WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3 IWAD

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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by TheArchvile »

Hello! Loving this mod so far, especially after following the instructions to tune it up and make it prettier, excellent! I have 3 doubts that hopefully someone will help me with.

1) How do I remove Master Levels' pistol start option? I want the maps to run like a campaign without this pistol start, or else armories like the one in Catwalk are simply... useless.

2) How do I add a custom PWAD like 'lostepis.wad' to be loaded into WadSmoosh? That's pretty much the only PWAD I want in this project and I'd love to learn how to do it myself.

3) I tried using the fixes mentioned in posts before this but I just can't get the GZDoom episode screen to show the episodes with big, red text. I installed the dcc.pk3 addon, it didn't work. Edited the menudef file, it didn't work. Is there a fix for this?

Thanks by the way!

wildweasel wrote:
Takuat wrote:Is anyone else experiencing an issue with E4M1 and the NIN secret not registering?
I don't recall the NIN secret ever counting as a secret, but somebody may feel free to prove me wrong.
Yes, the NIN is supposed to be tagged as a secret, most specifically the N right next to the torch that triggers the wall to lower and reveal the logo. It's a very thin line, but it is a secret.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by JPL »

wildweasel wrote:
Takuat wrote:Is anyone else experiencing an issue with E4M1 and the NIN secret not registering?
I don't recall the NIN secret ever counting as a secret, but somebody may feel free to prove me wrong.
From the wiki page: "Note that the letters themselves are not tagged as secret, so this secret may be a bit tricky to register."
It's always been a bit finicky for me, but I don't think I've ever had more trouble triggering it for the WadSmoosh IPK3 than the Doom2 IWAD.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by enderandrew »

TheArchvile wrote:2) How do I add a custom PWAD like 'lostepis.wad' to be loaded into WadSmoosh? That's pretty much the only PWAD I want in this project and I'd love to learn how to do it myself.
JPL doesn't want to add in support for lost.wad or lostepis.wad.

I've done my best to try and support for both of these in a modified version for my own personal use, and for whatever reason the wads don't extract properly. I get errors that it is failing to extract certain files from the wads. But if I use wadextract the files extract just fine. So I end up manually extracting those files and then adding them into my doom_complete.pk3 file.

Let me make my changes against the latest version of this again and I'll post it to see if anyone is interested at looking at it, but I just don't understand why files in lost.wad and lostepis.wad simply won't extract with this tool, but they will with wadextract.

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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by enderandrew »

Here are the changes I've made.


Here is a copy of my modified version of the tool (there are no copyrighted resources or source mods).

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1E1K1Y ... 7v823uXsfR

But it still fails to extra some files from the wads for some strange reason that I can't figure out, so I manually extract those and put them in my doom_complete.pk3 file.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by TheArchvile »

I will look into it. Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it. I am still pondering over the Master Levels Pistol Start removal/SIGIL text having the Nightmare effect. I figured out why the text was not showing in red, and that is because the menus automatically shrink when there is over 10 options to show.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by zing »

enderandrew wrote: But it still fails to extra some files from the wads for some strange reason that I can't figure out, so I manually extract those and put them in my doom_complete.pk3 file.
Can you please explain which files were missing, and how did you put them in the doom_complete.pk3 file?
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by enderandrew »

zing wrote:
enderandrew wrote: But it still fails to extra some files from the wads for some strange reason that I can't figure out, so I manually extract those and put them in my doom_complete.pk3 file.
Can you please explain which files were missing, and how did you put them in the doom_complete.pk3 file?
When I run it with my changes to include lost.wad and lostepis.wad and then check the log file you'll see some errors:

Processing IWAD lost...
extracting graphics_lost...
Extracting pk3/graphics/L_EPI1.lmp
Extracting pk3/graphics/L_EPI2.lmp
Extracting pk3/graphics/L_EPI3.lmp
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name SKY1
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name SKY2
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name SKY3A
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name SKY3B
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name SKY4


