.0);
Sadly the depth information isn't there.

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