Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.2(30/07/2016)

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Re: [RELEASE]Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 Fix6

Post by JimpArgon »

Wolfbrf wrote: i dont care much about tauts, these are uselles most times, in future version, maybe i can replace it with something better(flashbangs, radio to teleport friend marines....); doomguy seem a serius guys(dont talk much, just complete the mission).
Ya that would be cool. Replace the taunt and put flashbangs or radio back up instead. That's a good idea.
Wolfbrf wrote:
The BFG when using primary fire, flashes twice before fireing. Also I think the primary fire should be the alt fire and vice versa... Having the normal BFG shot as an alt fire is just weird. Then agin, that's just a personal thing I guess.
its a "alpha" bfg, from alpha version of doom, ok, the original bfg dont has this problem, but these bug is intentional; the alpha version dont work wery well, and instead of firing a giant ball of energy, fires several smaller ones. the alt fire shoot the big one, but it take some time to explode after collision. anyway, its a beta bfg.
Ah ok. I think I understand now.
Wolfbrf wrote: i know the problem of shotgun, i see the code a lot of time and i cant find the problem, yes, is much better to make a weapon of "0", it seem the best thing to do. a least the autoshotgun altfire dont has much use(just remove recoil, and the default recoil It is already very low), or i can remove the aimdown sight and replace it with a better altfire(maybe a fast burst fire)
Ya I think that would be best. It seems to be better off as a hip fire only weapon anyways.
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Re: Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 Fix7(23/07/2016)

Post by Wolfbrf »

-icons for each ammo type.
-fixed sprite on hmg
-zip file

-new alt fire for autoshotgun(shell grenades- low damage, but good to cause damage on smallmonsters behind walls or obstacles, good against groups)
-reduced riotguy damage and bullet speed
-more balance over classic minigun
-fixed sound on spear_gun reload animation
-more agressive sentrygun(now it help on harder map mapcks, +misselemore)
-fixed sprites bugs on destroyer rocket launcher
-others small fixes
-small adjusts over gamebalance
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Re: Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 Fix7a(24/07/2016)

Post by JimpArgon »

OK this one is going to be large with pictures, so I am going to use a lot of spoilers. So click on the spoilers to see what i'm referring to.

When hitting [r] (or whatever you assigned your reload button to) this move does absolutely nothing at all. No damage... No attack.
The shield guns [r] button does pretty much no damage. It basically knocks down the enemies it hits. I would have to keep hitting [r] and shooting that green ball like 20 times to kill an enemy. Also, in some areas. It will clip enemies into the floor or walls. I think you should make it do enough damage, or change the attack to something else.
Speaking of the shield gun... The shield seems to work only when it wants to. The shield should have a time limit on it and block ALL incoming damage until the time wears out. Not choosing when to block damage at random.
I set up a claymore and when it exploded, it set the zombie on fire and he went running. When he burned to death the sentry gun wouldn't stop firing at his body.
I have more pics and feedback. But tinypic is being a bitch right now and not allowing me to upload anymore atm. When it does finally let me upload more, I will continue.

*side note* Sorry WW for the image sizes. I realized half way through uploading that I did not resize them..... They are all in spoilers though and all future posts will be resided accordingly.

Continuing on....
Last edited by JimpArgon on Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 Fix7a(24/07/2016)

Post by JimpArgon »

This shotgun's alt fire is seriously weak as hell.... The blast is so weak, it' s not even worth using. Also what is with the glowing shotgun shell?
Also, the glowing shell turns into a grenade before it explodes....
This duel (rocket?) gun fires WAY too high.... You need to center the fire so I don't have to aim at the floor to get it to shoot straight.
And lastly there are 19 weapons total that can be reloaded over and over again. Even when they are full of ammo or have just been reloaded. I'm not going to post a picture of all 19 weapons that have this issue... You can go through them all yourself and hit [r] and see which ones they are.

Well, I hope all this helped. Good luck.
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Re: Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 Fix7a(24/07/2016)

Post by Wolfbrf »

The alt fire are weak for few reasons:

1: splash damage, good against "groups", also kill enemies behind walls.

2:consume only 2 shells(the alt fire of super shotguns consume 6, but has insane firepower)

3: this alt fire is a better option to use against armored soldiers(you never kill a armored guy using 10 shotguns shoots, buy you can use 5 or maybe more grenadesheells to kill him, armored guys are vulnerable a explosive damage).

Yes, most guns you can reload as many time you want(maybe just to fun and see a cool reload animations if you get tedius on some maps), yes some guns like ump45 you cant do it.

Its simple to fix, but dont break the gameplay.

The dual rockets fire homming misselles, its just a reventant missele from brutal doom with new look. Yes, its not a good thing fire it winouth a target. The spread on altfire is intencional, allow you to kill invisible enemies ofrthe fast ones, or ever small groups of weak monsters.
Ita just a revmissille launcher with a altfire(spread misseles).

