Led's Generic Weapon Mod (UPDATED! April 2 2023)

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Re: [New stuff!] Led's Generic Weapon Mod (Updated 18th July

Post by LedIris »

Updated again!
-Fixed the SSG's death animation using the wrong SSG sprite
-Changed the duration of the RadiusQuake on SSG, Rifle and Minigun (it now lasts two tics, same as their flash state) The SSG now also has some kickback to the player.
-Changed the shotgun pump sounds again because honestly, I like the vanilla-sounding ones a little bit better. They sync with the Classic Pump animation and it kinda reminds me of the Doom 4 shotgun. If anyone wants me to change them back then I'll do it, no problem. ;) I don't know which ones are better/more preferred, so let me know on that. :D
-Changed some text in the Mod Options menu
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Re: Led's Generic Weapon Mod (Updated 20th July)

Post by LedIris »

-Getting hit with armor now produces bullet sparks
-Fixed an issue with deselecting while aiming with the Shotgun & Rifle
-The camera now pitches up or down when the player dies
-Added a bodythud sound effect to the player's death animation (to make the first person death animation look a little bit better)
-Unused sounds and sprites removed from the file (to save space)

On top of this I also fixed some coding errors that would appear in the latest devbuilds and fixed some frames on all weapons where the viewbobbing wouldn't function. Have fun! :D

EDIT: Undocumented change that I forgot about: The Light Amplification Visor's pickup flash has been changed from pink to a more suitable green.
Last edited by LedIris on Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Led's Generic Weapon Mod (Updated 20th July)

Post by -Ghost- »

Sounds good! Do you have anything major planned now that you have the foundation of the mod down?
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Re: Led's Generic Weapon Mod (Updated 20th July)

Post by LedIris »

-Ghost- wrote:Sounds good! Do you have anything major planned now that you have the foundation of the mod down?
I have something quite major planned for the mod. Removing the Fist and moving the Pistol to Slot 1. But, I plan to give the Pistol infinite ammo (still having to reload, of course) so that it turns into a "oh crap, I'm out of ammo and I don't want to use my fist!!!!" type weapon. In short, it turns into a reliable panic backup weapon. :) This is mainly because the Rifle surpasses the Pistol in almost every way, so it would be nice to still have some use for it. Same with the Fist and Chainsaw (minus Berserk)

As for the Fist, well, to replace that I plan to add a quick-punch option to every weapon, so that the Berserker pack doesn't go obsolete. :D

I'm interested to see how this will affect the gameplay, since it's quite different from most weapon replacer mods. Thoughts? :wink:

EDIT: The new Fist would look like this.

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Re: Led's Generic Weapon Mod (Updated 20th July)

Post by JohnnyTheWolf »

I think the punch should be left-handed, so it does not look like Doomguy has a third arm.
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Re: Led's Generic Weapon Mod (Updated 20th July)

Post by LedIris »

JohnnyTheWolf wrote:I think the punch should be left-handed, so it does not look like Doomguy has a third arm.
Better? :wink:

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Re: Led's Generic Weapon Mod (Updated 20th July)

Post by -Ghost- »

Quick punch is cool, though I've honestly never been a fan of infinite ammo weapons. If a pistol has to be a backup weapon, I like it to hit hard but have fairly limited ammo so it's an emergency "kill the thing in front of me" weapon. The rifle and the pistol share ammo for now, right? It might alleviate the rifle being better if they have seperate ammo times, like maybe the rifle gets the standard 5.56 magazines, but the pistol takes .45 mags or something.
Last edited by -Ghost- on Thu Jul 21, 2016 1:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Led's Generic Weapon Mod (Updated 20th July)

Post by JohnnyTheWolf »

Kind of... now, it looks like Doomguy is doing the Black Power salute. :P

As much as I appreciate the gesture, I believe he should be punching forward, not upward.
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Re: Led's Generic Weapon Mod (Updated 20th July)

Post by LedIris »

