ARACNOCIDE 2.8 (Updated 06/AUG/24)

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Re: Aracnocide [11/01/20] 3 New Classes!

Post by openroadracer »

Tc_667, the VP70 getting a stock and burst-fire are already in the mod.

That said, Tc's got a point. Bunch of weapon upgrades are little more than just "guns akimbo, that's your upgrade". Honestly, I'd like some more variety. M712 getting a stock and 20-round external box mag instead of its current akimbo upgrade would be a start. The Vladof Type 21 could do better by being converted into an RPK-style light machine gun with drum magazine. The STG-44 could get the compensator and scope from Medal of Honor: Airborne. The Mosin-Nagant, instead of getting a scope, should get the ability to reload all at once with strip clips. The Vz. 61 Skorpion could get a reflex sight and have its wire stock folded out. The TEC-9 could get a wire stock and an extended magazine(32 rounds, maybe?). The Glock 17 could be converted into a Glock 18, with 33 round magazine and a stock.

Just something else besides just another "akimbo" upgrade.
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Re: Aracnocide [11/01/20] 3 New Classes!

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Tc_667 wrote:i got some ideas about weapon upgrades
i see that most of the upgradeable weapons consist of just putting guns akimbo in it
so what do i got?
Keep up the good work!
openroadracer wrote: That said, Tc's got a point. Bunch of weapon upgrades are little more than just "guns akimbo, that's your upgrade". Honestly, I'd like some more variety.
Just something else besides just another "akimbo" upgrade.
All of these ideas are very very very interesting, guys. :)

I really needed more suggestions for new weapons, as one of my future objectives was to give at least 20 weapons per class. So after that, i think it'll be worth the effort for the next update =)

(AbsoluteN7 will KILL me for altering the arsenal so quickly...)
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Re: Aracnocide [11/01/20] 3 New Classes!

Post by jdredalert »

Simon's pipebombs are pretty much the same as Blake's TNTs, even code-wise. Why don't you use those caltrops you showed me?
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Re: Aracnocide [11/01/20] 3 New Classes!

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »


Yeah, YukesVonFaust brought this up to me too... and i think you guys are right, i should clean those traces of laziness. I will try to code something (i might need authorization from somebody too), but thanks for the suggestion man, much appreciated!
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Re: Aracnocide [11/01/20] 3 New Classes!

Post by jdredalert »

No problem, this is something i wanted to say for a while now, but was lacking free time to do it. ;)
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Re: Aracnocide [11/01/20] 3 New Classes!

Post by GoldenGuard95 »

GAA1992 wrote:
Tc_667 wrote:
(AbsoluteN7 will KILL me for altering the arsenal so quickly...)
Yes. Yes, i will. :P
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Re: Aracnocide [11/01/20] 3 New Classes!

Post by openroadracer »

Oh, yeah, something else I should have mentioned: That perforated thing on the end of the PPSh-41? That's actually NOT the barrel of the gun, it's a heat sink or heat shield or something like. I mention this because Mikhail Kalichev's PPSh has a fully hollow heat shield, as if the gun has no barrel at all. It's kinda odd to me.
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Re: Aracnocide [11/01/20] 3 New Classes!

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Thanks for reminding me that! ZikShadow brought this and other issues to me. I unfortunately can't do too much right now because i took my notebook to fix the broken screen and it might take me one more week to get it back.

But thanks for the feedback ;)
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Re: Aracnocide [11/01/20] 3 New Classes!

Post by theroguemonk »

thanks for weapons being seperate from monssters i realy dont like the monsters.. they dont do justice to the awesome weapons pack.
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Re: Aracnocide [11/01/20] 3 New Classes!

Post by LossForWords »

maybe make simon's pipebombs shoot out bits of shrapnel with low bounce.
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Re: Aracnocide [11/01/20] 3 New Classes!

Post by saladofstones »

Love the option for no auto-reload! Just wanted to give some feedback

1.) The claymore for Mikhail is pretty much useless, I find that its way too hard to set them up to do any damage. The real-life claymore is a directional explosive, which is triggered via detonator. I don't know if this goes against the idea of it, but the idea of tthem being directional explosives may work better.

2.) The double-barrel shotgun for blake still automatically reloads when pressing the fire button, even with auto-reload disabled

3.) The venom gun is pretty awkward to use, the delay between the spinup and the firing (along with it being uninterruptible, makes it rather dangerous to use) makes it really awkward.

4.) This may be just me, but the rifles tend to not do a lot of damage, or at least nearly the damage needed to make them worth using.

5.) This is a matter of preference, but is there anyway to have the old unreliable lighter for the molotov cocktail? It made using it that much more hilarious.
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Re: Aracnocide [11/01/20] 3 New Classes!

