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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by Major Cooke »

Doom 3 Doesnt Suck wrote:Y'know... if they really wanted to make this different from Brutal Doom, they could make a mod that had the Doom 4 weapons, first person glory kills, and added some stuff from hdoom, and maybe added some impse.
glory kills
Still feels like brutal doom to me. :mrgreen:
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by ReX »

Doom 3 Doesnt Suck wrote:Y'know... if they really wanted to make this different from Brutal Doom, they could make a mod that had the Doom 4 weapons, first person glory kills, and added some stuff from hdoom, and maybe added some impse.
For some reason, people can't let go of the fact that this isn't Brutal DooM, and is not trying to be it.Therefore, making gratuitous comparisons to BD is not likely to get a rise from the developers. From what I know, they are mature individuals, and they have their own concept of what they want to develop. And I don't think it's a BD clone. Therefore, I would suggest that people refrain from continuing to make comparisons with other D4 mods.

But, on the other hand, your reference to impse suggests that you might have been making a tongue-in-cheek comment. If so, by all means continue with your commentary. This ought to get interesting. Heh.
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by DBThanatos »

Doom 3 Doesnt Suck wrote:Y'know... if they really wanted to make this different from Brutal Doom, they could make a mod that had the Doom 4 weapons, first person glory kills, and added some stuff from hdoom, and maybe added some impse.
To be honest, you lost me at "make this different from Brutal Doom".

Last time I checked, this mod was not based on BD. Doesn't use it's mechanics. Doesn't use it's resources. Doesn't use the name. How can I make this mod different than something it is not.

Why do people keep on trying to compare mods? If there's 4 mods making Doom4 weapons, that's awesome. There will be one for everyone.

EDIT: ReX went totally ninja on me. :P
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by mutator »

Thanatos, have you made any progress with this mod yet?
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by Major Cooke »

Lots actually.
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by DBThanatos »

mutator wrote:Thanatos, have you made any progress with this mod yet?
I've been posting updates every few days. Noticed the title of the thread?
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by Doom 3 Doesnt Suck »

DBThanatos wrote:
mutator wrote:Thanatos, have you made any progress with this mod yet?
I've been posting updates every few days. Noticed the title of the thread?
I'm looking forward to when it will say "DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Impse Glory Kill prev pg10".

That's when we'll know you guys are serious about this mod. :wub:
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by Major Cooke »

Less impse, more pinkse. :twisted:
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by Doomguy141 »

You know to be honest I never liked the glory kill system much so if you guys don't add it, not a problem I just want to use those awesome looking guns. I could probably help with sounds if you need. I am the Sound dev for ZION Doom mod.
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by Major Cooke »

If you have sounds that aren't filtered or recorded, those would be best.
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by Doomguy141 »

The sounds we used were recorded in a controlled , echo less environment. At HQ but I have gone and updated them with more bass and power as I felt the original sounds felt a little lack luster. But to best honest after watching the short vids I don't see a issue with sound quality.
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by Major Cooke »

Couldn't agree more. After all, it's just one person nitpicking. :P
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by The_DooM_Marine_DIV »

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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by wildweasel »

The_DooM_Marine_DIV wrote:Hey use this - http://forum.zdoom.org/download/file.php?id=25911
Have you got credits or permissions to be doing that?
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by Doom 3 Doesnt Suck »

wildweasel wrote:
The_DooM_Marine_DIV wrote:Hey use this - http://forum.zdoom.org/download/file.php?id=25911
Have you got credits or permissions to be doing that?
I hope I don't sound like a turd, but I'm going to have to back this comment.

I dunno what level of schooling most of you have, but plagiarism is generally considered to be the worst of the worst sins. Taking someone else's work without giving them credit for it is seriously a dick move.

Besides, it's actually a bit of a compliment when someone takes your work, improves upon it, and releases it to the public, and acknowledges that you were their inspiration. We can't always produce a perfect version 1.0. Doom itself is a perfect example of this.

But on a more serious note, this mod needs more impse.

edit: To be fair, what I remember as being the "free" version of Doom, which only included episode 1, Knee Deep In The Dead, was actually extremely impressive at the time, and I think a lot of people agree with that sentiment. I still tend to think of episode 1 of Doom 1 as "Doom", although I know that is technically incorrect, and that episode is actually missing a lot of features that have become quite popular in different versions of Doom. That being said, it's hard to imagine certain companies making a stink about us mixing different versions of Doom together, as long as proper credit is given where it is due. (It's also free advertising, although the vast majority of the people on this particular forum that were going to buy Dooms 1, 2, 3, and 4 have already done so, and for the most part, we consider Doom 4 a quality product worth buying in the future if we haven't already obtained it.)

I think even when Romero released new versions of his own Doom maps, he made a couple comments on how impressed he was with the state of Doom as it is today (and even made a very humble comment on how he thought he had to improve his own mapping skills to remain competitive in this community). It's still his baby, so to speak, but Doom has been taken in a wildly different direction that I doubt even he could have foreseen at the time Doom was originally released.
Last edited by Doom 3 Doesnt Suck on Thu Jun 02, 2016 9:04 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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