WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3 IWAD

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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by NightFright »

Wait - are we talking about GZDoom now or WadSmoosh?
Anyway, for me this is a totally optional request, anyway. I have no problems whatsoever loading Sigil separately, it doesn't need to work like nerve.wad (which was probably still more official than Sigil will ever be).
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by monstario »

Let me first say this: I love this tool! It satisfies my OCD of having everything cleanly organized in one place, and it's damn convenient too, especially because you don't have to mess with Master Levels interface mod - editing WAD contents manually and all that. It can even add both Xbox bonus levels, nice touch but this functionality is kinda obscure - it took me a while to realize those levels' existence, downloading their fixed versions and finding out that WadSmoosh can actually add them in.

As for Sigil... Does it even matter if it's official or not? It comes from Romero, it will most likely be an awesome spiritual successor to Episode 4, and people want it, so... no harm in adding it! However, loading it separately is not really a big deal but a bit messy - you would end up with the original four episodes duplicated: in WadSmoosh, and in that doom.wad launched with "-file sigil.wad" (assuming it will actually appear as a fifth episode instead of becoming the only one once loaded).
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by JPL »

New build on bitbucket and jp.itch.io, adding map credit images. More info here: https://jp.itch.io/wadsmoosh/devlog/798 ... ap-credits

Regarding Sigil support, I'll release a build if the WAD/PK3 we get from Romero doesn't work properly with WadSmoosh's existing output. I heard he intends to release a vanilla version that replaces episode 3 and a source port friendly version that makes the new maps a proper episode 5, and if the latter doesn't slot neatly into doom_complete.pk3's episode list after Thy Flesh Consumed, I'll update the build so that it does so.

Depending on a few other TBD factors, I might also add support for extracting Sigil's maps for inclusion into the IWAD. John Romero is the one person for whom I will make an exception to my "no support for unofficial PWADs" rule :]
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by ShockwaveS08 »

Got a bug report and a few suggestions for future versions of WADSmooshed Doom.

B1) The map/credits pic for the secret Master Level, "Bad Dream", is undefined in the Master Levels' MAPINFO lump. Had to fix this myself with a single edit.

S1) Will the "Read This!" menu from Ultimate Doom be re-implemented in future builds? There does exist the occasional mod that makes use of the image lumps found in this "menu", and there is currently no way to access them within Doom Classic Complete.

S2) Any chance the TITLEPIC lump can be spruced up a bit, maybe with the DCC logo front-and-center on the otherwise-barren background? Obviously this will be overridden with a mod/mapset's own TITLEPIC, regardless.

S3) While on the subject of the TITLEPIC, any chance of adding in logos/credits for id Software (Doom1/Doom2/MasterLevels), Nerve Software (NRFTL), and TeamTNT (FinalDoom), optionally with Romero Games as well (Sigil), to give it a more-official look (and assuming there's enough useable screen-space on the lump itself)?

S4) I used DOOM-Crusher to reduce the filesize impact of the new mapname/credit .png's, shaving off ~600KB off of the compiled .pk3 as a whole. I'll leave this information for you to use at your discretion, when the inevitable Sigil Update hits.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by JPL »

ShockwaveS08 wrote:Got a bug report and a few suggestions for future versions of WADSmooshed Doom.

B1) The map/credits pic for the secret Master Level, "Bad Dream", is undefined in the Master Levels' MAPINFO lump. Had to fix this myself with a single edit.
Good catch, this has been fixed in the build I just uploaded to itch.
S1) Will the "Read This!" menu from Ultimate Doom be re-implemented in future builds? There does exist the occasional mod that makes use of the image lumps found in this "menu", and there is currently no way to access them within Doom Classic Complete.

S2) Any chance the TITLEPIC lump can be spruced up a bit, maybe with the DCC logo front-and-center on the otherwise-barren background? Obviously this will be overridden with a mod/mapset's own TITLEPIC, regardless.

S3) While on the subject of the TITLEPIC, any chance of adding in logos/credits for id Software (Doom1/Doom2/MasterLevels), Nerve Software (NRFTL), and TeamTNT (FinalDoom), optionally with Romero Games as well (Sigil), to give it a more-official look (and assuming there's enough useable screen-space on the lump itself)?

S4) I used DOOM-Crusher to reduce the filesize impact of the new mapname/credit .png's, shaving off ~600KB off of the compiled .pk3 as a whole. I'll leave this information for you to use at your discretion, when the inevitable Sigil Update hits.
S1. Hadn't realized this, I would like to include it but it's not as simple as setting that menu option to appear (drawreadthis in mapinfo); I'd need to do something like change that line depending on whether you can doom.wad, doom2.wad, or both.

S2. That would be cool! It always kinda bugs me when a titlepic has the exact same logo as M_DOOM (the menu header graphic) but maybe bigger, but I agree a title would be good.