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

saladofstones wrote:Love the option for no auto-reload! Just wanted to give some feedback

1.) The claymore for Mikhail is pretty much useless, I find that its way too hard to set them up to do any damage. The real-life claymore is a directional explosive, which is triggered via detonator. I don't know if this goes against the idea of it, but the idea of tthem being directional explosives may work better.

2.) The double-barrel shotgun for blake still automatically reloads when pressing the fire button, even with auto-reload disabled

3.) The venom gun is pretty awkward to use, the delay between the spinup and the firing (along with it being uninterruptible, makes it rather dangerous to use) makes it really awkward.

4.) This may be just me, but the rifles tend to not do a lot of damage, or at least nearly the damage needed to make them worth using.

5.) This is a matter of preference, but is there anyway to have the old unreliable lighter for the molotov cocktail? It made using it that much more hilarious.
Now that i've got my notebook back, i'll be able to resume my mod activity ;)

1 - It works pretty same as Marion's altfire for the mine. Again, sorry for making it so rushed and not "new", but i was running out of time, and the claymore was the closest thing i could give to Mikhail (even though the real claymore comes back from the 50's basically). I also REALLY REALLY REALLY regret not giving Mikhail a 1916 Fedorov Automat as the Assault Rifle weapon, because it fits the role perfectly!

2 - Not only Blake's SSG, but Derrick's SSG too. This can be explained simply: Both guns don't call a dryfire state when out of ammo. I'll tinker with that and see if it doesn't break stuff.

3 - i believe the gun is vulnerable when spinning. Calling A_WeaponReady might solve that.

4 - Believe it or not, rifles make revolvers completely obsolete, sometimes losing it to the revolver's rate of fire (in some rare cases, even DPS). That, and other issues discussed with Zikshadow (such as "why you drop revolver ammo on 9mm spots, but never drop a revolver per se") led me to think on a way to make revolvers appear more frequently than rifles, so the player might have a good time.

Of course, nothing is perfect. If you haven't got any revolvers and need submachinegun/light pistol ammo, you're gonna have a bad time. Also, in Doom 2 the rifle will be easily obtained if you find a Blursphere. But the Blursphere isn't really a mapper's favorite, so it feels better in custom mapsets.

5 - I knew i had another CVAR idea and lost it to my head. Thanks!

Please keep the feedback coming. Aracnocide still has stuff to show. ;)
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Re: Aracnocide [11/01/20] 3 New Classes!

Post by sotenga »

Cosmo, this is a very rad and incredibly intimidating mod. I'd like to figure out a good map-pack to play for it that heightens the fear factor of being marauded by giant insects.

That said, I have a dumb question: Are the Aracnocide enemies meant to be fought with some degree of autoaim on? I find my shots are missing them a LOT. I'm wondering if this is intentional, since it feels that with your relatively limited amount of ammo, it makes Aracnocide feel more like a survival horror mod where you need to make every shot count. However, if you recommend autoaim be added, then let me know. You might have gotten a question like this before, and I apologize if so, but I admittedly can't be arsed to page through 26 pages to find out, haha.

Or else you can tell me I suck and I need to get better. :V Either or, I'm impressed with the weapon variety among the different classes and the premise of the enemies, so keep it up!
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Re: Aracnocide [11/01/20] 3 New Classes!

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Thanks for the feedback my friend!

On the enemies aspect, i am going to tell you the truth: It's been a LONG time these complaints about the enemies being too small are around, and i haven't took the task of rewriting the code and reorganizing them seriously, because i even took the complete version down.

So don't sweat it, you are not bad, the enemies are a product of my old bad coding. I would even recommend trying out the weapons pack with different monster packs, such as Shades of Doom (one of my favorites), the all new Rampancy, Doomkrakken's pack and so on.

Map packs, well, I've never found a perfect one, but user Kinsie once suggested on Discord that Aracnocide goes nicely with the Project S, that you can find on the idgames archives.

Hope you enjoy all classes while playing and, stay around for possible future updates ;)
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Re: Aracnocide [11/01/20] 3 New Classes!

Post by SLON »

As already mentioned, the extended magazine and buttstock for the M712 would be much nicer. In addition, I would raise the ammo supply to about ~100 rounds (albeit when using the extended mags update), since it "eats up" quite quickly.
In addition, the revolving shotgun reloads rather slowly. I think it would be logical to add speedloaders (at least as an update, and for a "dry" reload).
Other thoughts:
1. I think it would be right to be able to interrupt reloading for "round-to-round" guns (such as the shotguns or the "Mare's Leg" M1873 carbine).
2. I don’t know how appropriate this is, but I think it would be not bad to be able to defuse and reuse those mines that did not explode.
3. And, this is probably outside the main topic, but I wonder if it would be possible to get the opportunity to use all the guns at once, outside the class limits?

Speaking of maps... Well, in my opinion, it looks great with Epic 2, I think there is no need to explain why.
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