"Lines" or "Sides"? The world may never know.

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"Lines" or "Sides"? The world may never know.

Post by edward850 »

Nevander wrote:When you join sectors, they both become the same sector as far as the map is concerned, which means they will both be at the same height and have the same flats and light level, but the sidedefs textures can be different. This is mostly used to "pack" sectors or create dummy sectors for use outside of the map.
You are explaining the right thing in the most horribly wrong way. There is no "both sectors" when you join them, there is only one sector at this point and it's all due to the line references. Remember sectors don't exist tangibly in Doom maps, so what joining does is make all the lines share one sector reference across all selected lines, regardless of where they are.
Nevander wrote:So joining makes sectors share the same sector number
Lines. You made the lines have the same sector numbers.
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Re: "Merge" and "Join" Sectors?

Post by MaxED »

Sides, Edward. Sides...
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Re: "Merge" and "Join" Sectors?

Post by edward850 »

It's 8 in the morning. Lines and sides are pretty much the same thing at this hour. :P
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Re: "Merge" and "Join" Sectors?

Post by Matt »

Nevander's original explanation was perfectly intelligible, and never actually used the phrase "both sectors" to mean both sets of lines that have become parts of the same, merged/joined sector.

(Thanks for that explanation, too! I always thought "merge" was what is known as "join" and "join" just meant putting the lines together so the boundary lines would be 2-sided lines common to both sectors, which resulted in a bit of awkwardness when using "merge" on some control sectors...)
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Re: "Merge" and "Join" Sectors?

Post by Nevander »

edward850 wrote:
Nevander wrote:So joining makes sectors share the same sector number
Lines. You made the lines have the same sector numbers.
Yes, but they still will appear as the same numbered sector within DB. So sector 1 is made, then sector 2. Join sector 2 to sector 1, both are now the same and are now both sector 1. It makes more sense to me when I'm editing a map to think of them as numbered sectors as the editor tells you.
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Re: "Merge" and "Join" Sectors?

Post by edward850 »

Yes, that is exactly what happens. That's not actually what you wrote originally, however, as you were still describing joined sectors as distinct entities. In fact you still kind of did. There's no "both" the moment you join them, as there is no other sector at that point. You've just destroyed all references to the other sectors.
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Re: "Merge" and "Join" Sectors?

Post by Nevander »

edward850 wrote:Yes, that is exactly what happens. That's not actually what you wrote originally, however, as you were still describing joined sectors as distinct entities. In fact you still kind of did. There's no "both" the moment you join them, as there is no other sector at that point. You've just destroyed all references to the other sectors.
Yes I understand that, and I thought that's how I described it. When I said "both," I meant more visually speaking (both as in the main sector you joined the other one to). Maybe saying both "parts" of the same sector would have been better wording. Either way, yes, this is what I meant originally.
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Re: "Merge" and "Join" Sectors?

Post by Matt »

There is no human reading of that paragraph that would make you say that they were still actually 2 different sectors.

This is pedantry of the worst sort.
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Re: "Lines" or "Sides"? The world may never know.

Post by wildweasel »

edward850 wrote:
Nevander wrote:When you join sectors, they both become the same sector as far as the map is concerned, which means they will both be at the same height and have the same flats and light level, but the sidedefs textures can be different. This is mostly used to "pack" sectors or create dummy sectors for use outside of the map.
You are explaining the right thing in the most horribly wrong way. There is no "both sectors" when you join them, there is only one sector at this point and it's all due to the line references. Remember sectors don't exist tangibly in Doom maps, so what joining does is make all the lines share one sector reference across all selected lines, regardless of where they are.
Nevander wrote:So joining makes sectors share the same sector number
Lines. You made the lines have the same sector numbers.
I'm disappointed in how this discussion has gone.

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