Pol-correct language

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Re: Pol-correct language

Post by Laggy »

Ok, I'll be honest, I think people should learn to "absorb" verbal offense eventually. Otherwise they'll be emotionally weak and freak out to anything someone says. If you feel pain by someone using the word "right" as synonym of "true", well... With all due respect... You're weak.
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Re: Pol-correct language

Post by DoomRater »

There's a time and place to choose which words you use. Your fucking code comments are one such place. After all, if it's not helping a future programmer understand why you wrote something the way you did, and shoving offensive material for the sake of cracking jokes...
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Re: Pol-correct language

Post by Matt »

DoomRater wrote:There's a time and place to choose which words you use. Your fucking code comments are one such place. After all, if it's not helping a future programmer understand why you wrote something the way you did, and shoving offensive material for the sake of cracking jokes...
Did He Who Must Not Be Named post here? Or is this just a generic "your"? (that said, I agree with your actual point which is pretty much the entire purpose of taking reasonable care to eliminate offensive slurs from one's environment.)

Big C:

I've never seen the point of going to church without Christ, the Resurrection and the Cross, so I misread your church stuff as being motivated by some level of seeking God.

If you're strictly looking to do secular good, though, then joining a church for that is kinda like using a screwdriver tape measure to pound nails. I'm sure any major, highly secularized American city has more than enough organizations (religious or not) that have very specific charitable or social justice aims so that you know going in that they'll have a specific thing to do instead of faffing about with theory (unless that is their mandate in which case that too will be known going in).

As for the church size thing, fwiw the parish I'm at has ~50-70 active members including children and babies and I'm always feeling a bit lost when I'm at the bigger Russian or Greek cathedrals for major feasts, so yeah I get that.
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Re: Pol-correct language

Post by DoomRater »

Well, I won't name names, but I've done it myself (and this was the reason I got a 20 on a programming paper in trade school- most of my comments had nothing to do with the code AND since I slipped in movelists for Nightmare, with an overly Christian programming instructor... you get how well that worked out)

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