To me it seems like you are just dismissing most of my criticism
Its not true, a lot of fixes i do using suggestion from player here or on modbatabase(most are bugs or gameplay balance
Unless they are standing directly over the shell/grenade it seems like it does nothing at all because the explosion radius is very small
Tremx, nova3, or one variation of project brutality(i forgive the name) has similar weapon. Thing about multiplayer, the player can start spawn crazy grenades and kill everyteam easy, or on single player kill every monster using only a launcher.
Thia weapon seem underpowerd, but its not made for direct combat, use it with cover(can save a lot of heath) or to kill armored monsters if you dont has something better(yes, now you can use shotgun shells to kil armored zombies).
Also ever the small explosions can help to revel invisible monsters. The idea of alt fire is something to use on special situations, for direct attack primary fire still better.
Maybe i can make it detonate on impact(monsters) bust still working as a granade(explode after few secs.)
A better option can be Increase explosion radius a bit, and maybe very small increase on damage(just to make it usable against chaingunguy and demons). Also large explosion radius can help a lot to find invisible monster, sure, i can do it on next version.
Grenade shotgun on real life,
Seem strong? Ok, it dont shoot a sheel, but ok, doom is a futuristic game, also on unreal tournament(frak cannon) this shotgun can shoot the sheel to use as grenade(i get the idea here)
This is an example of how I take you brushing
No, i do reload a lot of times just to see the animation. The game use auto-reload after emply the clip to help players of doom touch(tablets, cellphones), the unique way to avoid it is count the shoots.
like you are trying to justify to me a faulty mechanic.
No, you know shogo? Old fps with robots. This game has a rocket launcher with insane spread and fast firehate, i wanted to nake something similar, but i know, maybe need some adjusts, but the original idea is make a fast rockef launcher with spread, maybe i can reduce the spread a bit, of change the way how rockets fly.
Fair enough I suppose
I make it using minority repoart on mind, on next version i want to change effects to avoid confusion
The sentry gun KEPT SHOOTING a DEAD BODY on the floor.
The flames of buring zombies cause damage, turrets can retaliate any damage, the game see these dead bodies as enemies, the blood as projectivles or missiles(attacks).
For this reason, turrets shoot deadbodies, its possible do be fixed(+notarget frag), bur for fun(on original brutal doom) monsters still attaki g dead bodies just for brutalization effect(ever attack dead player).
The simple way to fix it is add a especific frag on all bodies actor, but for fun(personal tasle) i like to see monsters(or friends) bashing dead bodies.