-Ghost- wrote:Quick punch is cool, though I've honestly never been a fan of infinite ammo weapons. If a pistol has to be a backup weapon, I like it to hit hard but have fairly limited ammo so it's an emergency "kill the thing in front of me" weapon. The rifle and the pistol share ammo for now, right? It might alleviate the rifle being better if they have seperate ammo times, like maybe the rifle gets the standard 5.56 magazines, but the pistol takes .45 mags or something.
My plan with the pistol was to make it a low-damage but infinite ammo last resort weapon, with its own benefits such as fast firing speed & reloading speed. :D And yeah, the rifle & pistol share the same ammo at the moment.
What I could do is make .45 ammo and have it replace the clip, but replace the clip with a random spawner that will rarely replace the clip with 5.56 rifle mags. :) I'm worried that, if I make the Pistol have too little ammo, that it will become even more useless. The infinite ammo idea is to make the Pistol a bit more useful than normal. :wink: I appreciate your idea, though! I might make the rifle+pistol ammo system work like it does in Weapons of Saturn, where clips are randomly replaced with rifle mags or pistol clips. (I don't want to replace custom monsters in this mod, so I'm working with everything I have at the moment :) )
JohnnyTheWolf wrote:Kind of... now, it looks like Doomguy is doing the Black Power salute. :P

As much as I appreciate the gesture, I believe he should be punching forward, not upward.
Here's a better one then. :)

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Re: Led's Generic Weapon Mod (Updated 20th July)

Post by -Ghost- »

Yeah, I always thought Weapons of Saturn handled the pistol pretty well. It packed more of a punch than the default pistol, and with the higher fire-rate it was able to drop anything up to a Cacodemon or so without too much hassle.
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Re: Led's Generic Weapon Mod (Updated 20th July)

Post by Captain J »

LedIris wrote:Here's a better one then. :)
Yes, now that's better.
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Re: Led's Generic Weapon Mod (Updated 20th July)

Post by LedIris »

-Ghost- wrote:Yeah, I always thought Weapons of Saturn handled the pistol pretty well. It packed more of a punch than the default pistol, and with the higher fire-rate it was able to drop anything up to a Cacodemon or so without too much hassle.
Well, my idea with the pistol was to go infinite ammo but make it more of a last-resort reliable panic weapon. In WoS, I think the pistol used 15 rounds at some point in its development and had high rate of fire but with lower damage compared to other weapons. I could do the same as that. :) I'm stuck between this idea or the infinite ammo idea. :oops: It seems going down the WoS-esque route would probably work. Maybe make the pistol ammo quite common and the rifle ammo quite rare, so that people would make less use of the rifle in order to save ammo. Let me know what you think. :)

EDIT: Poll added to first post for your thoughts on the Pistol Ammo idea. :)
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Re: Led's Generic Weapon Mod (Updated 20th July)

Post by JohnnyTheWolf »

I do not like the idea of an infinite ammo weapon and I do not mind the pistol as it currently is.
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Re: Led's Generic Weapon Mod (Updated 20th July)

Post by patrik »

I voted for infinite ammo.
LedIris, I suggest you to reformulate first poll option; that it is meant to be as infinite ammo reserve only, but with limited mag capacity. Otherwise, some people may think it is meant as entirely infinite. :)
JohnnyTheWolf wrote:I do not like the idea of an infinite ammo weapon and I do not mind the pistol as it currently is.
But if it was kept as it is, then what would be motivation behind using it? When rifle shares the same ammo type and surpasses it in every aspect?

I think one problem that arises from giving pistol infinite ammo is that patient players would use it for sniping at distant projectile based enemies. This could be IMO alleviated by making pistol less accurate than rifle.
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Re: Led's Generic Weapon Mod (Updated 20th July)

Post by LedIris »

patrik wrote:I voted for infinite ammo.
LedIris, I suggest you to reformulate first poll option; that it is meant to be as infinite ammo reserve only, but with limited mag capacity. Otherwise, some people may think it is meant as entirely infinite. :)
JohnnyTheWolf wrote:I do not like the idea of an infinite ammo weapon and I do not mind the pistol as it currently is.
But if it was kept as it is, then what would be motivation behind using it? When rifle shares the same ammo type and surpasses it in every aspect?

I think one problem that arises from giving pistol infinite ammo is that patient players would use it for sniping at distant projectile based enemies. This could be IMO alleviated by making pistol less accurate than rifle.
Reformulated poll option. :)
If it was kept as it is, I think what I would do is make pistol ammo much more common compared to the rifle ammo, which would be a bit rarer, and hold less maximum ammo compared to pistol. This would make the rifle less used so that players would have to conserve ammo. Their reward would be an accurate, high rate of fire weapon. :wink:

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