WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3 IWAD

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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by JPL »

coltonrawr wrote:Also, could the par times for all of Thy Flesh Consumed be added to WadSmoosh? https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Thy_Flesh_Consumed has the par times from Doom Classic for mobile, which could be used here too. The full run mod should be updated to fix the cluster issue too.
Par times for episode 4 have been in for a while now, since this commit from April of last year, I just confirmed they're shown correctly.

Good catch on the Full Run mod, I'll push a new build of it soon.
Update: It looks like the Full Run mod's definitions for E4M1 and E4M8 left out the par times, as I created the mod by copying those over a year before adding the full E4 par times to WadSmoosh. So the update to Full Run I just uploaded should have those back in as well as the Master Levels cluster # fix.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by coltonrawr »

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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Agitatio »

Waterfalls are not animated on PL_MAP02 when Final Doom Texture Substitutions are ON.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by monstario »

I just noticed that if you smoosh only sigil without shreds, if you sideload the shreds, the intermission music doesn't get replaced. If you smoosh shreds, it replaces it as it should.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by JPL »

Agitatio wrote:Waterfalls are not animated on PL_MAP02 when Final Doom Texture Substitutions are ON.
Fixed. https://jp.itch.io/wadsmoosh/devlog/90008/wadsmoosh-112
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Rachael »

monstario wrote:I just noticed that if you smoosh only sigil without shreds, if you sideload the shreds, the intermission music doesn't get replaced. If you smoosh shreds, it replaces it as it should.
This is not a bug, but rather an unfortunate side effect of how Doom's resource system works. Wadsmoosh has to rename it in order to keep both the original intermission music as well as the new one. John Romero is the one who "kind of" erred in not doing this, himself, although to be quite fair Sigil was never meant to be an official permanent IWAD addon, so this is quite understandable. Maybe he also didn't quite realize that this option was open to him in GZDoom.

Nothing can be done about this, unless you want to break Doom 1 wads that have custom intermission music.

What you can do, however, is find out what Wadsmoosh's version of the intermission music file name is, and then rename it appropriately in your sigil_shreds.wad using Slade 3 or other similar utility. (Back up the original, obviously)
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by monstario »

Rachael wrote:This is not a bug, but rather an unfortunate side effect of how Doom's resource system works. Wadsmoosh has to rename it in order to keep both the original intermission music as well as the new one.
Thanks for the info. I worked around it by having two smooshes: one with shreds and one without. I actually use the one with shreds for Brutal Doom. However, this is not efficient as I have 20 MB redundancy now with same content in both .pk3's. I actually requested being able to choose Sigil's OST in in-game menu, now is a good reason to request this feature once again, I guess :oops:
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by eharper256 »

saegiru wrote:
JPL wrote:
wildweasel wrote:As I understand it, Jimmy's Jukebox scripts are looking for specific map numbers (or map lumps?) that WadSmoosh winds up changing in the process of stitching all the IWADs together. So it probably won't work without a serious overhaul - speaking of which, Jimmy is looking for help with ZScript to give the Jukebox said overhaul.
Without delving into the Jukebox mod code, if I had to guess as to what's breaking those map references it'd be that TNT, Plutonia, NRFTL, and Master Levels maps are called tn_MAP01.wad, pl_MAP01, nv_MAP01, ml_MAP01 etc in the PK3. Doom 1 and 2 maps are still referred to by their original names though, so if those don't play correctly with Jukebox I'm unclear as to why.
Yes, I assumed that would be an issue with the renamed maps, but it is not playing on the Doom or Doom 2 maps, which is what is confusing me. I checked the code too and couldn't come up with anything initially either. I'll keep looking, as I think this working on wadsmoosh would be cool. I actually modified my mapinfo to make the entire thing be one big superinsanemegawad - after you finish e1m8, it drops you to e2m1, and so forth - the ending doesn't come until the final map. Having a different soundtrack through the whole thing would be cool in my opinion.
Out of interest, did you ever figure out anything about this (Jimmy's Jukebox compatibility)?

I tried a few things myself; such as changing all the music definitions in the wadsmoosh's mapinfo to directly reference music tracks (i.e. D_RUNNIN); that does nothing. I even tried making a backup and deleting all the mus files from the wadsmoosh, that just results in silence. Tried by itself, and even the custom tracks version.

I also tried flat-out to just have a basic replacement .wad with OGG remixes named for the correct lumps, loading it last in the loadorder, and even by itself, but NOTHING will replace the WadSmoosh midis. :shock:

Weird as all heck, because the Jukebox still activates normally on SIGIL and on any custom megawad that loads up.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Rachael »

eharper256 wrote:Weird as all heck, because the Jukebox still activates normally on SIGIL and on any custom megawad that loads up.
Not weird at all. As I said to the person before you - it's all to do with how Doom's naming scheme works.

In order for these mods to work with Wadsmoosh properly, they have to be made specifically for it. That means renaming the internal resources so that they are compatible with the naming scheme it uses.

The problem is that Doom 2's D_RUNNIN (map01 song) is not the same as Plutonia's D_RUNNIN or TNT's D_RUNNIN (which are all completely different songs - but they have to follow Doom2's naming scheme for compatibility purposes).

Wadsmoosh simply renames D_RUNNIN for TNT and Plutonia to something else to avoid this problem. I don't know what it is, but that's what it does.
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Problem with bosses (E2M8 & E3M8: Dis)

Post by Doctrine Gamer »

I have a doubt, I applied the patch all right but I noticed when playing Ultimate Doom that at levels E2M8: Tower of Babel and E3M8: Dis at the level of the bosses automatically jump to the next stage being that neither come to face them, it is intentional patch or did something wrong because I noticed that at levels E1M8: Phobos Anomaly & E4M8: Unto the Cruel does not have this problem and I face bosses normally.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by monstario »

In the newest version, the floating yellow thing over Sigil's lava teleporters is gone:
In 1.11 this was not an issue.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by coltonrawr »

Can Maximum Doom be supported in WadSmoosh as it's own episode? (It's official, trust me. It's on the same disc as the Master Levels are, for god's sake)
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by wildweasel »

coltonrawr wrote:Can Maximum Doom be supported in WadSmoosh as it's own episode? (It's official, trust me. It's on the same disc as the Master Levels are, for god's sake)
You would wind up with an episode containing the contents of 1,830 separate WAD files, comprised of 3,201 maps - someone has to handle the metadata for all of those, figure out the duplicates and anything that conflicts with each other (or even itself), and possibly even sanitize some of them of pointless extra content (like Monty Python and Simpsons sounds). I can't imagine anybody would be willing to volunteer to handle all of that.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Rachael »

wildweasel wrote:You would wind up with an episode containing the contents of 1,830 separate WAD files, comprised of 3,201 maps - someone has to handle the metadata for all of those, figure out the duplicates and anything that conflicts with each other (or even itself), and possibly even sanitize some of them of pointless extra content (like Monty Python and Simpsons sounds). I can't imagine anybody would be willing to volunteer to handle all of that.
Not to mention the immense bloat this would add to WadSmoosh itself, if it were done.

I rather like this utility's light-weightedness.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by coltonrawr »

Maybe if a tool was written to merge everything (minus the unnecessary bloat) into a big WAD file (ala what happened to the Master Levels over the years), it could be added into WadSmoosh easily. That way, Maximum Doom can be supported and it'll still be as lightweight as ever.

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