Wow, I can still remember my Zdoom login :D

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Re: Wow, I can still remember my Zdoom login :D

Post by Jimmy »

welcome back again Mr. Alyus :D
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Re: Wow, I can still remember my Zdoom login :D

Post by TheDarkArchon »

Sorry, I'm kinda lost. Is this the "2000's ZDoom reunion thread"?

Good to see you still kicking about, Lexus. I'll add my voice to the list of folks that say "Continue with ROTGS2".
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Re: Wow, I can still remember my Zdoom login :D

Post by DoomRater »

If it's a reunion thread we need Hotwax.
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Re: Wow, I can still remember my Zdoom login :D

Post by Captain Ventris »

Scuba Steve wrote:
"Hay guys, I'm going to jump back into Doom modding with a 32 level megawad."
And here's Scuba, always quick at identifying the best element of a given thread. ;)

Welcome back, it's been ages! We really do always come back, huh?
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Re: Wow, I can still remember my Zdoom login :D

Post by Caligari87 »

I certainly hope so. All things considered, this is my internet home and it's always great to see people come back.

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Lexus Alyus
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Re: Wow, I can still remember my Zdoom login :D

Post by Lexus Alyus »

Viscra Maelstrom wrote:wow, the stuff you have on Soundcloud is really good. :) i can see how you did music from Stronghold, i remember some space-y DNB stuff in there from when i played it quite a long time ago.

you must've been working on stuff like this for quite a long time, right? i'm only about 3 years of experience myself, most of it being with MIDI. i've been lazy with uploading recent stuff, but i have most of my good stuff on my tumblr page here.
Cool, glad you like my music :). I've been making music since 2000, so I have a good 15 years experience :D I've also studied music and I have half a degree for music production. Making music is one of the most natural things I can do. Midi is a good place to start. That's where I started and I still heavily rely on the piano roll way of editing even now. Like Doom, midi will never die :D.

Heh @ Skuba Steve :D. I know where you're coming from but I think I can hack it :D. I've added a map to the list, it's going to be a 33 level megawad now :D. Doom mapping is dead easy, so there's no excuses for me not to get lots of levels done :D. All the resources are in place, I just need to get the mapping done. I'm a hard worker :D

Wow, so many old faces, it's good to read from all of you :D

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Re: Wow, I can still remember my Zdoom login :D

Post by Ixnatifual »

Welcome back! I remember ROTGS having pretty amazing atmosphere, although I never liked the stealth Revenants.
Loved your music also. :)

I don't do much mapping these days. I just hang out a little and play the works of others.
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Re: Wow, I can still remember my Zdoom login :D

Post by BouncyTEM »

Well, hey. There's a name I haven't seen in ages!

Welcome back, Lexus.

Add another voice to the "yes, please do ROTGS2" list. :P
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Re: Wow, I can still remember my Zdoom login :D

Post by Scuba Steve »

Hay, go for it! I'm sure you can make it. I just thought it was funny that your first return project is a 32 map megawad.
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Re: Wow, I can still remember my Zdoom login :D

Post by Lexus Alyus »

Heh, that's fair enough :D

And greetings to yet more familiar faces :D It's kinda cool that most of you guys have kept the Doom torch burning 8-)

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Re: Wow, I can still remember my Zdoom login :D

Post by Ixnatifual »

Absouloutouely. :D
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Re: Wow, I can still remember my Zdoom login :D

Post by Cardboard Marty »

Welcome back! I don't think we ever interacted but I definitely remember seeing a lot of you around here! Hope to play your mapset soon!
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Re: Wow, I can still remember my Zdoom login :D

Post by Lexus Alyus »

Hi, although it may not be ready THAT soon :D (the first level is done, just starting on the second level, so it's progressing at a good pace)

On a side note I just played through the WIP of ROTGS 2 and I'm stumped why I never finished it... It's stupid, because I actually thought the most recent level I was working on was crap, but upon re-playing it it's just as good as Daedalus or anything in the sci-fi/space theme done in Zdoom around 2005 (I personally think it's better :D). I'm really starting to realise that misplaced low self esteem is a bitch...

If I can get hold of a version of ACC for OS X then I think I may resume work on ROTGS 2 sooner than I expected.


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