What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

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Re: What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

Post by scalliano »

TBH I'll only form an opinion of this game when I get my hands on the single player. That said, I've been having fun with the beta, even though my MP arena game of choice is still Q3A. I'll never get used to loadouts, frankly. I can understand them in games like CoD/BF, where all of the guns have are very slight variations of each other, but in a game like DOOM (or even Quake Live, for that matter) which have the so-called "standard FPS" armoury, they have to be rebalanced (ie nerfed) in order to keep things even. I've never come across as limp a dick of an RL in all my years of gaming. But I like the movement and the free-flowing nature of the levels, and not a chest-high wall in sight. Getting a bit of a frame dip on my 2x GTX970's when things get busy, but hopefully the final game ships with a proper options screen.

But what the hell are all these Destiinysis power suits all about? Where's the Doomguy's standard fatigues at? If I wanted to dress up like Isaac Clark, I'd ... nvm.
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Re: What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

Post by Project Shadowcat »

Ehhh, it's alright.
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Re: What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

Post by BFG »

I actually didn't realize that it was the new Doom at first, it sadly looks like any other shooter that came out in the last couple of years, is it bringing anything new to the table as far as competitive game modes, aside from the extra gore? I know the single player game-play looks miles better and fresh though!
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Re: What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

Post by Arctangent »

scalliano wrote:I've never come across as limp a dick of an RL in all my years of gaming.
I'm seriously wondering if nobody's played TF2. Sure, TF2's rocket launcher does more damage, but the classes in that game have more health, and it's still general a two-shot on a full-health guy with direct hits.

Main thing that TF2's rocket launcher has on this new Doom's is the fact that its splash damages drops to like 60% minimum, instead of 0%.

( that said, the rocket launcher SOUNDS like a limp dick, but it's still pretty effective in terms of rocket launchers that don't one-shot peeps for being in the explosion range )
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Re: What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

Post by Nevander »

TheMightyHeracross wrote:I have no idea how anyone could confuse it for Halo (besides MP armor), let alone COD.
How do you not see the Halo and CoD elements bleeding right through the screen? Doesn't help that idTech looks a lot like the Halo Engine now. If they took out the double jumping and mantling it would instantly be better.
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Re: What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

Post by JimmyJ »

Arctangent wrote:
scalliano wrote:I've never come across as limp a dick of an RL in all my years of gaming.
I'm seriously wondering if nobody's played TF2. Sure, TF2's rocket launcher does more damage, but the classes in that game have more health, and it's still general a two-shot on a full-health guy with direct hits.

Main thing that TF2's rocket launcher has on this new Doom's is the fact that its splash damages drops to like 60% minimum, instead of 0%.

( that said, the rocket launcher SOUNDS like a limp dick, but it's still pretty effective in terms of rocket launchers that don't one-shot peeps for being in the explosion range )
That also leaves out the insane utility of rocket jumping, which is pretty core to good soldier play and doesn't exist at all in Doom 4 afaik.
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Re: What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

Post by Arctangent »

Nevander wrote:How do you not see the Halo and CoD elements bleeding right through the screen? Doesn't help that idTech looks a lot like the Halo Engine now. If they took out the double jumping and mantling it would instantly be better.
Yes, because that's what everyone thinks of when they think Halo and CoD. Truly, CoD is a wonderful example of highly vertical deathmatch, allowing you to take leaps and bounds above higher obstacles while gunning down people with the height advantage.

We also know that Sonic was a slow, deliberate platformer just like Mario where you jump on enemies. Sure, there were some romps where you could just run through the levels, but the pace was at a pleasant, lackadaisy pace with plenty of floating blocks to break for powerups.
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Re: What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

Post by edward850 »

It's even my egregious when you realise that Halo is already an indirect decedent of Doom, as it was a derived from Marathon which in turn was basically a Doom clone for Mac in terms of gameplay. The very thing you claim Doom4 to be ripping off is already Doom derived.

That's right. You have actually been indirectly calling Doom4 an iteration of classic Doom this whole time.
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Re: What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

Post by Nash »

Don't care, won't play the game until the full product is out. If I wanted free for all aerna shooter's there's plenty already to choose from, Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, Xonotic, Nexuiz and like ten billion others
Edward850 wrote: We often wonder if the people who aren't having fun are the same people who aren't winning.
You don't say?

EDIT: I watched one video and saw the player do doodle broom fatality's... is the player invulnerable while that animation is happening or can another person interrupt the animation and kill the executor? What happens to the victim of the fatality then? Who gets kill credits for what?
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Re: What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

Post by Nevander »

Arctangent wrote:
Nevander wrote:How do you not see the Halo and CoD elements bleeding right through the screen? Doesn't help that idTech looks a lot like the Halo Engine now. If they took out the double jumping and mantling it would instantly be better.
Yes, because that's what everyone thinks of when they think Halo and CoD. Truly, CoD is a wonderful example of highly vertical deathmatch, allowing you to take leaps and bounds above higher obstacles while gunning down people with the height advantage.
Look up Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. That's where my standpoint comes from.
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Re: What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

Post by leileilol »

Nash wrote: is the player invulnerable while that animation is happening or can another person interrupt the animation and kill the executor? What happens to the victim of the fatality then? Who gets kill credits for what?
The damage isn't done until the animation is done, and it's possible to save someone out of a melee jam by shooting the fuckerdude. The victim lives.

I know because i've saved some and i was also saved while i saw at myself nearly getting killed by a motionblurry chokeslam

also this game has a LOT of big flare's and motion blur's and reflection's
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Re: What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

Post by Arctangent »

There's even a whole mini achievement for saving a teammate from being glory killed.
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Re: What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

Post by Jeimuzu73 »

It's fun, but as a noob, I get absolutely wrecked in almost every game. My main loadout is the plasma rifle and lightning gun because I can just hold the trigger and hose the area at close-range.
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Re: What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

Post by Viscra Maelstrom »

edward850 wrote:It's even my egregious when you realise that Halo is already an indirect decedent of Doom, as it was a derived from Marathon which in turn was basically a Doom clone for Mac in terms of gameplay. The very thing you claim Doom4 to be ripping off is already Doom derived.

That's right. You have actually been indirectly calling Doom4 an iteration of classic Doom this whole time.
doesn't Halo play very differently from Doom though? Marathon being a Doom clone aside, if Doom 4 takes elements from Halo, which plays very differently from Classic Doom, isn't it more Halo-derived as a result of borrowing features from that game? not that i really get the Halo feel from this game though, or COD for that matter. what i've heard is that it's kind of like it because of loadouts and experience system, of which i cannot comment on since i'm not a MP gamer.

however, it feels kind of weird that they're advertising the multiplayer so hard and leaving the single-player in the dust. wouldn't it have made sense to have a portion of the singleplayer in this open beta, given Doom is also a very single-player heavy game?
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Re: What are Your thoughts on the DOOM Open beta?

Post by edward850 »

They wanted to advertise the beta. From this point they'll be showing off everything else.
Viscra Maelstrom wrote: doesn't Halo play very differently from Doom though?
Not really. Except maybe 5. Keep note that "not exactly the same" isn't the same as apples to oranges. Welcome to the grey area. Besides, which Halo specific mechanic has been taken? Regen health doesn't exist here, your armor is also still collection based. Inventory doesn't belong to Halo at all and ROTT would like a word with you about two weapon slots (and that's only relevant to specfic multiplayer modes).

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