The shells turning on grenades its a bug, can be fixed on next version(easy to fix).

The green fireball just 'stun foes", do very small damage, you need to use it in conjuction of another gun or the blaster shoot, or ever to force foes to stay away.

The shield never block 100, because the bullets can pass arout it(example:rit your legs or ever ricochet on walls), it just to help to avoid damage and get a good cover, or to explore a unknow area(prevent traps).

The turrent shoot on every enemie actor, just avoid players, hehe, also its a machine with mov sensors, just avoid players.

About melle: its work like a default brutal doom melle, just get a new look. The reload do nothing if you dont get a beserak power up, after get it, you can select betwen smash or fatality mod(see small weapon guide inside zip file or on mod database topic).
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Re: Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 Fix7a(24/07/2016)

Post by JimpArgon »

To me it seems like you are just dismissing most of my criticism and trying to justify why things are working the way they are. Instead of seeing some of what I have pointed out as a problem. Which is fine I guess because its your mod. However I am only trying to help you polish this to make it more enjoyable. And in my opinion in its current state, its needs work.

About your responses. I know there is some what of a language barrier thing, but I am not sure I understand some of what you wrote. If you could quote my reply and then make a response I could make more sense of what exactly you are talking about.
Wolfbrf wrote: The alt fire are weak for few reasons:

1: splash damage, good against "groups", also kill enemies behind walls.

2:consume only 2 shells(the alt fire of super shotguns consume 6, but has insane firepower)

3: this alt fire is a better option to use against armored soldiers(you never kill a armored guy using 10 shotguns shoots, buy you can use 5 or maybe more grenadesheells to kill him, armored guys are vulnerable a explosive damage).
I am assuming you are talking about the shotgun with the glowing shell thing. In which I have to say this reasoning still does not make sense to me. Its a weak attack, there is barely any splash damage at all and believe me I tried using it on a group of 3 and it didn't do anything. Unless they are standing directly over the shell/grenade it seems like it does nothing at all because the explosion radius is very small.
Wolfbrf wrote: Yes, most guns you can reload as many time you want(maybe just to fun and see a cool reload animations if you get tedius on some maps), yes some guns like ump45 you cant do it. Its simple to fix, but dont break the gameplay.
This is an example of how I take you brushing off my criticism and trying to justify to me why something is the way it is. Do you know how annoying it is to have to wait for a reload animation to finish while you are under fire? Its also not realistic dropping mags and shells all over the place and not something I would expect to have an issue with in a weapons mod.
Wolfbrf wrote: The dual rockets fire homming misselles, its just a reventant missele from brutal doom with new look. Yes, its not a good thing fire it winouth a target. The spread on altfire is intencional, allow you to kill invisible enemies ofrthe fast ones, or ever small groups of weak monsters.
Ita just a revmissille launcher with a altfire(spread misseles).
I know what it is. But as I have clearly stated before the alt fire shoots rockets towards the ceiling and in order to aim it properly I have to look at the floor to shoot the missiles straight. Again, it sounds like you are trying to justify to me a faulty mechanic.
Wolfbrf wrote: The green fireball just 'stun foes", do very small damage, you need to use it in conjuction of another gun or the blaster shoot, or ever to force foes to stay away.
Fair enough I suppose, it just seems like the huge green ball should do slightly more damage then it does. Also it sometimes pushes/clips monsters into floors and walls.
Wolfbrf wrote: The shield never block 100, because the bullets can pass arout it(example:rit your legs or ever ricochet on walls), it just to help to avoid damage and get a good cover, or to explore a unknow area(prevent traps).
Well from my playthough experience it seems like it just randomly chooses to block damage. I really think you should consider putting it on some kind of timer. Maybe make it a short timer if all you are using it for is to duck to a cover spot. I find it highly unreliable to use especially having so many other weapons to use right from the start. I mean, why use the shield at all when you can just shoot and kill all the enemies in the room with the starting assault rifle?
Wolfbrf wrote: The turrent shoot on every enemie actor, just avoid players, hehe, also its a machine with mov sensors, just avoid players.
Maybe you didn't quite understand what I said, so I will try and explain it again. The sentry gun KEPT SHOOTING a DEAD BODY on the floor. Ignoring other enemies that came into the room after me. It would not stop shooting at a burt corpse while ignoring all the other enemies in the room with me. I am more then positive its not supposed to do that.
Wolfbrf wrote: About melle: its work like a default brutal doom melle, just get a new look.
Well that explains it then. I was thinking it was some kind of sneak choke attack. But when I tried to use it behind an enemy.... He just turned around and shot me. Well at least now I know its not an attack and its just to switch back and forth between berserker pack rage modes.
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Re: Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 Fix7a(24/07/2016)

Post by Wolfbrf »

To me it seems like you are just dismissing most of my criticism
Its not true, a lot of fixes i do using suggestion from player here or on modbatabase(most are bugs or gameplay balance
Unless they are standing directly over the shell/grenade it seems like it does nothing at all because the explosion radius is very small
Tremx, nova3, or one variation of project brutality(i forgive the name) has similar weapon. Thing about multiplayer, the player can start spawn crazy grenades and kill everyteam easy, or on single player kill every monster using only a launcher.