S3. I would 100% like to do a proper CREDIT screen with 100% of the personnel involved in the supported releases, like the above it'd just be a matter of taking the time to do a graphic of sufficient quality. (edit: just realized this wasn't what you were asking about, but yes, it'd be nice to have those logos on the titlepic too.)

S4. I ran all the graphics/ images through pngcrush and got 25kb savings out of it... but I'll check out Doom-Crusher. If all it does is output smaller PNGs, that seems zero-cost.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by CONK »

So, i'm new to this don't criticize me but how do i use this, i mean it states that its a pk3 but the folder itself doesn't have a pk3 so i compressed the folder itself,"Wadsmoosh" into a pk3 but it does not seem to be taking effect. Help plx.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by wildweasel »

It creates a pk3 from the official IWADs that you put into the /source_wads folder. For obvious reasons of copyright, Wadsmoosh doesn't distribute a ready made pk3 file.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by CasualChris »

2 minor criticisms that I have with the current state of this otherwise perfect collection:

1. Have you considered cleaning up minor typographical things such as E3M7: Gate to Limbo just being called "Limbo" on the automap, MAP09: Abattoire in Plutonia being misspelled (should be "Abattoir" instead), and any other things I may have missed?

2. I can't help but notice that neither Sewers nor Betray have map credits. Sewers was made by David Calvin, and Betray was made by Michael Bukowski.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by ShockwaveS08 »


1) I think the decision to preserve the hardcoded map names was intentional, much like how Circle of Destruction is listed as "'O' of Destruction" in the save files.

2) I can confirm that the Xbox-exclusive secret maps don't have an author assigned to their mapname/credit lump, unlike the other 99.9% of WADSmoosh.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by killaken2000 »

A few pages ago someone posted info about adding the redone romero levels (e.g. e1m8b, etc.) to the wadsmoosh pk3 file. Has anyone done this or can share code to do it? a setting in the options menu to toggle each menu would be neat as well. Anyway, I like wadsmoosh and was wondering what the plans for the future are.

Sigil comes out for free on May 31st so I'm looking forward to playing it myself.

EDIT: I'm using Sigil right now by running it after wadsmoosh using ZDL (wadsmoothed Doom stuff as IWAD and Sigil Loaded afterwards

It's a bit out of order and cut off at the end if anyone is wondering

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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by JPL »

Okay, I've played Sigil and since a few people have asked here's my plans for it for WadSmoosh:
- An upcoming (no ETA) WadSmoosh build will support SIGIL.WAD and SIGIL_SHREDS.WAD, though be warned that the MP3 music in the latter will add >100MB of bulk to your IWAD.
- Sigil will appear at its proper place in the episode list, after Thy Flesh Consumed and before Hell On Earth. I'll try to make sure that other mods that add a 5th episode (eg The Lost Episode) will overwrite this as expected.
- The Sigil title screen and title screen music won't be accessible in the doom_complete.pk3 IWAD, just because there can be only one title screen + music and for mod compatibility reasons it will be Doom 2's if you have that, Ultimate Doom's if you don't.

Regarding E1M8b and E1M4b, given that they're freely available variant versions of maps that already exist I'd rather let them exist as PWADs instead of adding support for them to WadSmoosh. If someone really wanted they could repackage both levels into a single PWAD with included level names, etc. But I consider the two maps as mods rather than new additions to the Doom canon.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by monstario »

Will you keep the melting effect on Sigil's episode name? I vote "no" so that it blends in and looks consistent with other episode names. Since you make exception for Romero, maybe you could consider adding e1m4b and e1m8b as bonus exits on e1m3 and e1m7? You could keep them completely out-of-sight by just adding them as usable walls with no indicator, like the Xbox levels.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by Gez »

Honestly the b levels wouldn't really fit in E1. Yeah, it's Romero, but it's Romero over twenty years later, making limit-removing maps with Doom Builder. Things like the "hell lighting" cracks across the floor really clash with the much simpler aesthetic of the original levels. And E1M8b in particular is a hard sell as a secret exit from E1M7: does it make sense to go to the regular E1M8 after?

If anything I'd put these levels as super-secret levels in Sigil instead.
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by DemonSlayer »

Looking forward to the inclusion of the new SIGIL episode and I am glad to be able to play NERVE.WAD as I finally got DooM 3 BFG version to work (took forever).

In regards to the Master Levels I was reading the text files of "masterlevels_order" and masterlevels_order_xaser and I am not sure how they work as I thought it would be cool to make the maps into a megawad kind of like the bottom post of this Doomworld topic: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/6 ... ny-advice/

What do I need to do so I can successfully recreate that setup for use with Wadsmoosh?

Thank you for your continued work and this is just really cool stuff ^_^
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Re: WadSmoosh - merge all official id releases into one PK3

Post by JPL »

WadSmoosh v1.1 is up now, with full SIGIL support: https://jp.itch.io/wadsmoosh

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