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You Want Melee Weapons, I'll Give You Melee Weapons!
Yeah don't bother trying to pronounce the acronym as a word :)
I always liked the idea of using melee weapons in doom but felt that some mods that touted melee as being the prime focus either were too underpowered compared to the ranged weapons or too awkward to use due to lack of range or other mechanics getting in the way. So I decided to learn a bit about coding weapons myself (thanks to the forums and other places online) and make a batch of weapons fitting in most melee archetypes. I tried to balance said weapons around doom's original weapons but right now all of them have the combat effectiveness of the rocket launcher and plasma rifle, with the exception of the BFG replacement which, duh is as powerful as the BFG. This mod has no real common theme or story or anything to it, I just want to get some feedback on how the weapons work and if any balance changes are needed, so excuse the placeholder sprites.
The weapons you'll find
The Knife - chainsaw replacement One of the shorter ranged melee weapons in this wad, and deals the lowest amount of damage per swing but is very fast and its alt fire allows you to throw one of the knives out as form of ranged attack, also clip drops are replaced with throw able knives, knives that fly sideways, but still knives.
The machete - shotgun replacement A basic melee weapon that deals a sizable amount of damage to most of the enemies in the game as well as having decent range, the alt fire cause you to lunge forward damaging any enemies that are in your way, plus you scream, screaming makes you way cool :)
Board and Sword - supershotgun replacement A round shield that allows you to block almost all damage coming in from the front, just don't expect to block full sized rockets, cause they're like big, and explosive. It also comes with this sharp thing that allows you hurts enemies with but who wants to do that.
Spear - chaingun replacement A wooden pole with a sharp piece of metal strapped on the end, truly one of mankind's greatest creations, despite touting the lowest damage per second of all the weapons, it does have the longest range, allowing you to poke shotgunners with them shooting you fully in the face, now it's only a little bit in your face
Da Hammer - rocket launcher replacement A large one handed hammer that allows you to smash things, the alt fire causes you to scream (again) and strike the ground that cause damage to all enemies within the perfect circle radius of damage, seriously, how do you draw a perfect circle with a hammer smashing the ground when i can't draw one with a pencil, unfair.
Katana - plasma rifle replacement A totally awesome word that cuts things, it also inflicts multiple damage hits and swing because you know, gameplay variety
BFS - BFG replacement The BFS is like the BFG except instead of an G it's an S, which makes it the BFS instead of the BFG(note not actually that big due to sprites)
Stuff I hope to add soon
Custom Sprites for all the weapons, right now ALL sprites are placeholders, hell, i didn't even properly translate the colors with the sword and shield, and the hammer.
3 tier system with the weapons, basic ones that don't ammo (like emergency or backup weapons), up to really complicated ones with multiple attacks or abilities that utilize some type of limited ammo system
Player starts out with something else than the fist and pistol (still uses the base character for startup)
Add a chainsaw and fist replacement of some type
Maybe not make the weapons as overkill :)
Better, varied sounds
More ideas for the todo list
Screenshots, Enjoy them 1920 x 1080 screens :D
Xim - for the machete and knife sprites and sounds
Aluqah - for the sword and shield sprites
Capstone Software - Witchhaven weapon sprites
Raven Software - hexen weapon sprites
ID software - making doom exist
Anybody else that I more than likely forgot about when making the credits section
This is cute as a proof of concept, and I'll let the placeholder graphics slide, but there's nearly no meaningful difference between most of these weapons, or much purpose to using most of them, when a single machete charge almost kills most things outright! The weapons are in general way too powerful and long ranged. I get that you're trying to address that melee-based mods (I assume you mean stuff like GMOTA and Demonsteele) feel like they have underpowered melee, but wow geez at this point I'm literally touching it with a 10-foot pole.
While melee is sometimes underpowered in mods that don't focus on it, everything's way too strong and similar here. I appreciate the effort put forth into the alternate attacks, but aside from, say, the single target damage of the BFS and the AOE of the hammer (and that's pretty iffy) there's barely any reason for you to do anything but charge in screaming like a madman with the machete. Keep at it, though. Maybe someone else can give better feedback. Also, welcome to the forums.