Thia weapon seem underpowerd, but its not made for direct combat, use it with cover(can save a lot of heath) or to kill armored monsters if you dont has something better(yes, now you can use shotgun shells to kil armored zombies).

Also ever the small explosions can help to revel invisible monsters. The idea of alt fire is something to use on special situations, for direct attack primary fire still better.

Maybe i can make it detonate on impact(monsters) bust still working as a granade(explode after few secs.)

A better option can be Increase explosion radius a bit, and maybe very small increase on damage(just to make it usable against chaingunguy and demons). Also large explosion radius can help a lot to find invisible monster, sure, i can do it on next version.

Grenade shotgun on real life,
Seem strong? Ok, it dont shoot a sheel, but ok, doom is a futuristic game, also on unreal tournament(frak cannon) this shotgun can shoot the sheel to use as grenade(i get the idea here)
This is an example of how I take you brushing
No, i do reload a lot of times just to see the animation. The game use auto-reload after emply the clip to help players of doom touch(tablets, cellphones), the unique way to avoid it is count the shoots.
like you are trying to justify to me a faulty mechanic.
No, you know shogo? Old fps with robots. This game has a rocket launcher with insane spread and fast firehate, i wanted to nake something similar, but i know, maybe need some adjusts, but the original idea is make a fast rockef launcher with spread, maybe i can reduce the spread a bit, of change the way how rockets fly.
Fair enough I suppose
I make it using minority repoart on mind, on next version i want to change effects to avoid confusion
The sentry gun KEPT SHOOTING a DEAD BODY on the floor.
The flames of buring zombies cause damage, turrets can retaliate any damage, the game see these dead bodies as enemies, the blood as projectivles or missiles(attacks).

For this reason, turrets shoot deadbodies, its possible do be fixed(+notarget frag), bur for fun(on original brutal doom) monsters still attaki g dead bodies just for brutalization effect(ever attack dead player).

The simple way to fix it is add a especific frag on all bodies actor, but for fun(personal tasle) i like to see monsters(or friends) bashing dead bodies.
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Re: Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 Fix7a(24/07/2016)

Post by Nocturned85 »

Any chance of releasing the weapons and enemies as separate wads?
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Re: Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.0 Fix7a(24/07/2016)

Post by Wolfbrf »

maybe someday, but for now, no. can take a lot of time, also the weapons are balanced with the mosnters (like brutal doom or project brutality). do it can take a lot of time because i need to break the balance and also, make it compatible with others mods(remove/change a lot of things).

new version its out
-New attack for cyberdemon(machine gun)
-optional New alt sprite and effects for mount heavymachinegun(starterpack,mkivvehicledemoqfix.)
-fixed grenadeshell bug(autoshotgun)
-small increase over explosion radius of grenadeshell(autoshotgun)
-Fixed the bug of M60 replace the HMG on starterpack/mkivvehicledemoqfix(and similar mods)
-better altfire for HellishMissileLauncher(like a rocketlauncher from Shogo, but sometimes can target monster)
-test weapon(BETA): sentryrockets(select claymore, press 'reload" to drop).
-others small fixes

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Re: Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.1(26/07/2016)

Post by Wolfbrf »

-fixed versions of extra hmg for starter pack and vehiclemod
-fixed bug of mounted hmg on starter pack
-balance over assault rifle and b.a.r, also smgs.
-tracer rounds for HMGs(visible tracers)
-horizontal spread for m1887(like classic doom shotgun)
-others small balance adjusts.
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Re: Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.2(30/07/2016)

Post by Nocturned85 »

Grenade issue. Game says I'm picking up grenades yet I use one or two then suddenly the game is saying I have no grenades left when I want to use another one, and I picked up like 10 of them during the first map. Also is the Mp40 going to be usable? Because they're plentiful as well yet I can't use it.
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Re: Brutal wolf arsenal version 1.2(30/07/2016)

Post by Wolfbrf »

The grenade seem a bug, in old versioms of brutal doom seem work well, but not on 20b. I can take a look on it. The ump45 replaces mp40, for some unknow reason, nazis still dropin it sometimes, a least it give pistol ammo.

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