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Re: D4D - v2.0.3(11/03/16)

Post by Beed28 »

JohnnyTheWolf wrote:Kidding aside, would destroying corpses negate the Archvile's resurrection, though?
Yes, but only if you were playing with the classic monsters. If you were playing with the D4D monsters, getting rid of monster corpses would not stop the Summoner from spawning in more monsters anyway.

And besides, once you actually received the Carrion Cannon, you can absorb corpses out of existence to your little heart's content, classic or D4D.
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Re: D4D - v2.0.3(11/03/16)

Post by DoomKrakken »

I don't believe destroying corpses should contribute to extraction of Carrion... except in the way that the Carrion Cannon works.
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Re: D4D - v2.0.3(11/03/16)

Post by JohnnyTheWolf »

Beed28 wrote:
JohnnyTheWolf wrote:Kidding aside, would destroying corpses negate the Archvile's resurrection, though?
Yes, but only if you were playing with the classic monsters. If you were playing with the D4D monsters, getting rid of monster corpses would not stop the Summoner from spawning in more monsters anyway.
Really? I am currently unable to play D4D, but I seem to remember the Summoner being able to resurrect monsters.

Can it do both?
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Re: D4D - v2.0.3(11/03/16)

Post by Beed28 »

JohnnyTheWolf wrote:
Beed28 wrote:
JohnnyTheWolf wrote:Kidding aside, would destroying corpses negate the Archvile's resurrection, though?
Yes, but only if you were playing with the classic monsters. If you were playing with the D4D monsters, getting rid of monster corpses would not stop the Summoner from spawning in more monsters anyway.
Really? I am currently unable to play D4D, but I seem to remember the Summoner being able to resurrect monsters.

Can it do both?
Looking at Archvile.AED in Slade, I can only find the A_VileChase function and the "Heal" state in the old Arch-vile definition, so I'm guessing no.
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Re: D4D - v2.0.3(11/03/16)

Post by DoomKrakken »

The Summoner was never able to resurrect monsters.
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Re: D4D - v2.0.3(11/03/16)

Post by Techokami »

Little suggestion for people that like to play with DOOM 1 mapsets: SSG as an alternate spawn for the Shotgun in DOOM 1 maps? So, if I have the Shotgun already, and the map type is a DOOM 1 map, there's a random chance (20%? Maybe lower?) that the Shotgun spawn will be replaced with an SSG spawn. That way, I can get an SSG or a Vortex Rifle in DOOM 1 if I get really lucky.
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Re: D4D - v2.0.3(11/03/16)

Post by JohnnyTheWolf »

DoomKrakken wrote:The Summoner was never able to resurrect monsters.
Odd. I could have sworn watching a Summoner revive dead monsters around itself. I guess I must have played too many Doom mods recently...
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Re: D4D - v2.0.3(11/03/16)

Post by Mr.Enchanter »

JohnnyTheWolf wrote:
DoomKrakken wrote:The Summoner was never able to resurrect monsters.
Odd. I could have sworn watching a Summoner revive dead monsters around itself. I guess I must have played too many Doom mods recently...
As far as I've seen, they just summon new monsters like the D3 Archies did.
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Re: D4D - v2.0.3(11/03/16)

Post by Beed28 »

Two things; first, with sv_unlimited_pickup turned on, you can "overcharge" the Pistol, allowing you to fire a number of charged shots in quick succession depending on how long you held the charge for. This was surprising considering how many surprising considerations were made for sv_unlimited_pickup throughout the mod (the ammo and carrion piñata tokens flying towards you even if you're carrying over the normal capacity, and the fact that you can't overcharge the Static Rifle!).

And the second, is an exploit involving ledge climbing. If you face a cliff at a particular angle (not straight forward) and then try jumping forward into it at that angle, you can effectively scale the whole cliff regardless of its height.

Whilst fun to do, I'm surprised no one's brought the latter up yet.
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Re: D4D - v2.0.3(11/03/16)

Post by Mr.Enchanter »

a little something...
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Re: D4D - v2.0.3(11/03/16)

Post by Rowsol »

I'm trying to add upgrades. I've got it working except for one issue. I can start the game up, buy the upgrade, and it works. However, if I start a new game or jump to the next level with "nextmap" I can't buy the upgrade again, it says it's already bought even though I don't have it. Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: D4D - v2.0.3(11/03/16)

Post by TechnoDoomed1 »

Beed28 wrote:And the second, is an exploit involving ledge climbing. If you face a cliff at a particular angle (not straight forward) and then try jumping forward into it at that angle, you can effectively scale the whole cliff regardless of its height.

Whilst fun to do, I'm surprised no one's brought the latter up yet.
I did.
TechnoDoomed1, a good while ago wrote:I want to report a bug regarding ledge grabbing: it seems like with some patience and/or practice, the player is able to escalate any ledge, regardless of how far from reach it is. While funny, it is incredibly unrealistic and can break maps if used. It also helps a lot with speedrunning, that's for sure.
Seems it isn't that important a bug after all, since it hasn't be fixed.

You can always disable mantling if it breaks immersion too much, or embrace it and use its ridiculousness to your advantage. :P
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Re: D4D - v2.0.3(11/03/16)

Post by Beed28 »

Huh, I searched for "climbing" in this thread before I posted that, but not "grabbing", and hence why I missed your post.
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Re: D4D - v2.0.3(11/03/16)

Post by TechnoDoomed1 »

It doesn't matter, don't worry. You made a search to see if it was already brought up anywhere in the thread, which is already a huge kudos to you.
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Re: D4D - v2.0.3(11/03/16)

Post by Hipnotic Rogue »

Hey. Now that this thread is going on 140 pages is this still the best place to report bugs?

I usually try to play with the Freedoom WADs as I like the twist on familiar textures that these WAD have. However, if I play D4D with Freedoom 2 some of the sprites are messed up. For instance, The Revenant sprites show the Freedoom black gremlin thingy until it's knocked into its 'shock' state at which time it changes into the D4D sprite. The Mancubus sprite is messed up in a similar way too.

Is this an issue with D4D or should I report it to the Freedoom guys?

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