What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by Redfox123 »

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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by leileilol »

's socko mandible claw
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by shotfan »

Oberron wrote:As the title implies, here goes the most overpowered weapon:
Explosive Shotgun (from Die Hard Trilogy)
What are your most overpowered weapons to use?
Kudos for mentioning an obscure game from my childhood. However, ES is only overpowered in the Die Hard 1 part, where it has a blast radius worthy of grenade launcher (yeah, try to save hostages from executions with that!). In Die Hard 2 part, it does not really differ from a normal shotgun (the one with blue shells; BTW - what the hell the green shells do?!)
Grey Rook wrote: Man, do I have entries for this list. I'm going to start small and mention the Bishop B.A.D.A.S.S. from the Guncaster mod, which makes the user immune to hurt floors, greatly increases damage resistance, amplifies melee attacks to the point of instagibbing Revenants and Hell Knights, and adds a pair of arm cannons that fire weaker versions of the mod's BFG's shots.

Weaker is relative, mind you; it still fires enemy-piercing energy balls that violently explode when they hit a wall, dealing massive damage both times. Oh, and it doesn't use ammunition; it runs off of the character's mana supply which regenerates on its own over time. And its secondary fire summons an airstrike that can twoshot a Cyberdemon. The author even stated that it's deliberately overpowered.
You forgot to add that it also augments your flight capability. Oh, and it also regenerates your health (around 1HP/sec.) :lol:
I tried to reason with Pillowblaster to nerf Bishop just a bit, but, he is not changing it. Well, that is his mod, he can do with it whatever he wants. Besides - what did you expect from the guy behind Russian Overkill (I am not opening that can of worms!)?
But yeah, the suit is so f****** powerful you do not even need weapons anymore. I did a test: Ultimate Doom II (http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=46911), map 08, Dragon difficulty with DoomKrakken's Monster Randomizer (http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=49524,) unarmed only (which meant: Bishop suit on, gauntlets on, kicks, Berserk, Ancient Amplifier and Meteorfist allowed). No quicksaves.
Result: over 700 dead monsters in around 40 minutes. I did not even use armcannons or the airstrike. What a blast. "Killing punches, no weapons", indeed :twisted: (or, as they would say in Miami: "Tony OP, please nerf")

Now, my candidates:
- Colt Commando from Max Payne: ALWAYS works. And you get it halfway through the game. Even though the Pancor Jackhammer (automatic shotgun) is the last weapon obtained (around 80% into the game) and clearly supposed to be superior in close combat (which is what 90% of Max Payne consists of), it does not really perform to the expectations. Why? Jackhammer kills in one or two shots, but only at close range. Colt Commando? Three, four tops, while it has superior range, accuracy, rate of fire and magazine capacity. So using the former is handicapping yourself. Yeah. Oh, and ammunition for Jackhammer is scarce, while half of the enemies in Act 3 drop CC magazines.
TL; DR: Max Payne's Colt Commando is EZ mode.
(It only got worse in the sequel, where you get a M4 and Striker instead of CC and Jackhammer, respectively. Mainly because Striker does shit damage even up close and has worse rate of fire than its predecessor.)

- M60 from Metal Gear Solid 4 or Ultimate Brutal Arsenal (Brutal Doom weapons pack): well, generally the machine guns in any shooter are going to be overpowered if the developers do not give them serious drawbacks (like slower aim or movement, limited inventory space, recoil etc.). Let's see: powerful, long range, huge ammo capacity, good rate of fire, decent accuracy. If it is not a tank, you are good to go.
In MGS4 M60 can be outfitted with a scope - voila, you have a sniper machine gun! (that is not a joke, the gun has really good accuracy) In UAB, it just stunlocks and murders everything. It was the same story with Far Cry's or Black's SAW... and those did not even had a stock, and still had tolerable recoil! What the heck! I could go on and on... Oh, screw this.
Last edited by shotfan on Fri Apr 22, 2016 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by Ravick »

Reactor wrote:Well, it would be the Anti-matter beam from the TC we're making. Since antimatter and "normal" matter annihilate each other when they meet, I can't really envision anything more destructive currently.
You see... if you shoot it in a place that has atmosphere, the bean would imediatley react and annihilate itself with the air, and the resulting energy would make a strong cold explosion just in front of you! :o


Also, my vote goes for the beta BFG. Imagine 40 plasma beans per shot?!
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by Jeimuzu73 »

The Black Hole Generator from Project Brutality. I spammed black holes at the IOS's brain in the Starter Pack and killed it in seconds.
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by shotfan »

MJ79 wrote:The Black Hole Generator from Project Brutality. I spammed black holes at the IOS's brain in the Starter Pack and killed it in seconds.
I think that is more because IOS is immobile. He is screwed as long as you do not fool around. At least Cyber and Spider have to be lured onto the black hole beforehand. Being big has its disadvantages.
As for the BHG itself: it is the slowest weapon (needs about 4 seconds to charge up before fire, when the ordinary BFG only 1 second), consumes 100 cell units per shot, the black hole projectile is slow as well, and also takes time before its effect fully kicks in. Not an overpowered weapon for me. IMO, OP is something so versatile that you do not need anything else to win.

As for Project Brutality, I nominate the HMG. This weapon belongs to the machine gun category I described perviously, but this is a real monster! About the only situations in which it is not a overkill is sniping or finding yourself in an ambush. Otherwise, it will make a mincemeat of everything. And it has plentiful ammo. It really needs a nerf (like consuming 2-3 bullet units per shot, just like in the case of Revolver).
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by Redfox123 »

the sniper rifle in my A.K mod
man that thing is op gotta patch it some time
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by osjclatchford »

killer quake pak nuke.
arctic warfare magnum, counterstrike.
nearly everything in ro or gc... :wink:
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by DARK BARON »

the devastator on sv_fastweapons 1 (herculines doom upgrade)
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Re: What is the most overpowered weapon in your opinion?

Post by Reactor »

Ravick wrote: You see... if you shoot it in a place that has atmosphere, the bean would imediatley react and annihilate itself with the air, and the resulting energy would make a strong cold explosion just in front of you!
Yes, this is very true, no wonder anti-matter weapons are confined mostly to space-battle themed games! Heh...I guess the technicians at Zicca finally found out a way to solve these problems and make this weapon more or less stable and usable. Well, after the first prototype has failed, and annihilated most of their fellow eggheads, they had no choice but making this weapon usable. If they dilly-dally around too much by starting a new concept right from the drawing board, FireScape would probably out-do them by the time they think up something different, seeing that how many times the Sonic wave oscillator was safer than their super-duper new toy :D
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