Processing IWAD lostepis...
extracting graphics_lostepis...
Extracting pk3/graphics/LE_EPI5.lmp
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name FINAL1
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name FINAL2
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M1ANI1
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M1ANI2
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M1ANI3
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M1ANI4
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M1ANI5
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M1ANI6
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M2ANI1
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M2ANI2
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M2ANI3
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M3ANI1
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M3ANI2
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M3ANI3
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M3ANI4
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M4ANI1
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M4ANI10
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M4ANI11
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M4ANI2
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M4ANI3
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M4ANI4
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M4ANI5
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M4ANI6
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M4ANI7
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M4ANI8
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M4ANI9
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M5ANI1
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M5ANI2
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M6ANI1
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M6ANI2
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M7ANI1
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M7ANI2
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M7ANI3
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M7ANI4
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M7ANI5
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M7ANI6
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M7ANI7
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M7LANI1
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M7LANI2
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M8ANI0
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M8ANI1
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M8ANI2
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M8ANI3
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M8ANI4
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M8ANI5
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M8ANI6
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M8ANI7
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M8ANI8
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M8ANI9
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M8EANI1
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M8EANI2
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M8EANI3
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M9AANI1
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M9AANI2
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M9AANI3
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M9BANI1
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M9BANI2
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M9BANI3
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M9EANI1
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M9EANI2
ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name M9EANI3

So I use wadextract to extract those files. A .pk3 file is literally just a zip file. So I open doom_complete.pk3 with 7-Zip and then copy the missing files to the graphics folder in the zip file.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by mcnj »

MODWALL/ texture in the 2nd map doesn't show up doing it that way
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by zing »

enderandrew wrote: So I use wadextract to extract those files. A .pk3 file is literally just a zip file. So I open doom_complete.pk3 with 7-Zip and then copy the missing files to the graphics folder in the zip file.
Thank you! I followed your instructions and got it! Just one more question: I wanted to have the default font in the selection of episodes, but it is not showing, is it possible to leave it as the image in this post below?
I tried to follow the instructions, but it didn't work.
(Ps .: I tried to send a private message, but apparently I am not yet allowed to do so)
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by TheArchvile »

By the way, I removed the "ResetHealth/ResetInventory" functions that could be found inside the doom_complete.pk3 (mapinfo/masterlevels.txt), but that still doesn't prevent the pistol starts from being enforced. What am I missing?

Also, thanks for your PM, ender.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by MrDowntempo »

Here is a copy of my wadsmoosh.log
I'm able to get to SEWERS.WAED from E1M1. But if I'm on MAP02 and try to get to BETRAY.WAD, it the secret exit just takes me to MAP03 instead.

::edit:: Ah, nevermind, turns out it was Doom 4 Vanilla that was responsible for this bug for some reason ::edit::
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by fack »

Will there be No End In Sight support now that it's on the Betheseda launcher?
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by enderandrew »

fack wrote:Will there be No End In Sight support now that it's on the Betheseda launcher?
Tons of wads are going to be eventually added to the Bethesda Launcher, but they remain third party content that is not likely going to be added to WadSmoosh.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Gez »

fack wrote:Will there be No End In Sight support now that it's on the Betheseda launcher?
No. See this previous exchange:
JPL wrote:
Hydra Spectre wrote:Double Impact is available as an add-on to the Bethesda.net and console versions of The Ultimate DOOM, so it's now sort-of official.
Will you add it to WadSmoosh?
I mean, you added Sigil, which was a semi-unofficial game until Bethesda added it as an add-on.
JP wrote:Note: With the sole exception of SIGIL, non-official content, even stuff that was sold at retail by random companies like the Lost Episodes, is not supported! People in this thread have customized WadSmoosh to do this but it's outside the scope of what I wrote WadSmoosh to do and I have no intention of supporting it. Also please note that you don't need WadSmoosh to merge non-commercial content! Use a WAD editing tool like SLADE3 instead.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by FelesNoctis »

vapidscum wrote:Modified ChapyOne's menudef code to look like this. Note that I've got vid_scale_customstretched on.
The menu not being quite center, and it resetting back to the minimal menu if you exit and reenter, bugged me enough that I finally gave in and poked around with this layout until I got it just right!
1920x1080: https://i.imgur.com/8XsfPFn.png
640x400: https://i.imgur.com/0yWskIR.png
320x200: https://i.imgur.com/977wytj.png

Some scaling factors and resolutions cause the text to increase to an overly large size and no longer fit inside the window, but that still doesn't cause it to switch back to the small list format. As far as I can tell it's just another case of GZDoom's scaling doing some weird things, which has been reported several times already.

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