Dwonload: O shit waddup
inb4 0/1 forced meme will not download
he might update his mod as time passwildweasel wrote:0/10 not enough dover boys
I suspected they were melee enemies, but as your video did not show you taking any damage, I was unsure. [EDIT: I just watched the video again, and realized you'd used iddqd at the start] Also, these enemies go down with a single pistol shot, so that confused me too.Nash wrote:Rex: The "frogs on the unicycle" are inherited from Demons and replace every enemy.It was just a quick hackjob, I didn't care to balance it or anything.
Respectfully, I disagree. Heh.PS I don't find this may may funny at all to be honest
The fact that you made a mod specifically to let people vent frustration against said meme by pumping it full of lead and having it explode into giblets kinda implied that.Nash wrote:PS I don't find this may may funny at all to be honest
Then by all means, for the class, point out precisely where the joke is. I'll wait.ReX wrote:Nash wrote:Respectfully, I disagree. Heh.PS I don't find this may may funny at all to be honest