[WIP] Wolfenstein 3D HQ Sprites

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[WIP] Wolfenstein 3D HQ Sprites

Post by Velaron »

Spoiler: Progress

Bitbucket Repository - for pics
Last edited by Velaron on Wed Oct 05, 2016 5:25 am, edited 20 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] Wolf3Dx2

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Jesus zombie christ, that's beautiful! Excellent work!
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Re: [WIP] Wolf3Dx2

Post by Dunya »

nice work
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Re: [WIP] Wolf3Dx2

Post by Velaron »

GAA1992 wrote:Jesus zombie christ, that's beautiful! Excellent work!
Thanks. Gonna make some more later.
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Re: [WIP] Wolf3Dx2

Post by ZioMcCall »

We always need good spriters.
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Re: [WIP] Wolf3Dx2

Post by Velaron »

If you wan't to help, I will accept it. That's going to take a while for me alone.
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Re: [WIP] Wolf3Dx2

Post by Dunya »

Mars873 wrote:If you wan't to help, I will accept it. That's going to take a while for me alone.
how can i help you?
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Re: [WIP] Wolf3Dx2

Post by DartPower »

Oh, this really good
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Re: [WIP] Wolf3Dx2

Post by Velaron »

Dunya wrote:how can i help you?
You could try drawing some sprites or adding extra details.
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Re: [WIP] Wolf3Dx2

Post by ElMapache96 »

Will the sprites be like those the version for Mac?
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Re: [WIP] Wolf3Dx2

Post by Nevander »

I'd prefer that they stay like PC Wolfenstein, except larger and better detail.
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Re: [WIP] Wolf3Dx2

Post by Tormentor667 »

Okay, honestly. Why do people still start with projects like that? It's not that there is one single case something like a 2x sprites project has ever been finished...

Scaled the image down. -Mod
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Re: [WIP] Wolf3Dx2

Post by RaveYard »

Tormentor667 wrote:Why?!
Okay, honestly. Why do people still start with projects like that? It's not that there is one single case something like a 2x sprites project has ever been finished...
True, but perhaps one day... :?

Here's an idea I have been thinking about:
Instead of painfully redrawing said sprites, it would be smarter to do 3D models with bone rigs, renderer with fancy shaders that would make them look like sprites. You could easily do 16 rotations with smooth animation and even make the sprites many times larger. Not to mention, you could "easily" do new animations and modify the models to create new variants of monsters.
But that's not an easy task. If not done extremely well, the result may be worse than the awkward 3D model mods for default monsters and weapons.
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Re: [WIP] Wolf3Dx2

Post by koopanique »

RaveYard wrote:
Tormentor667 wrote:Why?!
Here's an idea I have been thinking about:
Instead of painfully redrawing said sprites, it would be smarter to do 3D models with bone rigs, renderer with fancy shaders that would make them look like sprites. You could easily do 16 rotations with smooth animation and even make the sprites many times larger. Not to mention, you could "easily" do new animations and modify the models to create new variants of monsters.
That's something I love doing, and I use for one of my current projects:

Image Image Image Image Image

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Re: [WIP] Wolf3Dx2

Post by Rachael »

RaveYard wrote:True, but perhaps one day... :?

Here's an idea I have been thinking about:
Instead of painfully redrawing said sprites, it would be smarter to do 3D models with bone rigs, renderer with fancy shaders that would make them look like sprites. You could easily do 16 rotations with smooth animation and even make the sprites many times larger. Not to mention, you could "easily" do new animations and modify the models to create new variants of monsters.
But that's not an easy task. If not done extremely well, the result may be worse than the awkward 3D model mods for default monsters and weapons.
Why would you even care how it is done? Maybe someone wants to do it the "old" way. Let them.

Also, not everyone is proficient in 3D modeling. The average person who opens Blender is going to close it right away and uninstall and never look at it again. There's way too many buttons and gizmos and way too many keyboard shortcuts you have to memorize. Even *I* am not proficient with Blender, yet, and I know enough about 3D modelling that I could do it, myself. But I have never grown comfortable with Blender - I have always used things like OpenSIM and Cinema 4D.

Sure - you could use one of the many alternatives available but most of them require money and not everyone is ready to drop a grand just for Doom modeling.

In the end, art isn't what tools you use or how many shortcuts you take. It's nothing more than doing something you enjoy the way you want to do it.

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