-Ghost- wrote:Quick punch is cool, though I've honestly never been a fan of infinite ammo weapons. If a pistol has to be a backup weapon, I like it to hit hard but have fairly limited ammo so it's an emergency "kill the thing in front of me" weapon. The rifle and the pistol share ammo for now, right? It might alleviate the rifle being better if they have seperate ammo times, like maybe the rifle gets the standard 5.56 magazines, but the pistol takes .45 mags or something.
My plan with the pistol was to make it a low-damage but infinite ammo last resort weapon, with its own benefits such as fast firing speed & reloading speed.

And yeah, the rifle & pistol share the same ammo at the moment.
What I could do is make .45 ammo and have it replace the clip, but replace the clip with a random spawner that will rarely replace the clip with 5.56 rifle mags.

I'm worried that, if I make the Pistol have too little ammo, that it will become even more useless. The infinite ammo idea is to make the Pistol a bit more useful than normal.

I appreciate your idea, though! I might make the rifle+pistol ammo system work like it does in Weapons of Saturn, where clips are randomly replaced with rifle mags or pistol clips. (I don't want to replace custom monsters in this mod, so I'm working with everything I have at the moment

JohnnyTheWolf wrote:Kind of... now, it looks like Doomguy is doing the Black Power salute.
As much as I appreciate the gesture, I believe he should be punching forward, not upward.
Here's a better one then.