Gloom Busters

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Re: Gloom Busters

Post by Skelegant »

Rua Gubs wrote:Are you still making the "Retro Soundpack" for people who prefer the old retro sounds over the new cartoony ones?
I'm not sure tbh, I probably should cuz it won't be that difficult
TheAdmantArchvile wrote:
Skelegant wrote:Yup, I would have preferred for him to have sorted the settings out before playing it though :P
(Adamant, next time you send Binyot doom games, make sure to give him gzdoom setup instructions lol)
Will do. I only just found out about the portable ini. Graf, if you're reading this, thank you for putting that in because that just saved us a ton of time and hassle.
Excellent, now we can have vinedoom minus the oatmeal-looking filtered sprites lol
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Re: Gloom Busters

Post by Freaklore1 »

So it's been awhile since i responded back,i have a few questions for you Skelegant.

I noticed that a lots of your videos have disappeared from your Youtube channel,did you erase them ? If yes,why ?

Also what happened to the food themed mod idea,was that abandoned ?

Because i have to say that it was quite a nice concept and you had some pretty good sprites to go along with it.

The thing is that,to my knowledge,there arent much Doom mods wich are based on the theme of food,so if you had continued that concept and actually completed it,then released it,you would had been the first or at least one of the first to have made a Doom mod with that specific theme.

And to be fair,i kinda miss the 'have a banana' enemy,dem orange grenades and those explosions of juicyness.

Some of your recent works are pretty good,but would be nice to maybe take a look back at that old idea and maybe revisit it,anyway im just suggesting it.
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Re: Gloom Busters

Post by Skelegant »

Yup, I went through and removed most of my WIP and unfinished mod videos, just to keep the channel tidier and so people don't get excited for mods I'm not working on anymore :D
I do still have the assets I made for the fruit mod but haven't worked on it for ages, I don't really care about being the first to make a food mod tbh I'm not keen on fame and just want to produce things which make people happy, but I do want to finish it at some point. I'd need to give the characters an overhaul though now that I can do more creative stuff with decorate and acs.
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Re: Gloom Busters

Post by Skelegant »

For anyone still interested in this stupid mod (or anyone planning on making a vid of it) I'm overhauling it again, this time without Olive calling the shots. That means more guns, more blood, more monsters and more interesting character designs. I won't post any screenies yet cuz it's not looking too flash at the moment but I'm way happier with the direction it's going now, gameplay wise as well as graphically.
I'll post update pics eventually (unless I forget, as I am wont to do lol)
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Re: Gloom Busters

Post by Captain J »

I'm still interested for years, alright! Drastic change or not, i'll be waiting for the update. Godspeed!
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Re: Gloom Busters

Post by Rua Gubs »

I'm overhauling it again, this time without Olive calling the shots. That means more guns, more blood, more monsters and more interesting character designs.
Oh boy, is Gloom Busters getting an "Edgy Reboot"?

I'm kidding of course but if the changes are as drastic as you say, then wouldn't it be better making a "Gloom Busters 2" instead of updating this mod?
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Re: Gloom Busters

Post by Skelegant »

Nah, just goofier, more slapstick and more fun to play in general :D
I did think of that but I kinda want this project to finally become something worthwhile (or at least playable) plus it uses a lot of the same assets and I'd rather not Doom 2 it and just rehash the same stuff with 3 new enemies and call it a new game.
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Re: Gloom Busters

Post by Dolphinboy86 »

How to use the Akumama level? Just because I haven't been able to figure out what I must do with it. I loaded in GzDoom with Doom 2, even with Cartoonz.wad together, but there was nothing extraordinary. What am I doing badly? Do I have to warp to a specific level or write something in the console?
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Re: Gloom Busters

Post by Skelegant »

I honestly can't remember, was that the one with the rainbow arena and the big statue of the dude? I think it's map66 or something, yeah you'll probably have to warp there.
although to be brutally honest i don't give a shit about this mod anymore, i went into more detail in the thread's first post
i'd suggest you play adventures of square instead, that's an excellent mod made by lovely people :)
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Re: Gloom Busters

Post by Captain J »

Discontinued? Well... It's really sad and unfortunate. But at least the mod itself is 99% complete. And i thank you for the good times with it. It's unforgettable :D

(thx so much for mentioning TAOS, btw!)
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Re: Gloom Busters

Post by Dolphinboy86 »

Well, yesterday I managed to get the Akumama level to work. It's on map 33.
As for The adventures of Square, I've already known it and played with it too, but thanks!
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Re: Gloom Busters

Post by Dolphinboy86 »

By the way, I tried one of your wads that you had mentioned in one of your older posts, Trouble in Paradise. It was interesting at first, until I teleported to the second area of the map, where there's a big building, where I should enter, but I don't know how. There are no doors or switches (at least I haven't seen). I've only got there once, with cheat (amd I died instantly :x ). I also saw a few strange objects all over the map (brown diamonds with yellow exclamations marks in them), which, as I have experienced at other wads, mean some errors, maybe some missing things, that can't be shown.
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Re: Gloom Busters

Post by Dolphinboy86 »

Yesterday I played again with this mod and found something interesting. There are these weird arcade machines with "Swanky" written on them, and if I touch them, they take me to a strange bonus stage like level (in the map its name is Swanky: It's in your head"). It's a dream like map where there is a monster which looks like the David Statue's head. If I hit it enough, it transforms into a scary red face and starts to chase me. The map also changes with it.
What is this level? And how can I beat this monster? And is there any exits to this level? Just because I haven't could neither defeat the monster, nor quit the level. Is it kind of joke map?
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Re: Gloom Busters

Post by Nem05 »

The download links are not working. Does anyone have a copy of this mod? It looks great.
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Re: Gloom Busters

Post by Skelegant »

i think i still have a copy of it somewhere, lemme grab that for you

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